Urban Brown Plank Kährs Beyond Retro Hardwood
Urban Brown Plank is inspired by golden sunshine reflected in a big city park. The gentle staining creates a natural and light feeling, in lovely balance with the knots and cracks of the wood and the ultra matte finish.
Dimensions: 5/8" x 7 3/8" x 89 1/4" - 1/8" Wear Layer
Construction: 1 Strip Plank
Species/Design: White Oak Engineered Hardwood
Coverage: 27.3/SQ.FT
Edge Style: Micro-Beveled Edges / Micro-Beveled Ends
Finish: Silk Matte
Install Method: Woodloc® 5S
Where to install: All Grade Levels
Surface Type: Brushed
Warranty: 25 Years
SKU: 151N9AEKP4KW220
Coordinating Trim and Accessories
Applicable to:
Kährs 7mm LIFE Collection 1/4” Kährs 13mm CANVAS Collection 1/2” Kährs 13 mm TRES Collection 1/2”
Note: These directions are based on industry standards and best practices. Warranty coverage may be lost due to failure to strictly follow all installation instructions and recommendations and/or the use of improper materials or tools. For complete warranty information visit www.kahrs.com or call 1-800-800-5247.
Owner/Installer responsibility
The installer and customer must both ensure the product meets their expectations regarding appearance, quality, and grade prior to installation. The installer must use reasonable selectivity and set aside or cut off pieces with deficiencies, whatever the cause. Should an individual piece be doubtful as to grade, manufacture, or factory finish, the installer should not use the board.
Prior to installation of Kährs flooring, the installer must ensure that the jobsite and subfloor meet the requirements of these instructions. Floor failure resulting from unsatisfactory jobsite and/or subfloor conditions is not covered under warranty.
Any decision not to proceed must occur within the first 10% or 100 square feet of flooring installed, whichever is less. Once installed, any board is considered as having been accepted by the installer and owner, even if the owner is absent at the time of installation. Please see Kährs Wood Floor Guarantee document for more information.
The owner must maintain the flooring in accordance with Kährs Wood Floor Care guidelines, including maintaining recommended temperature and relative humidity levels year-round.
Always store the hardwood flooring in dry conditions and do not open the cartons until just before installation.
Interior Conditions
• Kährs products must be installed only in a climate-controlled environment, with doors and windows installed and operational HVAC system.
• Wood flooring should be one of the last items installed for any new construction or remodel project. All work involving water or moisture should be completed before flooring installation.
• Relative Humidity at the job site must be, and remain, in the range of 30% - 60%. Temperature setting must be, and remain, in normal operating range of 55oF - 85oF. Test and record (photograph) RH readings in each area where Kährs products will be installed.
• Warning - humidity levels below 30% will likely cause movement in the flooring, including possible dry cupping, face checking and gapping between planks.
Exterior conditions
• Carefully inspect the outside surroundings for improper drainage and predictable or obvious sources of moisture. The yard should be graded (at least 6” in 10 ft.) to slope away from the foundation. Be sure that gutters and eaves sufficiently prevent rain from penetrating the foundation.
• Under the house: In homes with crawl space or pier-beam foundations, foundation vents must provide cross- ventilation with no dead air space. Vents should be located throughout the foundation with an opening area equal to 1.5% of the square-foot area within the crawl space. If excessive moisture exists underneath the house, you must lay a 6-mil black polyethylene moisture barrier on the ground in the crawl space below the installation area.
• Basement should be free of all moisture and be weather tight. Relative Humidity of basements should not be more than 10% higher than the upper floors.
• Exterior site/structure issues are NOT the responsibility of the flooring contractor/installer or Kährs.
Moisture and testing
The installer must confirm subfloor moisture conditions are suitable before installing any hardwood floor.
Wood subfloor moisture must read under 12% and differential between boards and subfloor must be less than 4%. Concrete subfloor must be fully cured and at least 60 days old. Evaluate several areas, especially near exterior walls and walls containing plumbing. Document and keep all results.
Acceptable test methods for concrete subfloor moisture content include:
• TRAMEX Concrete Moisture Encounter Meter: Moisture readings should not exceed 4.5 on the upper scale. Concrete Moisture Meters give qualitative reading results-not quantitative ones. These results are a quick way to determine if further testing is needed.
Note: The following tests are required in residential/commercial applications. Either or both tests are acceptable.
• Calcium Chloride Test (ASTM F 1869): The maximum moisture transfer must not exceed 3 lbs./1000 ft2 in 24 hrs. (2lbs./1000 ft2 for Radiant Heat installations).
• RH Levels in Concrete Using In-situ Probes (ASTM F 2170) should not exceed 75%.
Preparation and specifications
A floor can only be as good as the subfloor allows. All subfloors must be clean, structurally sound, dry, and flat. Address any movement, delamination, squeaks/noise, water damage, physical damage, etc. prior to installation. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any debris and dirt.
Subfloor flatness is different from ‘level’. Level is typically not necessary, but it is extremely important to level the subfloor to achieve the flatness of an 1/8” in an 8’ radius. Check this by using the edge of a Kährs plank to find any high or low spots. Sand or grind high areas or joints. Fill low areas with a latex additive cementitious leveling compound of 3,000-PSI minimum compressive strength patch and underlayment. For more information on how to correct subfloor flatness, see NWFA Installation Guidelines.
Note: Subfloor deflection and movement are the main cause of squeaking floors. If subfloor deflection exists measures must be taken to correct. Check NWFA guidelines for joist spacing and plywood thickness.
All Kährs wood products installed over wood subfloors, lightweight or standard density concrete subfloors, or other existing floors with the float-in method must have Kährs ECO+, COMBO or QuietStride underlayment. QuietStride does not come with vapor barrier built-in, add 6mil polyethylene film for installations over concrete slab.
Ceramic tile, resilient tile and sheet vinyl must be well-bonded to subfloor, in good condition, clean and flat. Never install a new wood floor over an existing floating floor or carpet pad.
Please refer to ‘NWFA Wood Flooring Installation Guide’ for more information on subfloor types and recommendations.
For installations over subfloors with Radiant Heat, please refer to ‘Kährs Radiant Heat Special instructions’ guide at www.kahrs.com
Kährs ECO+ Underlayment with Vapor Bloc
Install Kährs ECO+ underlayment with the film side up and in the same direction that the flooring is to be installed. ECO+ is an approved underlayment for Radiant Heat applications.
⋅ Be sure the sub-floor is clean and dry.
⋅ Roll out one section of the Eco+ with Vapor Bloc parallel to the wall and in the same direction as you plan to install the wood flooring. The product will roll out with the Vapor Bloc film up and the foam side down to the sub-floor.
⋅ Next install the wood planks atop the underlayment in accordance with the specific installation instructions for that product. Be sure that you can still see the edge of the underlayment so that you can properly line up the next roll.
⋅ Install the next section of underlayment, butting the foam underlayment seams together. Remove the release film and press the overlapping Vapor Bloc film into the pre-applied adhesive, making certain the film is securely bonded to the adjacent section of underlayment. Repeat the above steps until the installation is complete.
Kährs QuietStride 2.0
When installing over a concrete subfloor, a Class I impermeable vapor retarder is always recommended under the QuietStride acoustical underlayment.
QuietStride with 6 mil polyethylene plastic is approved for float-in Radiant Heat applications.
⋅ First install 6 mil polyethylene plastic loose-laid, seams overlapped 8”. Run plastic up the wall 2” (trim excess after installation, before installing trim). Loose-lay QuietStride on top of plastic, wall to wall, and butt all seams together.
⋅ No vapor retarder is necessary when installing over a conditioned basement or other space maintained at the same temperature and humidity as the space where Kahrs flooring is being installed.
Kährs COMBO-System Underlayment
Combo-System Underlayment is also approved for Radiant Heat applications.
The width of a row of Combo-System Underlayment is comprised of 40” of underlayment plus an 8” overlap flap. The overlap flap guards the flooring from moisture at the seams, where the rows of underlayment are laid side by side. The overlap flap has a peel and stick strip to aid the installation process.
⋅ Layout 1st row of underlayment (logo side down, blue side up) with the overlap flap facing the starting wall. Allow the underlayment to wrap up the wall, on the ends, approx. 2”.
⋅ Reach under and grab the overlap flap and pull it up so it lies against the starting wall. Trim this overlap flap back to leave approx. 2” of plastic up the wall.
⋅ Lay 2nd row of underlayment flush to first. Make sure the overlap flap is next to 1st row, and the ends wrap up the walls. (If flooring installation has already begun, make sure to stop the flooring approx. 8 inches from the side of the underlayment to allow for the installation of the overlap flap.)
⋅ Again, reach under and grab the overlap flap. Pull the flap up and fold it back to expose the peel and stick strip. Remove the white protective cover from the adhesive strip. Lay overlap flap across the 1st row of underlayment and press into place. Do NOT overlap underlayment. Overlap flap only.
⋅ Cover the entire floor area and run the underlayment up the perimeter walls approximately 2”. This provides a secure enclosure for the flooring. After the floor is installed and before the installation of the baseboards, the excess underlayment should be trimmed to the height of the floor surface.
Important: Kährs does not guarantee the performance of any non-Kährs branded underlayment.
For subfloor and environmental specifications see Jobsite Conditions / Subfloor Requirements section or visit www.kahrs.com
• Do not open packages until you are ready to begin installation!
Inspect boards as you go. Kährs flooring is sealed at the factory with a 7% moisture content. Opening cartons to acclimate the flooring (as with some solid strip flooring) could result in a difficult installation.
• It is the installer’s responsibility to be aware of the grade, Relative Humidity of the room, and Moisture Content of the subfloor. You should check that each plank is free of damage or manufacturing defects. Any unusable boards should be set aside for later replacement.
• When possible, preselect and set aside boards that blend best with all horizontally mounted moldings (reducer/stair nose etc.) This will ensure a uniform final appearance. Install these boards adjoining the moldings.
• Always install the floor from several cartons at the same time to ensure good color and shade mixture.
• Cut door jambs after subfloor leveling is completed.
• Do not use rubber mallets or hammers on the finished edge of the floors.
• Kährs Flooring is approved for installations in ½ bathrooms only (no bathrooms including showers or bathtubs).
Layout And Expansion
• Never attach any permanent object through the flooring, affixing it to the subfloor. Kitchen cabinets with heavy countertops should never be installed on top of the floating wood. A floating floor must be free to expand and contract in all directions. Installation of cabinets on top of a floating floor does not invalidate Kährs Guarantee, but if such floor requires repair under warranty, Kährs will not be responsible for removing/replacing the cabinets.
• Maximum connected area dimensions for a 5G floating floor are 80 ft. across the width and 160 ft. lengthwise. Connected area is defined as all areas connected without a break. Kährs requires to break the area with a T-molding only when the connected area exceeds the defined dimensions above.
• Kährs requires 1/16” of expansion space for every 3’ of Connected Area Width or 9’ of connected area Length. This expansion space must be left around all walls, doors, and obstructions. Minimum expansion requirement is 1/2”.
Required Expansion Reference Chart
Connected Area WIDTH Required Expansion Space* Connected Area LENGTH Required Expansion Space*
Up to 24’ 1/2” Up to 72’ 1/2”
24’-40’ 3/4” 72’ to 120’ 3/4”
40’ -80’ 3/4” - 1 5/8” 120’ to 160’ 1 1/8”
• A minimum of one end joint is required in every row, regardless of width (e.g., hallways).
• Stagger the end joints randomly, at a minimum of x=18” for 15/13mm floors, x=12” for 7mm Life floors (Pic. 1)
• We aim to manufacture boards that are slightly convex lengthwise to make the floor easy to install (Pic. 2)
Start in corner and lay the first board with tongue side toward walls with tongue cut off. (Fig 1). Proper expansion space can be achieved by pulling the floor away from the wall once the first three rows have been installed. Place wedges to restrain movement and maintain expansion gap. For proper expansion refer to calculation worksheet.
Kährs Woodloc 5G employs a locking pin (Fig. 1, 2) to
engage the short end of boards. Hold second board against first board at approximately a 20º - 30º angle. Lay second board flat. Once in place, press firmly until an audible click is heard. This will ensure the boards are locked together.
Once the complete row is installed as described above, the cut off piece at the end of the row can be used as a starter board for the next row, providing joints in the adjacent row are staggered a minimum of 25% of the length of the board. Example: 8’ board = 24”, 6’ board = 18”, 4’ board 12”. Starter boards should be a minimum of 12”. (See Layout section)
The boards must be inserted into the long joint first at approximately a 20° to 30° angle and then moved flush with the short joint of the previously installed board. Once the board is firmly placed against the short joint of the existing board, tap in the long joint with a knocking block to ensure that it is fully engaged, and press it into place. It is important to press down on the board until you hear the audible ‘click’. (Figs 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) Continue installing the boards in the same manner paying attention to the end joint staggers.
Disengaging Boards
Boards can be laid from all directions if necessary. Woodloc® 5G dismantles easily. This enables easier planning for difficult installation areas. To disengage locked boards, first detach the entire row and place on flat surface. Push or tap in opposite directions until boards unlock.
If doorjambs need to be cut, use a piece of board and piece of underlayment to obtain correct height (Fig 14).
If a new board needs to be tapped into place, be sure to protect edges with a scrap of wood before tapping with handblock.
If boards cannot be easily angled under door frame or similar, cut away locking edge as shown in Fig 15, then apply Landobond Adhesive (or any adhesive designed to glue T&G) and install board as shown in Fig 16.
Remove expansion spacers and reinstall base and/or quarter round moldings to cover the expansion gap.
Use a soft brush vacuum attachment or soft broom to remove dust and dirt regularly during installation and upon completion. When installation is complete, vacuum the floor and clean it with Kahrs Cleaner and a microfiber mop or cloth. NEVER wet mop floor.
See Kährs Floor Care Guide & Lifetime Guarantee for full details (available at www.kahrs.com).
Note: Oil Finish Floors must be oiled with Kährs Satin Oil immediately after installation and prior to use.
Maintain the Relative Humidity levels within 30%-60% range. Damage caused by failing to maintain the proper humidity levels is not manufacturing related and will void the floor’s warranty.
Instructions for the board replacement can be found at www.kahrs.com
Vacuum or clean floor regularly using dry dust mop or cloth, use Kährs Wood Floor Cleaner as needed. Do not use oil soap or water-emulsion, self-polishing waxes or water mixed with vinegar. NEVER wet mop floor. Place Floor Protectors on furniture legs to prevent damage. See Kährs Floor Care Guide & Lifetime Guarantee for full details (available at www.kahrs.com).
Adhesive Tape on Kährs Floors:
The use of adhesive tape on any Kährs floor for any reason is not recommended and is not covered in our warranty. After installation, if a protective cover over the floor is needed, cover the floor completely. Do not use plastic. Any protective covering should be taped, using a low-adhesion tape, to base or shoe moldings. When taping paper or sheets together, tape them to each other, not to the floor. NEVER apply tape to the finished flooring. Do not allow the floor covering to sit on the installed floor for an extended period.
Additional Finishing Coating:
For additional wear protection, a waterborne urethane finish is compatible with Kährs factory finishes. Contact Arboritec or Bona Kemi USA, Inc. for recommended products, application, and warranty information. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for recoating a prefinished wood floor. Kährs does not guarantee the performance and/or durability of these products.
Applicable to:
Kährs Avanti 13mm 1/2”
Kährs Original 15mm 5/8”
Kährs Supreme 15mm 5/8”
• Kährs Combo-System Underlayment
Combo Foam Underlayment System with Overlap: The width of a row of Combo-System Underlayment is comprised of 40” of underlayment plus an 8” overlap flap. The overlap flap guards the flooring from moisture at the seams, where the rows of underlayment are laid side by side. The overlap flap has a peel and stick strip to aid the installation process.
1. Layout 1st row of underlayment (logo side down, blue side up) with the overlap flap facing the starting wall. Allow the underlayment to wrap up the wall, on the ends, approx. 2”.
2. Reach under and grab the overlap flap and pull it up so it lies against the starting wall. Trim this over lap flap back to leave approx. 2” of plastic up the wall. (Use this cut off section to repair damage in the underlayment as needed*, see note below).
3. Lay 2nd row of underlayment flush to first. Make sure the overlap flap is next to 1st row, and the ends wrap up the walls. (If flooring installation has already begun, make sure to stop the floor ing approx. 8 inches from the side of the underlayment to allow for the installation of the overlap flap.)
4. Again, reach under and grab the overlap flap. Pull the flap up and fold it back to expose the peel and stick strip. Remove the white protective cover from the adhesive strip. Lay overlap flap across the 1st row of underlayment and press into place.
5. Continue this procedure row by row until the entire floor area is covered.
*Note: When connecting a new roll of underlayment to the end of the roll you are working on, or for repairing any tears or cuts in the underlayment; overlay the butt joints or the damaged area with a spare piece of overlap plastic. This spare piece should overlay by approx. 8”. Hold the spare piece in place with tape. Do NOT overlap underlayment. Overlap flap only.
Cover the entire floor area and run the underlayment up the perimeter walls approximately 2”. This provides a secure enclosure for the flooring. After the floor is installed and before the installation of the baseboards, the excess underlayment should be trimmed to the height of the
floor surface using a fine trimming blade. The use of the Combo-System Underlayment is also approved for Radiant Heat applications.
• Kährs Eco+ Underlayment with Vapor Bloc
Kahrs Eco+ underlayment can be installed utilizing the floating or nail-down installation method with the film side up, fabric size down. NOTE: Nail-down installation method compromises the vapor barrier. Do NOT glue down Eco+ with Vapor Bloc. Eco+ without Vapor Bloc film is available for glue down installation. For more information contact Kahrs customer service at 800-800-5247.
1. Be sure the sub-floor is clean and dry.
2. Roll out one section of the Eco+ with Vapor Bloc parallel to the wall and in the same direction as you plan to install the wood flooring. The product will roll out with the Vapor Bloc film up and the foam side down to the sub-floor.
3. Next install the wooden planks atop the underlayment in accordance with the specific installation instructions for that product. Be sure that you can still see the edge of the underlayment so that you can properly line up the next roll.
4. Install the next section of underlayment, butting the foam underlayment seams together. Remove the release film and press the overlapping Vapor Bloc film into the pre-applied adhesive, making certain the film is securely bonded to the adjacent section of underlayment. Repeat the above steps until the installation is complete.
5. Be sure to allow appropriate expansion gaps at the perimeter and any vertical fixed objects as specified in the installation instructions.
Important: Kährs does not guarantee the performance of any non-Kährs branded underlayment.
Required Expansion
Purpose: To ensure proper expansion space around all walls, doors, and obstructions.
Required Expansion
Rules: 1)
2) Kährs requires 1/16” of expansion space for every 3’ of Connected Area width or 9’ of Connected Area length (whichever is greater). This expansion space must be left around all walls, doors and obstructions. Minimum expansion requirement is 1/2”.
No connected flooring can span greater than 80’ in width or 160’ in length.
Notes: 1)
2) Connected area is defined as all areas connected without a break. If Room A and Room B both are to have flooring installed and are directly connected, or connected by a hallway, with-out a t-molding, the connected area is the width of both Room A and Room B, and the hall way (if applicable). Obstructions can include cabinets, islands, and the wall opposite the start-ing wall in the same room, if the flooring continues to another room without a break. Multiple calculations may need to be made to best determine the amount cut from the starting row.
The direction of the flooring must be determined prior to calculating the required
expansion space. The Connected Area width is parallel to the board width. The Connected Area length is parallel to the board length.
Required Expansion Reference Chart
Connected Area Width Required Expansion Space* Connected Area Length Required Expansion Space*
Up to 24’ 1/2” Up to 72’ 1/2”
24’-40’ 3/4” 72’ to 120’ 3/4”
* Determine the required expansion space for both width and length, then use the larger of the 2 on all sides, and around all obstructions.
Important Installation Notes
Please see our website - www.kahrs.com for Kahrs Floor Care Guide and Lifetime Guarantee. Installation:
Maximum room dimensions for a Woodloc® 5S floating floor are 80’.across the boards or 160’. lengthwise. Floors exceeding either of these dimensions require use of “T-Molding.”
A minimum of one butt seam is required in every row, regardless of width (e.g. hallways).
Never attach any permanent object through the flooring, affixing it to the subfloor. A float-in floor must be free to expand and contract in all directions.
Kahrs Flooring is approved for installations in ½ bathrooms only (no bathrooms including showers or bath tubs)
Expansion in Large Areas:
You may be able to attain the necessary added expansion by trimming the wallboard (i.e. sheetrock) or raising baseboards before installing floor. This will allow the floor to expand underneath the wall.
complete information please refer to Required Expansion Reference Charts on pages 8 and 9 in the Layout section of this Guide. A Kährs floor requires 1/16” expansion for every 3’ across width and 1/16” expansion for every 9’ along length. For example, a 28’ x 28’ space requires an expansion gap of 9/16” around the edge of the flooring.
Adhesive Tape on Kährs Floors:
The use of adhesive tape on any Kährs floor for any reason (i.e. to fasten temporary protection) is not recommended and is not covered in our warranty.
Additional Finishing Coating:
For additional wear protection, a waterborne urethane finish is compatible with Kährs factory finishes.
Contact Arboritec (1-877-416-5972) or Bona Kemi USA, Inc. (1-800-574-4674) for recommended products,
application and warranty information. Follow manufacturers instructions for recoating a prefinished wood floor. Kährs International, Inc. does not guarantee the performance and/or durability of these products.
• For subfloor and environmental specifications and requirements, see Jobsite / Subfloor Preparation section. Floating installation requires the use of Kährs Approved Underlayment Systems. Refer to Underlayment section of this Guide.
• Kährs flooring is covered by a Limited Lifetime Warranty. However, Warranty coverage may be lost due to failure to strictly follow all installation instructions and recommendations or the use of improper materials or tools. READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.
• Do not open packages until ready to begin installation! Inspect boards as you go. Kährs flooring is sealed at the factory with a 7% moisture content. Opening cartons to acclimate the flooring (as with some solid strip flooring) could result in a difficult installation.
• As an installer, it is your responsibility to be aware of the grade, Relative Humidity of the room, and moisture content of the subfloor. You should check that each plank is free of damage or manufacturing defects. Any unusable boards should be set aside for later replacement.
Step 1
Start in corner and lay first board with tongue side toward walls (Fig 1). Proper expansion space can be achieved by pull-ing floor
away from wall once first three rows have been installed (reference Step 6). For proper expansion refer to calculation worksheet.
Step 2
Kährs Woodloc 5S employs a locking pin to engage short end of boards. Ensure locking pin is in proper alignment - parallel to board edge and flush or slightly protruding (1/16” or less) from wear layer on long side of board
Step 3
Hold second board against first board at approximately a 20º - 30º angle. If locking pin is not positioned correctly board will not engage. Lay second board flat.
Step 4
Engage locking pin to secure second board. Note: There are three (3) methods for engaging locking pin:
1. Use Kährs Knocking Block SKU 710266
2. Use Kährs Lock/Unlock tool to push locking pin into locked position as shown in .
3. Use standard size utility knife to engage pin as shown in Fig. 5. With knife blade in retracted position, run knife along inside of groove to push locking pin into locked position.
* Locking pins in first row can be engaged as second row boards are installed, however best results may be obtained by using method 1 or 2, thereby locking first row boards as you go.
Step 5
Install second row boards as shown in . If possible, start second row with left-over piece from last board of first row. Hold board at approximately a 20º - 30º angle to board in front. Press forward to engage joint and lay flat on floor. Continue until entire second row is installed. End joints must be staggered by at least 20”. Butt seam must be placed in each row regard less of width, e.g. hallways.
Step 6
When three rows have been laid, pull floor away from starting wall until there is proper amount of expansion space. Place expansion shims between floor and wall to maintain this space, as shown in ., then continue installation as described.
Step 7 - Custom Fitting First or Last Rows
If first (or last) row must be cut to match crooked wall, first disengage row of boards adjacent to crooked wall by gripping long side and pulling upward while simultaneously giving long joint a light
tap along entire length. Now trace shape of wall onto first/last row boards, making sure space is allowed for expansion. Saw to shape.
Float-In Installation for Woodloc®
Step 8
After sawing row to shape, engage and lock all end joint locking pins and lift entire row and reinstall to adjacent row . Slide rows back into position against wall. Place expansion shims between floor and wall.
Step 9
If doorjamb (or similar) needs to be cut, use piece of board and piece of Combo Underlayment to obtain correct height . If new board needs to be tapped into place, be sure to protect edges with scrap of wood before tapping with handblock.
If boards cannot be easily angled under door frame or similar, cut away locking edge as shown in . Then apply Landobond adhesive and install board as shown in .
Float-In Installation for Woodloc® 5S
Disengaging Boards
Boards can be laid from all directions if necessary. Woodloc® 5S dismantles easily . This enables easier planning for difficult installation areas. To disengage locked boards, first detach entire row and place on flat surface. Using Kährs Woodloc Handbloc, tap on exposed groove or tongue until boards unlock.
After Installation
Clean floor using dry dust mop or damp (lightly misted or well rung out) mop or cloth. Regularly use Kährs Wood Floor Cleaner for best results. Do not use oil soap or water-emulsion, self polishing waxes. NEVER wet mop floor. Place Peel & Stick Floor Protectors on furniture legs to prevent damage. See Kährs Floor Care Guide & Lifetime Guarantee for full details (available at www.kahrs.com). For prefinished oiled floors, please refer to Natural Oiled Floors Maintenance and Rennovation Procedures at www.kahrs.com
Clean floor using dry dust mop or damp (lightly misted or well rung out) mop or cloth. Regularly use Kährs Wood Floor Cleaner for best results. Do not use oil soap or water-emulsion, self polishing waxes. Never wet mop floor. Place Peel & Stick Floor Protectors on furniture legs to prevent dam-age. See Kährs Floor Care Guide & Lifetime Guarantee for full details (available at www.kahrs.com).
NOTE: Oiled floors must be oiled with Kährs Satin Oil (710553) after installation and prior to use.
Recoating your Kährs Floor
Kährs floors can be renewed without removing the factory finish. As a floor ages, normal wear and tear will cause a floor to lose its luster. This is natural - it happens to all wood floors. To renew the luster and extend the wear layer of the Kährs floor, recoat with water based urethane coating.
Recoating should be done when necessary. Don’t wait until the finish has worn down. Call your professional flooring contractor for recommendations as soon as you see a wear pattern developing.
Additional Finishing Coating:
For additional wear protection, a waterborne urethane finish is compatible with Kährs factory finishes. Contact Arboritec (1-877-416-5972) or Bona Kemi USA, Inc. (1-800-574-4674) for recommended products, application and warranty information. Follow manufacturers instructions for recoating a prefinished wood floor.
Wood floors and underfloor heating are often combined nowadays and work well together. The heating system used – electrical or water – is of no significance to the wood floor. The underfloor heating system must deliver no more than 80 W/m2 evenly distributed. The surface temperature of the floor must never exceed 81°F. This applies even next to/above radiator pipes, above pipe runs and under carpets, furniture etc.
In a standard insulated house, with a properly functioning underfloor heating system, the temperature of the floor surface is generally 2°C higher than the room temperature. In a warm water underfloor heating system, the flow temperature is usually 7–12°C higher than the floor’s surface temperature.
The installation instructions for each type of floor also apply to installation over underfloor heating. This section discusses issues particular to wood floors over underfloor heating.
Specific requirements for wood floors over underfloor heating:
• The floor construction must have a heat-distributing layer that gives a very even temperature across the entire floor area, in order to avoid excessive temperatures near the heat source.
• The entire living area must be heated. However, this does not apply
to comfort heating systems, which complement the normal heating. The temperature in this case is significantly lower than the permitted 81°F at the floor surface.
• The floor covering (including intermediate layer) should have a low thermal conductivity.
• It must be possible to control and limit the surface temperature very accurately.
• Moisture content of lightweight concrete subfloor must not
exceed 2lbs. on a dry-weight basis at time of flooring installation (calcium chloride test).
• Concrete must have been installed and cured at least four (4)
weeks with no heat transference.
• Heating system should then be run at 2/3 maximum output for minimum of two (2) weeks to allow any remaining moisture to evaporate, attaining its final moisture content without causing damage.
• Three or four days before flooring installation, heating system must be reduced to suitable temperature (about 64º F or 18º C).
• The installed floor’s temperature must never exceed 81°F. This also
applies under carpets and furniture.
• A vapor barrier must be built into the floor construction. This should be as close to the wood floor as possible. It is particularly important that the vapor barrier is close to the wood floor if the structural floor is thick or heavy. Under no circumstances must the vapor barrier be on the opposite side of the structural floor.
• The wood floor must lie tightly to the substrate, without air gaps that may cause substantial drying of the wood.
• Provided the conditions above are met, both warm water and electrical underfloor heating systems are suitable for use with Kährs wood floors.
Floating installations require the use of Kährs Combo or Eco+ underlayment. QuietStride underlayment needs to be installed over 6 mil plastic. These products are warranty approved for Radiant Heat installations.
Hard Maple (Canadian Maple) and Beech floors expand and contract more than other species. Kährs does not recommend the use of Beech or Maple over Radiant Heat.
Kährs Original 15mm 1.15R
Kährs Avanti 13mm 1.12R
Kährs Life 7mm .34R
Combo System Underlay .39R
QuietStride Underlay .40R
Beginning approximately two (2) days after installation is complete, gradually (over period of one week) raise temperature of heating system to its desired operating level.
Surface temperature must never exceed 81º F (27º C).
Kährs has been manufacturing multi layer wooden floors of the highest quality for more than 70 years.
We are very proud of our products, which have a factory surface treatment and a wearing layer. Together with a complete care and maintenance programme, this allows Kährs to offer a wear warranty of 25 years for 13 mm Canvas products.
This warranty is an improvement on the rights enjoyed by the customer in accordance with current national consumer legislation and without prejudice to statutory implied conditions and warranties.
1. The warranty applies to finished multi layer wooden flooring (three layers or more) in Kährs’ original packaging bought 1999-08-01 or later. The guarantee applies to floors installed in homes and on condition that Kährs’ laying, care and maintenance instructions for the floor have been adhered to throughout the warranty period.
2. The warranty covers wearing through the wearing layer of the multi layer boards where the damage exceeds an area of 10x10 mm.
The wearing layer is formed by the surface treatment and the entire layer of hardwood.
3. The warranty does not apply in the case of lack of or insufficient maintenance, spot wear, scratches, negligent use, use contrary to Kährs laying, care and maintenance instructions, other neglect, damage or special circumstances which can be attributed to the end user.
Instructions with regard to laying, care and maintenance are enclosed with the product when it is delivered. If the instructions are lost, a new copy can be obtained directly from Kährs, or the nearest dealer. (www.kahrs.com)
4. The warranty is valid for twenty five (25) years for 13 mm Canvas products, from the date of purchase.
5. Kährs will remedy faults for which it is responsible as specified above free of charge by repairing the fault or supplying a new product at its
own discretion. If the product sold cannot be manufactured any longer or is no longer in stock, Kährs reserves the right to supply another similar product.
The warranty does not cover any costs arising as a result of interference with anything other than the product in connection with dismantling or installation of the product or other costs or damage which arise in connection with appearance of the fault.
Kährs is not responsible for any damage occurring either directly or indirectly, or consequential losses arising from faults which are covered by the warranty. In no event shall Kährs liability under this warranty for any claim exceed the price paid by the customer for the product.
Nothing in this Section 5 shall be regarded as in any way limiting or excluding any liability Kährs may have to the customer under any
relevant statutory regulations concerning product liability.
6. Complaints in respect of faults which are covered by the warranty must be sent in writing to Kährs’ dealer without delay, within 30 days from the time the fault is first noticed. If a complaint is not made in time, Kährs warranty obligation lapses.
The complaint should be accompanied
by proof of purchase and a photograph of the damage.
Quality that will last, and that’s not a promise – it’s a guarantee.
How long will a parquet floor last? Not even an expert can be sure just by looking at it. But now you can be sure with Kährs. No one gives you a more comprehensive guarantee than we do. That’s because there is only one way to manufacture parquet flooring with the quality that Kährs insist upon.
Hundreds of people and thousands of eyes scrutinise every piece of wood that goes into Kährs parquet flooring. They select the trees in the forests, guide the saw blades in our saw mills, examine each board to find the perfect raw materials and inspect every inch of flooring before it is delivered. Of course, we have high-tech machines – but we still rely on the human eye to match the different hues, structures and qualities that make Kährs parquet unique. And we do it because that is the only way we can guarantee you will still be just as happy with your floor in thirty years from now.
People like us, who have been working with wood for generations, are not as tolerant as Mother Nature. We know that the natural fibres in wooden flooring cannot be allowed to swell and shrink with the changing seasons as they do out in the wild. That’s why we bond layers of real wood at right angles to one another to build parquet flooring that will keep its shape in all weathers, all year round.
In 1941 Gustaf Kähr, from the third generation of a Swedish timber-processing family, patented this
construction which ever since has formed the basis for Kährs parquet flooring.
The joints, adhesive and lacquer have been gradually perfected over the years, but it is still the expert eyes of hundreds of experienced men and women, selecting and inspecting a genuine wood product, that make sure that Kährs parquet is quality parquet.
And that’s not a promise – it’s a guarantee.
To retain their original durability and beautiful appearance, Kährs wood floors must be maintained following a simple regime. We have the strongest floor finish on the market, which reduces the risk of micro scratches – the tiny, irritating scratches that can appear in the finish surface when, for example, furniture with worn protective pads is dragged across the floor. Kährs Acrylic Finish makes the surface easy to care for because stains have difficulty adhering.
Meanwhile, Kährs Woodloc® 5G and Woodloc® 5S joints produce tight, barely visible joints, which is also an advantage in cleaning and maintenance. The elasticity of the Kährs surface treatment is designed to follow the wood’s natural movements between summer and winter, whether the boards are factory finished or oiled. All this means that a Kährs floor is easy to maintain.
Stained products lose their original color when their surfaces are renovated. This should be kept in mind when maintaining the floor. Materials used for maintenance are uncolored.
Particular consideration must also be given to products with a special finish.
For daily cleaning, use dry methods, e.g. vacuuming or micro mop.
Make sure that the surface is free from any dirt or debris that may scratch the surface, by vacuum cleaning or dry mopping. Dissolve the Cleaner in lukewarm water according to dosage information on the bottle. – or use the ready-to- use Kährs Spray Cleaner.
Damp-clean the floor as necessary using a well- wrung mop or floor cloth. Only dampen the floor
slightly. The film of water left by the floor cloth must dry within a minute. Do not allow spilled water to remain, especially on Beech and Hard Maple (Canadian Maple) floors because they are particularly sensitive to moisture. The frequency of damp cleaning depends on the usage and soiling.
Note: Never pour water onto wood floors. Use a cloth dampened with water and squeezed dry.
Remove stains as soon as possible following the advice given below.
Use strong stain-removers with care, because using too much or rubbing too hard can affect the finish.
Asphalt, rubber, oil, shoe polish, soot and dried residues of chocolate or grease. Alcohol, petroleum ether or similar.
Crayons, lipstick, felt tip pens. Alcohol.
Candle wax, chewing gum. Freeze-spray or put a plastic bag of ice cubes on the mark. Then scrape off carefully.
Blood. Cold water.
Asphalt, rubber, oil, shoe polish, soot and dried residues of chocolate or grease. Mineral spirits.
Crayons, lipstick, felt tip pens. Candle wax, chewing gum.
Blood. Mineral spirits.
Freeze-spray or put a plastic bag of ice cubes on the mark. Then scrape off carefully.
Cold water.
About this Engineered Hardwood Floor
Kährs has a broad assortment of wood floors for all preferences such as Urban Brown Plank Kährs Beyond Retro Hardwood. Few other design features can define or coordinate a home as well as a carefully chosen floor, which has the power to lift any interior. Kährs' passion for wood floors is manifested in the outstanding design, technical performance, and superior quality of their products. They constantly explore new ways of achieving perfection – striving to create the most beautiful and sustainable flooring in the world.
Kährs has been working with wood for more than 160 years and is today one of the oldest and most innovative manufacturers of engineered wood floors in the world.
Learn more about Kährs hardwood on Kahrs.com