WE Cork

Overlap Stair Nose

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Size: 78"

This coordinating piece provides the proper transition for all the steps in your home.

WE Cork accessories are only sold and shipped with a minimum purchase of 200sf of flooring.

Coordinating Trim and Accessories

Installation & Maintenance Instructions


Installer/Owner Responsibility
Cork floors are a product of nature and therefore, not perfect. The defects may be of a manufacturing or natural type. The Installer assumes all responsibility for final inspection of product quality. Carefully examine flooring for color, finish and quality before installing. If material is not acceptable, do not install it and contact the seller immediately. WECORK recommends selecting planks from various cartons during installation to maintain natural color and pattern variation. Exposure to light may cause cork to lighten.

Prior to installation of any wood-flooring product, the installer must determine that the job site environment and the sub surfaces involved meet or exceed all applicable standards and recommendations of the construction and materials industries. These instructions recommend that the construction and sub floor be dry, stiff and flat, within 3/16” in 10’ and 1/8” in 6’. Use a quick drying mortar based leveler if necessary.
WECORK glueless floating floors can be installed over existing PVC or vinyl. Carpeting must be removed. WECORK recommends the use of 6mil polyethylene sheeting as a vapor barrier under all installations. Polyethylene sheets should overlap 8” at the seams, run 3” up the wall, and sheets should be taped together Use of foam underlayment or soft pad is not recommended under WECORK glueless floating floors.
Always leave a 3/8” space between flooring and perimeter walls and fixtures. Floors exceeding 30’ in length and or width will require an expansion joint. An expansion joint will also be required when transitioning from one room to another. The floor should be allowed to contract and expand therefore, finish moldings; trims and thresholds should never be attached to the floor itself. Installation of WECORK glueless floating floors is not recommend in bathrooms or any areas with high moisture concentration.

Tools and Material
Mallet, Uniclic tapping block, ruler, saw with finish blade, measuring tape, 3/8” wedges, crowbar.

In-Floor Radiant Heating
WECORK floating floors are suitable for use with in-floor radiant heating. Prior to installing the floating floor, a moisture barrier that is at least 0.2mm thick must be installed. As floors over in-floor heating may gain moisture or dry out faster, using a humidifier and adding houseplants is suggested. The surface temperature of the floor should not exceed 85 of (29° C). In-floor heat should be allowed to run 5-6 days before installation, regardless of the season. Note that gaps may occur during the months of heating. Minor gapping (up to 0.2mm or 0.01 inches), without the unlocking of the pieces, is not considered a defect. A relative humidity between 50 to 60% is considered the ideal room condition.

Floor Installation
1. Place 6 mil polyethylene sheets on subfloor. Overlap seams 8” and tape. Run up the wall 3”.
2. Start installation in corner of longest perimeter wall using 3/8” wedges to keep the floor 3/8” from the wall. You may install left to right or right to left. Before installing measure length of room to insure that the last plank installed is not less than 12”. If it is, the first plank installed should be shortened to guarantee overall stability.
3. Begin placing of the panels by installing the “tongue” side facing the wall. Continue by installing next plank at short side inserting tongue side into groove side at a 45 degree angle gently moving opposite end of plank slightly up and down pressing gently. Allow floor to lay flat and use a Uniclic tapping block, placed flat on floor, to gently tap floor together. Once the planks have clicked together, DO NOT TAP THEM AGAIN, as this can cause the joint to be too tight and result in peaking. (Cork flooring is resilient by nature; too much pressure at the seams contributes to the peaking. Should this happen gently remove the plank and reinstall) Never hammer directly on the panel. Close the joint on the last panel of the row using a crowbar.
4. On remaining rows, if the cut off piece from previous row is longer than 12” it can be used to start the next row. End joints between adjacent rows should always be staggered by at least 12”. Position the long side of the plank to be installed at a 45 degree angle to the plank already installed. Lift plank gently slightly up and down and press lightly on grooved side. Close the joints by tapping together gently (as described above) until floor clicks into place.
5. On the last row, it is usually required for the planks to be cut lengthwise. Measure each plank at several places along the length for a proper fit. Be sure to leave 3/8” expansion space. Mark and cut. Install last panel, adjusting it with the help of a crowbar.
6. Remove wedges and cover perimeter gaps with a baseboard. Never attach the finish moldings, trims or thresholds to floor.
• Protect floor from scratching and denting by using felt gliders beneath furniture. At points where there will be a lot of heavily centered wear (i.e., in front of desks, entrance door, etc) a protective mat must be put down to protect the floor surface. Avoid rubber backed or other non-ventilated mats or rugs.
• When installed in kitchens, an extra coat of urethane finish is recommended but not required. Use a rug in front of the working areas, such as the stove and sink, to prevent local premature wear.
• Spills should be wiped up immediately.
• Never apply tape or other adhesive products directly to the finish.


Installer/Owner Responsibility
Cork floors are a product of nature and therefore, not perfect. Defects may be of a manufacturing or natural type. The installer assumes all responsibility for final inspection of product quality. The inspection of all flooring should be done before installation. Carefully examine flooring for color, finish and quality before installing. If material is not acceptable, do not install it and contact the seller immediately. All sales are final on installed floors.
Prior to installation, the installer must determine that the job site environment and the sub-surfaces involved meet or exceed all applicable standards and recommendations of the construction and materials industries. These instructions recommend that the construction and sub floor be dry, stiff and flat. WECORK declines any responsibility for job failure resulting or associated with sub-surface or job site environment deficiencies. The installer/owner has final inspection responsibility as to grade, manufacture and factory finish. The installer must use reasonable selectivity and hold out or cut off pieces with defects, whatever the cause.
WECORK recommends selecting flooring from various cartons during installation to maintain natural color and pattern variation. Exposure to light may cause cork to lighten.
When flooring is ordered, 5% must be added to the actual square footage needed for cutting and grading allowance. Should an individual piece be doubtful as to grade, manufacture or factory finish, the installer should not use the piece.
Use of appropriate products for correcting sub floor voids should be accepted as a normal industry practice.


Tools and Accessories
Moisture meter, carpenter's square, chalk line, appropriate adhesive and trowel, sponges, gloves, and portable table saw.

Job Site Inspection
The building should be closed in with all outside doors and windows in place. All concrete, masonry, framing members, dry wall, paint and other “wet” work should be thoroughly dry. The wall coverings should be in place and the painting completed except for final coat on the base molding. When possible, delay installation of base molding until flooring installation is complete. Exterior grading should be complete with surface drainage directing water away from building. All gutters and downspouts should be in place.
Classic Collection tiles may be installed on or above grade level. Crawl spaces must be dry and well ventilated. Sub floor must be checked for moisture content using appropriate testing method. The installation sight should have a consistent room temperature of 60-75°F and relative humidity of 50% to 70% for a minimum of seven days prior to installation, during and until occupied, to allow for proper acclimation.

Cork flooring should be stored in the environment in which it is expected to perform. Air conditioning/heating systems should be in place and in operation at least 14 days prior to, during and after installation of the flooring.
Cork tiles should be removed from their box and plastic packaging to allow for proper acclimation in the room that they will be installed in, a minimum of three days prior to installation (meeting the above temperature and humidity requirements). When installing in an extremely dry climate the tiles should be allowed to acclimate for a minimum of seven days.

Storage and Handling
Handle and unload with care. Store in a dry place being sure to provide at least a four-inch air space under cartons, which are stored on concrete floors. Flooring should not be delivered until the building has been closed in with windows and doors in place and until cement work, plastering and all other “wet” work is completed and dry. Check adhesive label for storage limitations.


WECORK Classic Collection tiles are suitable for use with radiant heat. It should be pointed out that the flooring installed over in floor heating might gain moisture or dry out faster. Use of a humidifier is suggested, as well as using an adhesive that is freeze/thaw stable. It is important to follow the adhesive manufacturer’s recommend guidelines when installing over radiant heat systems. The surface temperature of the floor should not exceed 85°F.


All sub floors must be:
• Scraped clean, broomed, and smooth.
• Free of wax, paint, oil, sealers, adhesives, curing agents and other debris.
• Level/Flat - Within 3/16" in 10' and/or 1/8" in 6'.
- Sand high areas or joints and fill in low areas (no more than 1/8" at a time) with a cementatious leveling compound.
- Follow the instructions of the leveling compound manufacturer.
- Leveling compounds must be tested for moisture to ensure they are properly cured and within the manufacturer’s specified requirements for proper installation.
- Fill any cracks with latex floor filler.
- Apply a primer or thin coat of adhesive on porous and absorbent sub floors to prevent adhesive from “disappearing” into the surface.

Wood Sub Floor - Additional Requirements
• Must be structurally sound.
• Should be at least 18" above the ground.
• Crawl spaces must be covered 100% by a vapor retarder of 6 mil black polyethylene.
• Vents should be properly located to foster cross ventilation.
• Nail or screw any loose areas that squeak.
• Replace any water damaged, swollen or delaminated sub flooring or underlayments.
• Avoid sub floor with excessive vertical movement unless they have been properly stiffened prior to the installation of the cork flooring.
• Must be dry - check moisture content of the sub floor.
- Moisture content of wood sub floors should not exceed 12%.
- WECORK recommends 5/8" apa/ul grade plywood sub floor/ underlayment or equivalent.
- Follow manufacturers instructions for spacing and fastening.
- Cover pre-existing floor coverings with 1/4" underlayment grade plywood to be nailed down at 6" intervals throughout the field and 4" around the perimeter using 1 1/4" ring-grooved or resin coated nails.
Concrete Sub Floor - Additional Requirements
• Cork flooring can be glued directly to concrete.
• Do not use a concrete sealer nor install over one without prior approval from the adhesive manufacturer to avoid incompatible products and compromise of the bond.
• Surface preparations using mechanical methods such as sanding or scouring with open coat paper or a titanium disk is preferred.
• The concrete must be of high compressive strength.
• Concrete should be at least 60 days old.
• All acceptable test methods for sub floor moisture content include:
- Calcium Chloride Test. The maximum moisture transfer must not exceed 3 lbs./1000 square feet with this test.
- A dry slab as defined by these tests can be wet at other times of the year.


Install using 3M Fastbond 30-NF contact adhesive, being sure to follow the 3M application directions carefully.
1. Mark center point of the room, divide into four sections by using a carpenter's square (for right angles), and chalk line (to mark lines).
2. Spread the adhesive on one of the four sections.
3. Apply adhesive to the first tile, then install it with one corner on the center point.
4. One at a time, apply adhesive to the adjoining tiles, carefully placing each tile into position to obtain tightly butted joints while avoiding the formation of air bubbles.
5. Continue the installation by spreading the adhesive on the next of the four sections and repeating the subsequent steps.
6. As the tiles are being installed, clean up the adhesive on the floor immediately, following 3M’s instructions.
7. Roll over flooring with a 70-100 lb. roller frequently during and after installation until all tiles and seams are level.


Avant Garde Collection with Greenshield Timeless Collection with Greenshield Classic Collection with Greenshield Eco-Nomical Series with Greenshield Metro Collection with Greenshield

Lifetime Structural Warranty

WE Cork warrants, to the original purchaser, that its products, in their original manufactured condition, to be free from manufacturing defects in milling, dimensions, and grade for the lifetime of the floor. Structural integrity does not cover normal expansion and contraction that cork floors may experience between boards at different times of the year. If minor separations do occur, they are not covered by this warranty. Cupping or crowning due to excessive moisture or humidity is not covered by this warranty.
Wear Layer Warranty*

WE Cork warrants, to the original purchaser, that its surface wear layer will not wear through or separate from the wood for 20 full years for residential use (5 year limited commercial use**), from the original date of purchase, on all products pre-finished with Greenshield in the Classic Collection, Avant Garde Collection, Timeless Collection, Metro Collection and Eco-Nomical Series when used in normal residential traffic conditions.

WE Cork recommends using BonaKemi wood floor products or equivalent there of. The use of other products not formulated for wax or urethane finished wood floors may damage your floor and void the warranty.


The patterns and color variation created in a living tree are like that of nature – never repeated. Naturally occurring wood characteristics such as mineral streaks, and variations in grain and color, are not considered defects. Your newly installed floors will vary from samples or pictures shown, this variation is not covered by our warranty. Also, age, character and exposure to sunlight may keep new or replacement flooring from matching existing flooring samples. Because cork flooring is a natural product, it may lighten due to the effects of sunlight and/or Ultraviolet light and these changes are not covered by our warranty. Area rugs should be moved occasionally as they block sunlight and may give the appearance of discoloring under the rug. This is not a product defect.

WE Cork warranties exclude indentations, scratches, or damages caused by misuse, negligence, accidents, fire, erosion, pets, spiked heel shoes, pebbles, sand, other abrasives, failure to follow all manufacturer’s specific written installation instructions, lack of proper maintenance, insufficient protection on furniture, and misuse or improper alterations of the original manufactured product. Damage due to water and/or moisture, including, but not limited to damage resulting from

broken or leaking pipes, wet mopping, weather conditions or natural disasters, is excluded from WE Cork warranties.

Gloss reduction is not considered surface wear; therefore it is not covered under this warranty.

This writing is the complete and exclusive statement of warranty, and is in lieu of all other expressed and/or statutory warranties. WE Cork assumes no liability for incidental or consequential damages. However, some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights as they vary from state to state.



In the unlikely event that any portion of your WE Cork floor should fail with respect of the provisions of the warranties, WE Cork, Inc., at its sole option, to the original purchaser will repair, refinish, or replace such portion, at no cost to you, with the same product of equal value. In the unlikely event that WE Cork is not able to correct the failure after a reasonable number of attempts, WE Cork will refund, if requested, the purchase price for that portion of the floor that fails.
To file a claim, first contact the WE Cork retailer where the original purchase was made. If the retailer is unable to satisfy the claim, contact by letter WE Cork, Inc, 16 Kingston Road, Unit 6, Exeter, NH 03833, Attn: Claims Department.
Claims must be filed within the warranty coverage period with information verifying date of purchase, such as the sales receipt for the flooring. WE Cork, Inc. reserves the right to have it or its representative inspect the floor and remove samples for technical analysis.

Serenity Collection

Full Lifetime Strutural Integrity Warranty
WE Cork warrants, to the original purchaser, that its products in their original manufactured condition to be free from manufacturing defects in milling, dimensions, and grade for the lifetime of the floor for residential use (10 years for commercial use). Structural integrity does not cover normal expansion and contraction that cork floors may experience between boards at different times of the year. If minor separations do occur, they are not covered by this warranty. Cupping or crowning due to excessive moisture or humidity is not covered by this warranty.
Wear Layer Warranty
WE Cork warrants, to the original purchaser, that its surface wear layer will not wear through or separate from the wood for 25 full years for residential use (10 years for commercial use), from the original date of purchase of the Serenity Collection, when used in normal traffic conditions.
WE Cork recommends using Bona wood floor products or equivalent. The use of other products not formulated for urethane finished wood floors may damage your floor and void the warranty.
Warranty Exclusions
The patterns and color variation created in a living tree are like that of nature - never repeated. Naturally occurring wood characteristics such as mineral streaks and variations in grain and color, are not considered defects. Variation of newly installed floors from samples or pictures shown is not covered by our warranty. Also, the age, character and exposure to sunlight may keep new or replacement flooring from matching existing flooring samples. Because cork flooring is a natural product, and it may lighten due to the effects of sunlight and/or ultraviolet light, these changes are not covered by our warranty. Area rugs should be moved occasionally as they block sunlight and may give the appearance of discoloring under the rug. This is not a product defect.
WE Cork warranties exclude indentations, scratches, or damages caused by misuse, negligence, accidents, fire, erosion, pets, spiked heel shoes, pebbles, sand, other abrasives, failure to follow all manufacturer’s specific written installation instructions, lack of proper maintenance, insufficient protection on furniture, and misuse or improper alterations of the original manufactured product. Damage due to water and/or moisture (including, but not limited to damage resulting from broken or leaking pipes), excessive heat, cold or dryness, wet mopping, weather conditions or natural disasters, is excluded from WE Cork warranties.
Gloss reduction is not considered surface wear, and is therefore, not covered under this warranty.
This writing is the complete and exclusive statement of warranty, and is in lieu of all other expressed and/or statutory warranties. WE Cork assumes no liability for incidental or consequential damages. However, some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights as they vary from state to state.

Claims Information
In the unlikely event that any portion of your WE Cork floor should fail with respect of the provisions of the warranties, WE Cork, Inc., at its sole option to the original purchaser, will repair, refinish, or replace such portion, at no cost, with the same product of equal value. In the unlikely event that WE Cork is not able to correct the failure after a reasonable number of attempts, WE Cork will refund, if requested, the purchase price for that portion of the floor that fails.
To file a claim, first contact the WE Cork retailer where the original purchase was made. If the retailer is unable to satisfy the claim, contact by letter WE Cork, Inc, 16 Kingston Road, Unit 6, Exeter, NH 03833, Attn: Claims Department. The owner must notify WE Cork or its agent within thirty (30) days after discovering the nonconformity. Claims must be filed within the warranty coverage period. The owner must give WE Cork a reasonable opportunity to examine the claimed nonconformity before making any repairs, removal or replacement. The owner must present the original invoice, bill or other proof of the date of purchase. If the floor owner fails to comply with these requirements, WE Cork will have no obligation to remedy any nonconformities.


• Sweep or vacuum floor frequently to avoid buildup of abrasive material.
• Clean the floor with Bona Hardwood Floor cleaner, following the instructions on the bottle. Or use a spray bottle mixed with 1 part white vinegar, 4 parts water. Avoid using excessive water. Using the wrong cleaner can weaken the water-based polyurethane finish and damage the floor.
• Occasionally Bona wood floor refresher may be used to rejuvenate the finish.
• Products containing wax or Ammonium Hydroxide must never be used.
• Floating floors are made of thin veneer laminated to a cork base. How long the finish lasts is directly related to the traffic level and quality of the floor care. It is the responsibility of the owner to determine when the floor needs re-coating. When the floor exhibits sign of wear it is time to renew the finish. WECORK recommends re-coating with Bona Traffic. This will make the floor look new again and prolong its lifespan. WECORK recommends following the finish manufacturers guidelines.



• Do not wash for at least 5 days after installation.
• Sweep or vacuum the floor frequently to avoid buildup of abrasive material.
• Clean the floor with Bona Hardwood Floor cleaner, following the instructions on the bottle. Or use a spray bottle mixed with 1 part white vinegar, 4 parts water. Avoid using excessive water. Using the wrong cleaner can weaken the water-based polyurethane finish and damage the floor.
• Urethane/Greenshield tiles can be treated with a liquid polish and buffed. (Never treat with wax.)
• To refinish, use a buffing machine with 150 grit paper and follow the finish manufacturer’s instructions.
• Commercial Installations: Seal the pre-finished floor with additional coats of polyurethane. We suggest a water-based product like Bona Traffic HD.

About Cork Flooring

We Cork

Overlap Stair Nose. Distinct, Beautiful, & Sustainable. Cork is an all natural product that comes from the bark of the cork tree. Sustainable and rapidly-renewable, the cork bark regenerates every 9 years for a new harvest. As a result, WECORK cork flooring is a natural, environmentally responsible product with exceptional physical properties!

The first thing you’ll learn about WECORK is that they love cork! That’s because of its unique natural properties that we and our environment can benefit from. At a high level, cork is sustainable, healthy, acoustic, insulating, and comfortable. WECORK loves utilizing this naturally wonderful material in products, and we hope you’ll come to love it too – not only for its natural beauty but also for it’s natural benefits!

The Wicander cork legacy began in Sweden in 1868. Hjalmar “Lalle” Wicander, was fourth generation in cork. After working for his family’s business, he moved his young family across the Atlantic in 1975. There he founded what would eventually become WECORK in Exeter, New Hampshire. Their headquarters are still there today. WECORK remains a family run business to this day.

Learn more about WeCork on WeCork.com


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