Casabella Vinyl

La Jolla Casabella ScubaSeal Vinyl Plank

$72.76 $47.26 Carton  $2.78  Sq/Ft Sale

Discover the refined and genuine appearance of hardwood with La Jolla ScubaSeal® Rigid Core vinyl plank flooring. This superior choice boasts the strength and easy upkeep advantages of LVT, making it ideal for both homes and businesses. Our innovative high density core guarantees unbeatable durability and resistance to impact.



Dimensions: 5mm x 7.12" x 48" - 20 mil Wear Layer
Construction: Rigid Core Plank - Attached Pad
Design: Engineered Luxury Vinyl
Coverage: 17/SQ.FT
Edge Style: Micro Beveled Edges And Ends
Finish: Enhanced Coated Finish
Install Method: Click Lock
Warranty: Lifetime Residential - 15 Year Light Commercial

Coordinating Trim and Accessories

Congratulations on choosing ScubaSeal. ScubaSeal Rigid Core Flooring has the beautiful designs that are perfect for your active lifestyle.
• Distinctive Designs
• Beautiful Hues and Colors
• Detailed Embossing
• Easy to clean: No buffing or waxing
• 100% Waterproof
• Incredibly Durable
• Dent/Scratch Resistant
• Noise Reducing
• Stain Resistant
• No expansion transition pieces needed in most installations

Don’t settle for anything less.
Recommended Uses:
• Residential
oAny enclosed room in the house to include 3 season rooms
• Commercial Applications
oScubaSeal has a PSI greater than 3000 (test performed without the cushionback)
oScubaSeal is your best choice in the industry for all Light Commercialapplications
oFor Commercial applications, contact us to work with our design professionals tobest fit your jobsite requirements.

General Requirements:
• All instructions and recommendations are based on the most recent information available. If you receive a printed copy of these instructions, please refer to ensure you have the most up to date version of our installation instructions. By starting installation of this product, you are agreeing that you have read and understand all installer/owner’s requirements and responsibilities and are aware that deviating from the instructions and recommendations in this installation guide may result in voiding the product warranty. If you need additional assistance, please contact Diamond Living Services at (281)766-1600.

• Always store and transport cartons stacked neatly on a smooth, flat, solid surface

• Never stack cartons on their sides or ends

• Do not stack more than 10 cartons high

• It is best to acclimate flooring and room at a constant temperature between 65°F and 85°F for 48 hours prior to, during, and 48 hours after installation.

•If these conditions can’t be met, flooring should be acclimated in the install environment for 48 hours.

• ScubaSeal can be installed in 3 season rooms that are completely enclosed and over a concrete slab, at least 5/8” must be allowed for expansion in these installations. ScubaSeal can withstand temperatures between -20° F and 150° F, while not occupied. While occupied, the temperature range should be maintained between 55°F to 100°F. Careful acclimation is required when installing in 3 season rooms. Please note that extreme variances in temperature may increase expansion and contraction not only in the flooring itself but the structure as well.

• For new residential construction, ScubaSeal may be installed under cabinets. It is best if it is fully adhered to the floor using a high-quality pressure sensitive adhesive designed for LVT.

• Installing Cabinets on top of floor. (Residential only). When cabinets are installed on top of rigidcore flooring the subfloor must be perfectly flat and secure. If cabinets are to be secured one cannot do so using nails or screws through the flooring product. Cabinets are to be secured to wall but not through the flooring. (Therefore islands may not be installed in this manner.) Expansion space is required around pipes and other fixed objects.

• Additional underlayment pad is not recommended and may void your warranty.

•Mix planks from several different cartons to ensure a random appearance.

• Always allow a ¼" expansion space around the entire perimeter of the room and at all fixtures and pipes for any installation under 4,356 sq. ft. and runs less than 66 feet. above 4,356 sq. ft. and runs greater than 66 feet, allow at least 5/8 inch for expansion. Cover all exposed edges with trim or fill the gap with a high-quality silicone caulking.

• It is the sole responsibility of the installer/owner, prior to installation, to assure that the planned installation area is suitable for the flooring and meets local building codes.Confirm that all subflooring meets or exceeds all industry standards and local building codes; as well as the recommendations listed herein. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility for product failure extending from or related to failure to meet job environment and subflooring requirements. The installer/owner assumes full responsibility for the final inspection of this product. Inspection should be done prior to installation and should include: print/color/texture/ factory finish /visible conditions. If the product is not acceptable, DO NOT INSTALL IT. Contact your supplier immediately for assistance. Flooring that has been installed will be deemed to have been inspected and quality accepted. Diamond Living, LLC. will not accept any responsibility for any flooring installed with visible defects. ScubaSeal is waterproof but is not a moisture barrier. Water traveling over or around the outer edges of the flooring can damage the subfloor.Elevated moisture levels below your flooring can migrate through the joints as vapor emissions possibly causing a milky white appearance known as Blushing. Blushing is a site related condition and will dissipate once the moisture levels have decreased to the specified level. Water damage and/or associated conditions are not warranted. In addition, other contaminates could migrate up as well. These are not manufacturing related conditions. When installing in a lavatory, bathroom, laundry room, or other area with frequent water usage, it is recommended that any gap be filled with a silicone caulk. This will lower the possibility of the water traveling under the floating floor and help to reduce bacterial growth and problems associated with it.
Install Video

Preparing the Area
• Remove all furniture and appliances from the room(s)
• Remove wall and doorway trim
• Undercut door casings
• Remove all debris and equipment that may damage finish
• Do not install over soft, rough, uneven surfaces, or floating floors.
• The Flooring should only be installed after all the other trades have finished and the jobsite has been cleared of any/all debris that could damage a finished installation.
• All sub-floors and substrates must be clean, flat (smooth) and dry prior to installation.Sweep or vacuum your subfloor prior to installation ensuring nothing will interfere with the installation. All subfloors must be flat. High or low areas exceeding 3/16” per 10’ (7.5cm in 3 meter) or 1/8” per 6’ (2.5 cm in 1.8 meter) must be corrected.

Wood Subfloors
ScubaSeal is suitable for installation over a minimum of 3/4” CDX Plywood, OSB, or APA approved plywood. All wood subfloors should be flat, structurally sound, and free from deflection (up and down movement). Sand high areas and fill low areas with a Portland based patching compound. To avoid squeaking of the subfloor, nail or screw the floor every 6”. Repair or replace any damaged sheathing. Joist spacing should not exceed 19.2". Set fasteners 1/32" below the subfloor surface, sand joints, smooth and fill holes or gaps wider than 1/8 inch wide. Install suitable underlayment when necessary to achieve a flat or solid surface. ScubaSeal planks can be installed over underlayment grade plywood, lauan plywood and other underlayments recommended by the manufacturer for use with rigid core flooring. Installation over oriented strand board and particle board is not recommended, unless it is underlayment grade and non-weathered since these panels present a greater risk of sub-floor instability and can detract from the performance of the floor. Wooden subfloors installed over a crawlspace should have a moisture barrier installed in the crawlspace with at least 18 inches of ground clearance with a black ground cover minimum 8mm thick Polyethylene overlapped a minimum of 6” (115 cm) and taped using a moisture resistant tape to avoid moisture migration from the ground up through the flooring. Cross ventilation (vents located around the perimeter) equal to 1.5% of the square footage of the area should be highly considered (if not already a local code). Wood floors installed directly on concrete or installed over sleeper construction are not satisfactory for installation and should be removed. Repair all squeaks prior to installation. Wood subflooring moisture should not exceed 15%. Install planks at a 90 degree angle to any existing wood floor.
NOTE: Avoid subfloors with excessive vertical movement or deflection because subfloor movement will telegraph through to the finished installation. Indications of excessive deflection are subfloor fastener release, squeaking, compromised, or sectional contours such as bowing or dipping in floors and uneven flooring material. Nail or screw subfloor panels to secure boards with excessive vertical movement (deflection) before installation of the ScubaSeal planks. If the subfloor has excessive vertical movement (deflection) before installation of the flooring, then it is likely it will do so after installation of the flooring is complete. Our warranties DO NOT cover any problems caused by inadequate substructures or improper installation of said structures. The suitability of any subfloor is the responsibility of the installer and the final consumer.

Concrete Subfloors
The flatness of concrete subfloors must meet or exceed the requirements of ACI FF25. Most concrete subfloors are not flat/smooth and must be properly prepared before installation. In all cases, verify the substrate is flat (See above subfloor and substrate requirements). All concrete floors must be properly cured and allowed to dry for at least 60 days after the curing process. ScubaSeal planks can be installed over concrete on all grade levels, if a proper moisture barrier is used. Moisture vapor emissions should not exceed 3 lbs./24 hours per 1,000 sq. when tested with the Anhydrous Calcium Chloride Test in accordance with ASTM F 1869 or 80% RH in accordance with ASTM F 2170 "Standard Test Method for Determining Relative Humidity in Concrete Slabs using in situ Probes. A 6-mil polyurethane moisture barrier should be used with concrete subfloors. Fill cracks, saw cuts and control joints and level uneven areas that exceed 1/16" in 3'. Do not install flooring over expansion joints. All subfloors must be patched or leveled with an industry standard latex fortified Portland Cement based patching compound product that is water resistant and non-shrinking.

Existing Floors
ScubaSeal planks can be installed over a variety of finished floors including single layer resilient sheet floor and tile, ceramic, marble and terrazzo. The surface must be in good condition and show no signs of excessive moisture conditions. Level deep or wide grout lines with embossing leveler. Do not install flooring over cushioned floors or over tile installed over concrete below grade level. The grout joints in ceramic tile and marble must be leveled so they are flush with the tile surface.

Existing Resilient Floor Covering
The existing resilient must be single layered, non-cushioned backed, well bonded, fully adhered, and smooth. The flooring should show no signs of moisture or alkalinity. All topical waxes, polishes, airborne contaminates, etc. must be removed. Any irregularities must be repaired or replaced. Skim coating the surface is recommended to prevent telegraphing. Do not install over rubber-based substrates.
Old Adhesive Residue: Diamond Living does not recomend skim coating over existing adhesive. Because we cannot control how the adhesive was applied, the existing adhesive may break down, possibly leading to a failure. Remove existing adhesives using a scraper such as a razor scraper designed for scraping flooring surfaces. The adhesive must be removed to the level of a film. Do not use solvents or chemical adhesive removers to remove old residue. These products can leave a residue in the concrete that may affect the performance of your new flooring.
WARNING For installation over old resilient floor coverings or when considering removing existing resilient floors, please be advised that these products may possibly contain asbestos fibers or crystalline silica. Please follow all recommended Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) work practices as
Do not install additional backings or foam/cushioned underlays with ScubaSeal.

Radiant Heated Systems
The Hydronic or Embedded radiant heating system needs to be operational and working for one week prior to install date to reduce any residual moisture. For radiant heating systems in use at the time of installation, lower the temperature to 65°F (18.3°C) for a minimum of three days prior to the installation date, during the entire installation, and for 24 hours following upon completion of the installation. The temperature can then be gradually increased in 5° increments. Temperature of the subfloor surface must never exceed 85°F (29°C). It is the responsibility of the purchaser to confirm the suitability of the radiant heating system for use with this product. Any damage to the floor caused by the radiant heating system will not be covered by the product warranty. Should the radiant heating system be an aftermarket system, Diamond Living requires confirming with the manufacturer of that system that Luxury Modular Flooring (considered resilient) can be installed over their system. Any problems associated with aftermarket radiant heating systems are not the responsibility of Diamond Living. Radiant heating systems that are installed on top of the subfloor surface and covered with self-leveling underlayment are not recommended.

Asbestos Warning
Previously installed resilient floorcovering products and the asphaltic or cutback adhesives used to install them may contain either asbestos fibers and/or crystalline silica. The products in this carton DO NOT contain asbestos or crystalline silica. Avoid creating dust. Inhalation of asbestos or crystalline dust is a cancer and respiratory hazard. Smoking by individuals exposed to asbestos fibers greatly increases the risk of serious bodily harm. Unless positively certain that the previously installed product is a non-asbestos containing material, you must presume it contains asbestos. Regulations require that the material be tested to determine asbestos content and may govern the removal and disposal of material. See current editions of the Resilient Floor Coverings Institute (RFCI) publication “Recommended Work Practices for Removal of Resilient Floor Coverings” for detailed information and instructions on removing all resilient covering structures.
Tools Required
• Electric Saw or tile cutter
• Utility knife
• Pull-bar
• Vinyl seam roller
• ¼” spacers
• Carpenter Square
• Chalk line
• Tape Measure
• Pencil

•When calculating flooring square footage requirements, allow a minimum of anadditional 10% for cuts, waste and defects. If installing a diagonal or other specialpattern, allow for 15-20 % additional in material.
•All installations require estimating additional material, due to trimming and culling ofmaterial (overages occur). This overage then becomes what is commonly referred to as“Attic Stock”. It is recommended the end user keep attic stock in the event theirinstallation require additional service.
•Verify material prior to installing, checking for debris or damage. Clean, trim or discard any affected sections.
•It is recommended to mix panels from a minimum of 3 different boxes during installation to assure an even distribution of any minor color variations, slight variances in texture and gloss levels. Hint: Try dry racking (laying out) your panels prior to final assembly to confirm this is an acceptable layout.
•Diamond Living requires at least a ¼” expansion gap around the entire perimeter of theinstallation, any transitions to adjacent flooring materials, door frames, and heatingvents.
•It is recommended to undercut doorjambs so the material slides easily under them. A ¼”(5cm) expansion space is necessary here as well. If the door casings are metal the ¼”(5cm) expansion space can be filled using a silicone or acrylic silicone caulk. Please note the expansion gap must be maintained under the doorjamb.
ACCLIMATION: (Uncontrolled storage) Acclimate all materials in the area to be installed between the temperatures of 55°F to 100°F a minimum of 48 hours before, during, and after the installation. Protect flooring from excessive heat/cold during storage. If the product is stored in an environment different from the installation site, the temperature ranges should be controlled within the 55°F to 100°F. Offsite acclimation is acceptable. Please note the material will need to be delivered directly to the installation site with no stops in between.
•For best appearance planks should be installed parallel to the long dimension of the room and preferably parallel with outside light sources, i.e. windows and doors.
•Determine the layout to achieve the largest cut planks at the walls and snap a chalk lineat the starting point.
•Install planks in a random layout. Start with a whole plank in the left-hand comer of the room with the tongue side and end toward the wall. Lay the first row of planks along the chalk line and trim to fit to the wall allowing the appropriate amount of expansion space.Note: If starting the first row with a whole width plank it will be necessary to trim the tongue off against the wall. Always place the cut edge against the wall.
•Your ScubaSeal flooring has the best locking system in the industry, an ANGLE/ANGLE with easy long side slip in feature for fast yet strong installs.
•Use spacers between the edge and the end of the planks and the wall to maintain the appropriate amount of expansion space.
•After the first row is on the floor, start the second row by using 1/3 of a plank. Place thecut end against the wall. Insert the long side of the first plank of the second row into thegroove of its corresponding planks of the first row. With this system when you begin to lock in two sides of a plank, you lock in the short side of the plank first. Align the plankto be installed parallel to the previous row (in this case the first row of planks) andseparate it from the first row by about 1/8”. We will call the short side of each plankabout ready to be installed the head seam. With your second plank on your second row, lift the plank to be installed at a 30°angle and insert the head seam short end into the short end groove of the first plank of the second row. Then, lift the first and second plank simultaneously and slide the second plank tongue into groove of the corresponding planks of the first row. Be sure that the long-side locking system fully engages into the previous row. If necessary, you can do this by using a small taping block but most installations should engage without the need of a taping block. If a plank needs to be removed, SLIDE the plank horizontally to disengage the plank and then simply lift it out of the groove. It is best to disengage a full row at a time and then slip planks apart. Damaged locking systems are not considered a manufacturing defect and are not covered by your warranty.
•Start the third row using 2/3rds of a plank with the cut end against the wall. Complete each row thereafter using a random layout with end joints off-set by at least 8". Plan the layout to avoid using small planks (less than 6") at the walls. The cut piece at the end of the row can often be used to start the next row provided it achieves a random layout.Always place the cut end against the wall and allow the proper amount of expansion space.
•ScubaSeal planks are unique in that they can also be installed with a pull bar or tapping block and rubber mallet in difficult areas, such as the last row, and when fitting around door trim. Use a pull bar and rubber mallet to lock the joints together in the last row.Always use a pull bar on the cut edge of the plank. Factory edges can be damaged if the pull bar is used directly against them.
•When fitting around door trim it will be necessary to slide the plank under the trim. This can be accomplished easily by starting the row on the side of the room with the door trim and then sliding the plank into place once it is attached. The row can be completed by inserting the tongue into the groove or the groove into the tongue depending on the direction. Use a series of light taps until the joint is gradually locked together.

Special Instructions: Bathrooms ScubaSeal can be installed around the toilet leaving a 1/8" expansion space. Use a high quality silicone caulking to fill the expansion space at the tub, shower and all wet areas to prevent surface water seepage under the floor.

ScubaSeal planks can be installed fully adhered over steps using a high quality pressure sensitive luxury vinyl tile adhesive. Follow the instructions on the adhesive for trowel size and drying time. Always use a flush stair nose molding to finish each step at the nose.

Finishing the Job
Remove all spacers. Install wall trim lightly over the floor surface. Drive fasteners into the wall and not the floor. When installing doorway transition moldings allow a ¼" expansion space between the edge of the floor and the molding. Do not drive fasteners in to the floor. Return appliances to the room by rolling or sliding over strips of hardboard to prevent damaging the floor.
Plank Replacement
Should one of the planks/tiles become damaged and need to be replaced, follow these simply instructions:
1.Score top of damaged plank/tile with a utility knife. Make two triangle cuts near the endjoint and then connect the points with one long cut in the middle of the plank/tile.
2.Use an awl or screwdriver to tap down through plank/tile on scored triangle cut points.
3.Lift and remove damaged tile.
4.With the pattern side facing up on the new replacement plank/tile, trim off the short lip onthe tongue side and the groove on the compression joint side, making it flush with the edgeof the plank/tile. Be careful not to damage the finish surface of the tile.
5.Cut several pieces of acrylic double-sided tape made for vinyl floors and slide under the edges of the existing floor on the two edges where the replacement plank/tile will have its lips cut off. Tape should face sticky side up; leave the paper on the side facing the floor.
6.Using a Premium Seam Bond, run a small bead of sealer on the groove edge of the panel ofthe existing floor where the replacement plank/tile will rest.
NOTE: The long tongue of the replacement plank/tile and the uncut compression fit end joint will not need tape or seam adhesive as you will be using the plank’s/tile’s locking mechanism
7.Install replacement plank/tile by angling the long groove of the replacement panel under andover the tongue of the floor panel until the finish edge of the replacement panel is tight againstthe finish edge of the floor panel, and the compression end joint is lined up. Rotate down,locking the length tongue joint then pressing the end joint with your thumb or palm of yourhand to lock into place.8.Wipe any excess sealer that comes to the surface of the tiles with a damp cloth and followwith a dry cloth to ensure all sealer is removed from tile surface.
9.Keep foot traffic off the replaced plank/tile for 24 hours.

Install Video


ScubaSeal™ Warranty

To keep the lasting shine and fresh feel of your investment for as long as possible, we recommend that you:
• Wipe up spills as soon as possible. Never use highly abrasive scrubbing tools on any resilient floor.
• Wash your floor occasionally with an approved Floor Cleaner.
• Use only an approved polish to return your floor’s original shine if it begins to dull over time.
• Use detergents, abrasive cleaners or “mop and shine” products – they may leave a dull film on your floor.
• Use paste wax or solvent-based polishes.
• Use rolling casters as they can damage the floor.
• Use a beater bar when vacuuming because it can visibly damage the floor surface.
• Use highly abrasive scrubbing tools.
Proactive protection for your floor
• When moving appliances or heavy furniture, lay a plywood panel on your floor and “walk” the item across it. This protects your floor from scuffing and tears.
• Use floor protectors on furniture to reduce indentation. As a general rule of thumb, the heavier the item, the wider the floor protector needed.
• Be careful with rolling casters. They can damage the floor. Therefore, we do not recommend them. If you choose to use them, the double wheel type are the best option.
• Place a walk-off mat at outside entrances to reduce the amount of dirt brought into your home. We do not recommend the use of rubber- or latex-backed mats (except where noted) because the chemical (antioxidant) used to keep the backing from becoming brittle can permanently stain your floor. We suggest a non-staining vinyl-backed mat or a woven rug that is colorfast. Most of these products are identified “colorfast” by the manufacturer.
Immediately after installation
• Maintain a minimum room temperature between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit for 48 hours after installation is completed.
• We recommend that you do not scrub or wash your floor for five days.

What is covered and for how long?
The Casabella Vinyl lifetime limited warranty for ScubaSeal™ flooring means that for the life of the floor to the original purchaser only, that ScubaSeal™:
• Will not wear through printed image
• Will not contain manufacturing defects
• Will not rip or tear from normal household use
• The edges of the flooring will not curl

What is covered and for how long?
For commercial installations as listed below ScubaSeal™ is warranted to be free from manufacturing defects and will not wear through the printed image for 15 years from the date of purchase, if installed according to the installation instructions (found on our website If a defect covered by this warranty is reported to Casabella Floors in writing within 15 years of purchase, Casabella Floors will supply new material of the same or similar grade sufficient to repair or replace the defective material.
For commercial applications, this product is intended to be installed in: Privately owned businesses, multifamily units, common areas of activity centers, day cares, doctor/dentist offices, salons, retail shops, restaurants as sales floors, dining areas, common areas, activity areas, corridors, and residences. Caution: Any facility that uses commercial cleaning equipment is not covered by this warranty. If you have any questions, we are always available to assist you with installation/application questions.

What will Casabella Floors do if any of the above happens?
If any of the above should occur within the warranty periods specified above, Casabella Floors will, at our option, furnish comparable Casabella Floors flooring of similar color, pattern, and quality, for either the repair of the defective area or the replacement of the floor. And, if your floor was professionally installed, for any defect reported in the first year Casabella Floors will also pay reasonable labor costs for the direct repairs or replacement of the flooring only in the second year Casabella Floors will also pay 50% of reasonable labor costs for the direct repairs or replacement of the flooring only in the third year Casabella Floors will also pay 25% of reasonable labor costs for the direct repairs or replacement of the flooring only. After the third year Casabella Floors will not pay any labor cost.
Casabella Floors will not pay for the following cost including but not limited to removal or tear out of old or damaged product, any cost associated with moving of cabinets, furniture, walls, doors, paint, rugs, etc.
Casabella Floors will not replace or repair a floor discolored by mold, mildew, or alkali. Moisture will not affect the structure of the plank but may discolor the product which is not covered by this warranty.

What is not covered by this warranty?
• Damage caused by fire, flooding or intentional abuse.
• Damage caused by vacuum cleaner beater bar, caster wheels, and cutting from sharp objects or objects not properly protected to include high heels, spiked heels, and rolling loads.
- When vacuuming, we recommend using the wand attachment on your vacuum.
- Because rolling casters can damage the floor, we do not recommend them.
• Loss of gloss/scratching.
- If some dulling occurs over time, depending on the amount of traffic, care and maintenance the floor receives, restore the floor’s shine, use an approved Low Gloss Floor Finish.
• Minor color, shade, or texture variations between samples or printed color photography and the actual material.
• Floors that are not graded “regular.”
• Floors that are installed in other than owner-occupied or tenant-occupied residences. (Except products that are noted as warranted commercial.)
• Construction or installation-related damage to include failure due to subfloor, hydrostatic pressure, moisture, or alkalines.
• Floors discolored from moisture or underlayment panels after having been repaired or replaced by Casabella Floors one time. (repair or replacement (in square footage or value) of 50% of the purchased material terminates this warranty and relieves Casabella Floors of any future liability of any and all types relating to this purchase).
• Floors damaged by excessive moisture from sources such as flooding.
• Installation defects and installations caused by not using the recommended Casabella Floors products. Both parties agree that any finding of this cause of damage by an independent certified inspector terminates warranty.
• Damage caused by abuse such as moving appliances across the floor without adequate protection,
- When moving appliances or heavy furniture, lay a plywood panel on your floor and “walk” the item across it. This protects your floor from scuffing and tears.

What is excluded from this warranty?
Casabella Floors excludes and will not pay incidental or consequential damages under this warranty. By this we mean any loss, expense, or damage other than to the flooring itself that may result from a defect in the flooring. No implied warranties extend beyond the terms of this written warranty.
Please note: Some jurisdictions do not allow exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.

Also note: This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
† We recommend using floor protectors. As a general rule of thumb, the heavier the item, the wider the floor protectors should be.
* Wear-through is defined as loss of the floor design due to normal household use.

What should you do if you have a problem?
We want you to be happy with your Casabella Floors floor. If you’re not, call your retail store. They can answer your questions and, if necessary, start to process a claim. If you have further questions, please call us at 281-766-1600.

PLEASE KEEP YOUR RECEIPT. Casabella Floors needs the receipt in order to verify date, proof of purchase, and original purchaser to resolve any problems that may occur.
This warranty applies to floors purchased after November 1, 2017



The home must have a working heat and air conditioning source operational for a minimum of one week prior to installation and remain in operation during the life of the floor. Conditions should be at the same temperature and humidity level expected during normal use (between 65°-85°F/18°-29°C with a relative humidity no greater than 65%).

Once all traces of adhesive have been removed, the floor should be dry vacuumed to remove all dust and loose debris, then clean with our Swiff-Train Company Floor Cleaner in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and allow to dry. Always remove excess water. It not only can cause slip and fall hazards, but the water can attack the adhesive, break the bond, and cause the flooring to release from the substrate. Do not use soap-based detergents, caustic cleaners or abrasive cleaners.

The easiest way to reduce maintenance costs is to reduce the amount of dirt, grit and moisture brought into a building with an effective barrier mat. This should be cleaned regularly. The use of rubber-backed mats is NOT acceptable since they are known to cause yellow stains in vinyl floors.
Never slide heavy furniture or fittings over an unprotected floor or severe scratching may result. The floor should be protected from the wheels or feet of fittings, avoiding rubber products, which may stain. Use hard plastic or felt pads under heavy furniture to prevent point loads. Use flat, polished metal glides with a minimum 1” diameter under chairs and stools. These should have a rounded edge and pivot to remain in flat contact with the floor.
Non-staining felt pads can be used, provided they are changed on a regular basis to prevent dirt, debris and sand build-up. Wide, non-staining casters at least 2” in diameter or floor protectors should be used on rolling furniture such as office chairs.
Furniture polish and window cleaning agents should be applied to a cloth to avoid spillage onto the floor. Contact with some agents, such as silicone, will make the floor surface extremely slippery, which may result in accidents.
Regular cleaning is more beneficial to the floorcovering and more cost effective than occasional heavy cleaning.

Most domestic agents will not harm the floor, however all residue of cleaning agents should be removed to avoid discoloration.
The following substances can cause discoloration:
Tar, Nail Polish, Varnish, Spices, Shoe Polish, Paints containing acetone, Lipstick, Solvent-based Paints, Rubber Mats, Coco-Fiber Mats, Asphalt, Permanent Marker Pens, Crayons
1. Wipe immediately with a paper towel or cloth.
2. Spots, which have already dried, might be removed using a plastic scraper
3. The area should then be washed with diluted cleaning agent using a damp cloth or sponge.
4. Obstinate spots might be removed with a firm nylon sponge.
5.Should the spot still remain, moisten a cloth with clear odorless mineral spirits and rub with circular movements over the whole area. Always test in a inconspicuous area to check for compatibility of the mineral spirits and flooring.
Note: Only use mineral spirits in well-ventilated rooms.
Additional Considerations:
•Regular light maintenance is more cost effective than periodic heavy maintenance and more beneficial to the floorcovering.
•Always sweep, mop or dry vacuum the floor regularly. Never use a steam mop as they can cause damage to the flooring.
•Always use clean equipment – dirty equipment only redistributes the dirt.
•Do not mix cleaning products from different manufacturers – they may not be compatible.
•Always remove any spillage immediately.
•Always remove excess water.
•Always take precautions to prevent dark rubber from coming into contact with the floor.
•Never deviate from the manufacturer’s recommended dilution rates.
•Wet floors are slippery; always use warning signs to advise that cleaning is in progress
•Protect against direct sunlight through the use of curtains, blinds or solar film to protect against thermal dimensional change.

About this SPC Vinyl Floor

Casabella ScubaSeal

La Jolla Casabella ScubaSeal Vinyl Plank. Experience the exquisite and authentic aesthetic of hardwood with ScubaSeal Rigid Core vinyl plank flooring. This premium option offers the durability and low-maintenance benefits of LVT, making it the perfect choice for both residential and commercial spaces. Our advanced high density core provides unparalleled durability and impact resistance.

Learn more about Casabella ScubaSeal on
