Intuition Mohawk Quiet Thoughts Carpet Tile
Elevate any workspace with Intuition Mohawk Quiet Thoughts Intuition carpet tile. This commercial collection creates a peaceful atmosphere with its bold design and warm, inviting feel. Experience a serene environment designed for retreat and rejuvenation.
Dimensions: 24" x 24"
Construction: Colorstrand Nylon
Design: Modular
Coverage: 96/SQ.FT
Weight: 16 Ounce
Traffic Rating: Heavy
Pattern Repeat: 24" x 24"
Warranty: Lifetime Limited Wear Warranty
SKU: 2B120-948
Coordinating Accessories
This information, offered as a customer service, is based on Aladdin’s engineering test and field experience. It is intended for installers with professional experience to be used at their discretion and risk. Aladdin does not guarantee results and assumes no liability in connection with these instructions
Concrete slabs must be tested for moisture by the current version of ASTM F2170. (Consult CRI 104 part 6.2 for standard test method for determining relative humidity on concrete floor slabs using In-Situ Probes.) Below are the requirements for each Aladdin Carpet Tile products.
Ultraset NXT & Ultraset MATRIX
The following applies to new pour concrete:
On or Below Grade:
An ASTM E-1745, Class B minimum vapor barrier must be in place and directly in contact with the concrete
• If reading is below 95% RH, Enpress adhesive or FlexLok tabs only
• If reading exceeds 95% RH, and no signs of visible moisture are present, Mohawk FlexLok tabs are an approved installation method. For thorough guidelines regarding site conditions, floor prep and installation consult the complete set of FlexLok installation instructions.
Above Grade:
• If reading is below 95% RH, Enpress adhesive or FlexLok tabs only
• If reading exceeds 95% RH, and no signs of visible moisture are present, Mohawk FlexLok tabs are an approved installation method. For thorough guidelines regarding site conditions, floor prep and installation consult the complete set of FlexLok installation instructions.
The following applies to renovation:
On or Below Grade:
An ASTM E-1745, Class B minimum vapor barrier must be in place and directly in contact with the concrete
• If reading is below 95% RH, Enpress adhesive or FlexLok tabs only
• If reading exceeds 95% RH, and no signs of visible moisture are present, Mohawk FlexLok tabs are an approved installation method. For thorough guidelines regarding site conditions, floor prep and installation consult the complete set of FlexLok installation instructions.
Above Grade:
• If reading is below 95% RH, Enpress adhesive or FlexLok tabs only
• If reading exceeds 95% RH, and no signs of visible moisture are present, Mohawk FlexLok tabs are an approved installation method. For thorough guidelines regarding site conditions, floor prep and installation consult the complete set of FlexLok installation instructions.
The alkalinity or pH in a concrete slab must be tested by the current version of ASTM F710 for a glue-down installation. If pH exceeds 12, consult Aladdin Technical Services at 800.833.6954
Ultraset AIR
The following applies to new pour concrete:
On or Below Grade:
An ASTM E-1745, Class B minimum vapor barrier must be in place and directly in contact with the concrete
• No pH or RH testing required when using Enpress Adhesive and the following –
• No Sign of visible moisture
• Slab is older than 30 days Above Grade:
• No pH or RH testing required when using Enpress Adhesive and the following –
• No Sign of visible moisture
• Slab is older than 30 days
The following applies to renovation:
On or Below Grade:
An ASTM E-1745, Class B minimum vapor barrier must be in place and directly in contact with the concrete
• No pH or RH testing required when using Enpress Adhesive and the following –
• No Sign of visible moisture Above Grade:
• No pH or RH testing required when using Enpress Adhesive and the following –
• No Sign of visible moisture
The following applies to new pour concrete:
On or Below Grade:
An ASTM E-1745, Class B minimum vapor barrier must be in place and directly in contact with the concrete
• If reading is below 80% RH, Enpress or FlexLok Tabs
• If reading is between 80-90% RH, Optiseal is required with Enpress adhesive or with FlexLok Tabs
• If reading exceeds 90% RH, consult Aladdin Technical Services at 800.833.6954 Above Grade:
• If reading is below 80% RH, Enpress adhesive or FlexLok Tabs
• If reading is between 80-90% RH, Optiseal is required with Enpress adhesive or with FlexLok Tabs
• If reading exceeds 90% RH, consult Aladdin Technical Services at 800.833.6954
The following applies to renovation:
On or Below Grade:
An ASTM E-1745, Class B minimum vapor barrier must be in place and directly in contact with the concrete
• If reading is below 80% RH, Enpress adhesive or FlexLok Tabs
• If reading is between 80-90% RH, Optiseal is required with Enpress adhesive or with FlexLok Tabs
• If reading exceeds 90% RH, consult Aladdin Technical Services at 800.833.6954 Above Grade:
• If reading is below 80% RH, Enpress adhesive or FlexLok Tabs
• If reading is between 80-90%, Optiseal is required with Enpress adhesive or with FlexLok Tabs
• If reading exceeds 90% RH, consult Aladdin Technical Services at 800.833.6954
The alkalinity or pH in a concrete slab must be tested by the current version of ASTM F710 for a glue-down installation. If pH exceeds 9, on new pour or renovation, consult Aladdin Technical Services at 800.833.6954
Hydrostatic Pressure
If the concrete slab is visibly wet, or experiencing hydrostatic pressure, the cause of the moisture should be properly addressed prior to installation of floor covering. Consult Aladdin Technical Services at 800.833.6954
The floor and room temperature must be acclimated by maintaining the temperature between 65°F and 85°F, and the humidity between 30% and 65%, for at least 48 hours before and during installation. In addition, the carpet and adhesive should be stored under these conditions for at least 24 hours before installation. The installation site must be acclimated with controlled temperature and humidity.
When the installation is complete, the jobsite must be maintained at normal service temperature and humidity.
It is the responsibility of the Flooring Contractor to ensure that all installation guidelines are followed.
Floor Preparation
Floor must be flat, smooth, and clean of any substance that may prevent a good adhesive bond.
• Remove dirt, wax, grease, paint, oil, dust, and any other substances from the floor surface.
• Do not use solvent cleaners or oil based sweeping compounds to remove these substances.
• Fill in cracks and uneven floor areas with cement-based patching or leveling compound.
• Prime patched and leveled areas with latex primer as per manufacturer’s guidelines.
Note: Do not disturb flooring or adhesives containing asbestos until you contact the Resilient Floor Covering Institute for guidance on proper removal/handling of asbestos.
Existing Adhesives
Existing adhesives must be handled properly to prevent potential bonding and/or reactive issues.
• Remove existing adhesives* from the floor to create a flat, smooth, and clean surface.
• Do not use chemical or citrus-based adhesive removers to remove existing adhesives.
• When asphaltic cutback adhesive has been removed, floor must be sealed with OptiSeal.
*When installing EcoFlex Air, removal of existing adhesive is not necessary.
Note: If floor has been chemically abated, contact Mohawk Group Technical Services at 800.833.6954 for guidance before starting installation process.
Mohawk Group is not responsible for improper floor preparation or failure to follow installation guidelines.
• Concrete: Prime if floor is extremely porous or has excessive dust. Note: Any existing sealer or primer must be tested for compatibility with Aladdin’s adhesive. Terrazzo, Marble, Vinyl Tile (VAT or VCT), Linoleum and other smooth nonporous surfaces do not require priming. Damp mop only. If patching is required on these surfaces, prime the patched areas if required by patch manufacturer.
• Gypcrete or substrates with excessive dust must be cleaned and then primed with a product such as PrimeCoat to ensure proper bonding.
• Bond Test must be performed over concrete substrates with unidentified sealers or primers: Adhere a small area of 2 to 3 feet of carpet and allow it to dry completely. Let it set for 24 hours. If the adhesive is bonded tightly, proceed with installation.
• Wood substrates are required to be structurally sound, flat, dry and securely anchored with ¾” minimum thickness. Substrates, such as plywood, OSB or other materials must be flooring grade (APA approved) and installed according to manufacturer specifications. Irregularities, imperfections and joints must be properly patched and prepared. Primer such as PrimeCoat is required over any wood substrate.
Required Equipment
The following items may be purchased from a local carpet workroom supplier:
Razor Blades Straight Edge
Aladdin EnPress Adhesive Framing Square
Floor Scraper Tape Measure
Razor Knives Chalk Line
Scissors Cement-based Patching Compound
75 lb. Roller or 100 lb. Roller Heave Duty Frame Paint Roller with 3/8” Nap Roller OR a 1/16” x 1/32” x 1/32” U-Notch Trowel
Product Inspection
Make sure to inspect Aladdin carpet tiles for dye lot, style, quality and shipping damage prior to installation. Do not install any product that has visible problems. No claims will be allowed for visible defects after the carpet has been cut and installed. For concerns, please contact Technical Services at 800.833.6954.
Site Layout
1. The starting point in a carpet tile installation must be as near to the center of the room as possible and must be positioned to utilize the largest perimeter cut module size.
2. Snap a chalk line parallel to one major wall bisecting, the starting point. It will be
necessary to offset the center chalk line to assure perimeter modules will be at least half size.
3. A second chalk line must be snapped from the starting point at 90° to the first line. This can be accomplished using a 6-8-10 or larger triangle, depending on the room size. (See below). Meters or feet will be used to lay out the triangle in these proportions.
A framing square can also be used.
Pallet and Box Sequencing
It is very important to install carpet tiles in the order they were manufactured. This is easily accomplished by selecting pallets in sequential order.
Adhesive Application
EnPress Adhesive Application
• Ultraset, NXT, Matrix and AIR require EnPress Adhesive.
• Ultraset Air requires Enpress adhesive using a 1/16” x 1/32” x 1/32” U-Notch Trowel.
• The use of Aladdin branded adhesives is required to ensure optimum results and are the only approved adhesives that are authorized by the Aladdin. The Aladdin will not be responsible for damage caused by a failure to use our branded adhesives.
• The adhesive must be applied in a FULL SPREAD – NOT grid.
• Ensure the proper amount of adhesive is applied to the sub-floor. Prior to installation, mark off a small area of the sub-floor and determine the adhesive spread rate. This will allow you to determine the proper coverage level and amount of pressure to apply to the roller during installation.
• When rolling the adhesive, the spread rate is 35-40 yards per gallon and 25-30 yards per gallon using a trowel.
• On smooth surfaces, be careful not to apply too little adhesive. Just because a surface is smooth and / or sealed, it still requires a proper coating of adhesive.
• Allow the adhesive to dry to a clear and tacky state. Tiles must be installed immediately after adhesive has dried. To determine if the adhesive is dry, press finger into adhesive. When dry, adhesive will not transfer to finger.
Set-up time is approximately 45 to 90 minutes depending on the climate and humidity.
Tile Installation Methods
Before you begin the installation, consult product specifications to determine which installation formats are approved. Shown below are some common installation formats.
Ashlar Formats
In the Ashlar installation formats, each row of carpet tiles is shifted 8”, either in a brick format or vertically (see diagrams below). This is a three-step process, i.e. each successive row of tiles must be offset one-third the length of the tile. It is not acceptable to shift the tiles only one-half the length of the tiles (two-step process). This installation method maintains the random appearance of the carpet tiles, eliminating line-on-line or dark-on-dark effects that can create a skewed look in the finished installation.
Note: Carpet tile products installed in the Ashlar format will not have the same finished appearance as the same product in a broadloom (12’ width).
Multi-Directional Format (Follow No Order)
Tiles are to be placed without being concern for the arrow direction (random). Mixing tiles from various boxes during installation will further blend color and design elements. This process is essential for achieving optimal aesthetics.
Plank Tile Installation Methods
12 x 36
12 x 36 + 24 x 24
Fitting Of Tile
1. Start from the intersection point in the center of the floor. Install the tiles in one quadrant using the chalk lines as guidelines. Fill in the area between the two chalk lines using the stair step method.
2. Continue to install tiles in a stair step or pyramid pattern, starting at the center point. Check to ensure tiles are properly aligned at edges during the installation. (See figure to right).
3. Fit the tiles together by sliding them together, being careful not to trap face yarns between or under the edges of the tile. As the tile is placed into position, start with a lower corner and press the tile into place in an upward motion with the palm of the hand. The entire tile must be pressed with the installers’ palm. Do not try to put both corners down at the same time. Do not jam or force the tiles too tightly.
4. Press or roll the tiles into the adhesive.
Important Tile Measurements
• When installing Ultraset NXT, Ultraset Matrix and Ultraset AIR tiles, the 10-tile measurement must be between 240 3/16” to 240 7/16”.
• When installing Ultraset tiles, the 10-tile measurement must be between 240” to 240 1/4”.
Please note: Tiles that are trimmed against the walls, baseboards, columns, etc. must be cut flush, but not so tight that they are forced into position. Ensure that the adhesive spread is within 1/2” of walls and other obstructions
• All carpet tiles must be rolled with a 75 lb. or 100 lb. roller.
• A seam roller can be used to blend and enhance the seams. The loop pile modules will have some yarn blossoming at the edges. The face yarn or primary backing will require occasional trimming.
Cutting Border Tiles
• Cuts are made from the back. Install border tiles by placing the tile face down exactly on top of the last row of field tiles, keeping the arrows pointed in the same directions. This will be your cut tile. Using another tile, butt it against the wall, allowing it to lie on top of the tile that is to be cut. Using this tile as a reference tile, score a line on the back of the tile that is to be cut.
• Cut the tile along the reference line, being careful not to cut through the installed tile below. Install the cut tile with the cut edge along the wall.
• Use this same technique at doorways and around other objects that must be cut. The Ultraset NXT and Ultraset Matrix tile must have the backing cut slightly shorter by cutting the backing at a slight angle. A transition strip must be used to protect any exposed edges. Never use a cut edge as a seam.
Tiles can also be cut by measuring and cutting from the back with a straight edge and knife or by running them up the wall and cutting them with a knife or wall trimmer.
Never cut carpet over carpet, as this can result in over penetration of the blade and severed loops on the lower carpet.
Carpet should be protected from heavy traffic and construction dust with a non-staining, building material paper. Never use plastic sheeting as it will trap moisture and prevent proper curing of the adhesive. Plastic may also leave residues that can result in rapid soiling after removal. Plywood or Masonite boards should be used when moving heavy equipment.
Carpet tiles are NOT recommended for stairs.
Chair pads are recommended for use under chairs with roller casters. Casters must be the flat round type with 5/8” to 1” width minimum. If chair pads are not used, the appearance of the carpet tile will decrease. Maintenance and / or shifting of the carpet tiles will be required more frequently when pads are not used.
Occasionally, it will be necessary to replace damaged or heavily soiled tiles. Tiles can be replaced with on-site inventory or from another area of the installation. A difference of appearance will be noticed when the tile is replaced. However, this difference usually diminishes in a short time.
Commercial Carpet Tile
This limited warranty applies only to the original purchaser of Mohawk Group* carpet tiles for indoor commercial installations. This warranty applies only to product constructed with the following backing and fiber systems:
EcoFlex® NXT, EcoFlex® AIR, EcoFlex® Matrix, and EcoFlex® ONE
Colorstrand, Duracolor, Antron or other Mohawk Group nylon fiber systems
The use of Mohawk Group branded adhesives is required to ensure optimum results and are the only approved adhesives warranted by Mohawk Group. Substrates must be prepared using Mohawk Group’s recommended floor preparation procedures.
Provided the designated carpet has been properly installed and maintained in the specified commercial location in strict accordance with Mohawk Group’s instructions and procedures and subject to the limitations set forth herein, including the specifications and manufacturing tolerances established for the product, Mohawk Group warrants to the original Owner, the following:
Mohawk Group warrants the following for the normal useful life of the carpet**:
1. Wear – Carpet tiles will not wear more than 10% of their surface pile weight from abrasive wear. “Abrasive wear” means fiber loss from the carpet through normal abrasion, not crushing or flattening of the carpet pile in any area, nor staining, soiling, fading, or change in carpet appearance, nor fiber loss due to abnormal usage of the carpet;
2. Static – Carpet tiles will not give static discharges in excess of 3.5 KV when tested under the step portion of AATCC Test Method 134 (Step);
3. Edge Ravel/Zippering – Carpet tiles will not edge ravel or zipper.
4. Delamination – Carpet tiles will not delaminate (chair pads are recommended for maximum appearance retention and to deter delamination);
5. Dimensional Stability – Carpet tiles will not lose their dimensional stability per the AACHEN test ISO 2551.
1. Disfigurement or damage caused by abnormal use or any damage to the carpet not arising out of a manufacturing defect in the carpet, including such disfigurement or damage as tears, burns, pulls, cuts, floods, excessive alkalinity, excessive moisture,
installation on stairs, damage resulting from improper cleaning agents or methods, neglect, or damage in transit;
2. Edge ravel where carpet is cut for access to floor outlets and around trench header ducts;
3. Abuse by any athletic equipment such as roller skates, ski boots, or golf shoes;
4. Differential fading from light exposure, shading, pile crush, dye lot differences, or soiling;
5. Any condition that would have been visible upon inspection prior to the installation;
6. Any condition resulting from other than ordinary wear or from any use for which the product was not designed;
7. Any issues related to moisture and alkalinity in the substrate. Moisture and pH testing are not the responsibility of Mohawk Group.
1. Ownership is defined as the original purchaser of the floor; original proof of purchase may be required for a claim; this warranty is non-transferrable.
2. The original Owner must submit notice of all claims under this warranty to Mohawk Group within a reasonable time after discovery of the alleged defect and within the specified warranty period. All claims not made in writing and received by Mohawk within the time period specified above shall be deemed waived.
3. Claims must be submitted to www.mohawkxchange.com, or by email or phone at aftersalescommercial@mohawkind.com or
4. Mohawk reserves the right to require physical access to damaged floor for visual inspection and/or request images of the defective flooring; If Mohawk Group determines that carpet is to be replaced or repaired under the terms of this warranty, all areas must be free of all equipment, furnishings, partitions, and the like at the Owner’s expense.
1. After receipt of proper written notice of the claim, Mohawk Group may designate a representative to inspect the carpet with the Owner’s representative.
2. Subject to the above warranty limitations and Owner’s obligations, Mohawk Group shall, at its sole discretion, repair or replace the affected carpet or refund the proportional purchase price for the affected area.
3. Any replacement will be made with a comparable product selected by Mohawk Group from the current Mohawk Group running line. However, Mohawk Group’s obligation shall not include the reimbursing of any indirect costs or incidental or consequential damages, however incurred. By way of example and not limitation, damages arising from the interruption of use of the spaces affected or expenses in removing furniture or equipment from the affected area shall not be included in its obligation.
4. The remedies provided in connection with this limited warranty are expressly in lieu of any other remedies provided under any other express or implied warranty, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY BY MODEL OR SAMPLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY
other obligation on the part of Mohawk Group. This warranty supersedes any additional or inconsistent warranty(ies) set by the dealer, Owner, or any third party. In no event shall Mohawk Group be liable
for any incidental or consequential damages. No modification of this warranty shall be effective unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Mohawk Group.
Please Note: Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or
limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts. The above limitation or exclusion may not apply in some situations.
This warranty provides the Owner specific legal rights, and the Owner may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Except for these rights, the remedies provided under this warranty state the limit of Mohawk Group responsibilities.
1. If a dispute arises out of or relates to this warranty, or the breach thereof, and if said dispute cannot be settled through direct discussions, the parties agree to first endeavor to settle the dispute in an amicable manner by mediation administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Mediation Rules in Atlanta, Georgia, before resorting to arbitration. Thereafter, any unresolved controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this warranty, or breach thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration
administered by the American Arbitration Association in Atlanta, Georgia, and in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration Rules and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
2. Neither party nor the arbitrator(s) may disclose the existence, content, or results of any arbitration hereunder without the prior written consent of both parties.
3. The arbitrator(s) shall be appointed as provided in the American Arbitration Association Commercial Arbitration Rules. In rendering the award, the arbitrator(s) shall determine the rights and obligations of the parties according to the substantive and procedural laws of the State of Georgia.
We continuously make technological advancements that improve product performance or installation techniques and methods. To ensure you have the most recent copy of our installation and care instructions, visit www.mohawkgroup. com/resources or call Mohawk Group Technical Services at 800-833-6954.
* Mohawk Group is a division of Mohawk Carpet Distribution, Inc.
** This warranty is subject to an equitable adjustment to reflect the value of the Owner’s use of the carpet.
An often overlooked, but vitally important part of a maintenance program is preventive maintenance, which prevents soil from being deposited into the carpet. The best way to do this is with proper and adequate walk-off systems at all entrances and other sources of soil.
Proper walk-off material is able to scrape and hold large amounts of dry soil as well as absorb water or oil-based moisture. Mohawk walk-off tiles are made to do both, or you can use separate mats for soil containment. Adequate walk-off material should capture five or six foot- steps (roughly 10-15 feet). This amount has been shown to trap 80% of the soil and moisture that would have migrated into your facility.
Along with placing walk-off material at all entrances to your facility, you can use mats at other sources of soil, such as break rooms, water fountains and coolers, to prevent soil from being deposited into the carpet.
For walk-off material to be effective, we recommend daily vacuuming, just as with your other surfaces. Actually, walk- off material requires more frequent cleaning because it is your first line of defense and accumulates soil much more quickly. If this accumulated soil is not removed, the walk-off material will become saturated with soil and lose its ability to prevent soil from entering your facility.
- Keeping sidewalks and parking areas clean
- Using chair pads to prevent casters from grinding soil into the carpet
- Placing trashcans in easily accessible areas
- A 15 ft. walk-off tile area effectively removes about 80% of soil and moisture before it reaches the carpet.
- Removing a pound of dirt once it is inside a buildIng is estimated to cost more than $500.
- It is estimated that up to 24 lbs. of dirt can be tracked in by 1,000 people entering a building over a 20-day work period.
Frequent and thorough vacuuming is the single most important component of a carpet maintenance program. Studies of the soil composition in a facility show that roughly 80% is dry, insoluble soil, or what most of us refer to as dirt. The most
efficient way to remove this dry, insoluble soil is with frequent and thorough vacuuming.
Soil accumulation is inevitable if vacuuming isn’t planned at routine intervals. The best way to plan your vacuuming is to identify high, medium and low-traffic areas. Continually monitor these areas for changes in carpet performance and make adjustments to the maintenance schedule as needed.
It is important to note that carpet is a
three-dimensional product. Unlike hard, two-dimensional flooring, carpet has
depth and the ability to hide soiling. Carpet can trap and hold up to one pound of dirt per square foot before it ap- pears dirty, which is a major advantage that carpet has over other flooring types. Even though it may not appear dirty, carpet requires routine maintenance, particularly vacuum- ing, to remove soiling and keep it looking beautiful for years.
- Vacuum with slow, deliberate passes in length and width for maximum effectiveness.
- Heavy traffic areas require
multiple passes back and forth to sufficiently extract embedded soil. - A vacuum with a brush roller will provide agitation to help with soil removal.
- Slow movement allows time for air to circulate through the face yarn and extract soil.
To adequately remove dry soil with routine vacuuming, you will need to ensure that you use the proper equipment.
Mohawk recommends:
- An upright, dual-motor vacuum with a brush roller and high-efficiency filtration for the bulk of your vacuuming needs. Dual-motor vacuums have one motor for
- the vacuum suction and one for the brush roller.
- A wide-area vacuum for large corridors and other wide-open areas.
- A backpack or canister vacuum for stairs.
Just as you maintain the floor, you need to perform routine maintenance on your vacuums. The crucial parts to pay special
attention to are the bags, belts and brush rollers.
Bags should not get more than two-thirds full eforebeing replaced. The vacuum loses suction significantly and will not pick up much dirt when the bag is too full.
Vacuum belts stretch out over time and become loose. They need to be changed regularly to keep the vacuum
in good working condition.
Check the brush roller periodically for a build-up of loose items, such as strings
or hair, which could impair its function. Monitor the brush roller to make sure that it hasn’t worn down to the point that it is no longer making contact with the carpet face fibers. You can easily check by running a straight edge, such as a driver’s license or a credit card, across the vacuum suction opening to make sure it makes contact with the brush roller.
The classification of heavy commercial traffic refers to public spaces such as main corridors, lobby and entrance areas, vending machine areas, airports, casi- nos, assisted living and retail facilities.
Medium Commercial areas are those that must withstand high foot traffic such as school corridors and class- rooms, administrative and general office areas.
Light traffic areas include executive offices, boardrooms and cubicles. Traffic is minimal, thus reducing the soil in this area.
If you specify one of Mohawk’s stain resistant fiber systems you are specifying the best stain resistant systems available. These products allow 96% of all spills to be removed with water only, ensuring that your carpet will last longer, look new longer, be less expensive and more environmentally friendly to maintain.
Dry soil often hides within the carpet pile, but spots and spills can stand out, depending upon the carpet’s color and pattern. Therefore, to keep your carpet looking as good as possible it’s essential that spot cleaning become an impor- tant part of your maintenance program. Since most carpet manufactured today has mill-applied stain blockers and
soil-resist treatments, your chances for success with spot cleaning are greatly improved if you act quickly and use the proper products, tools and techniques.
Spot cleaning is often regarded as a cumbersome chore and very often the same large equipment used to perform deep cleanings of a large areas ends up being used to clean spots that should be attended to sooner. Don’t delay clean- ing spots until your regularly scheduled cleaning. The best time to treat a spot is when you see it, and a simple way
to extract it is by blotting it with a plain, white absorbent towel. If your cleaning staff has towels at their disposal, they can quickly blot up as much of a fresh spill as possible.
If the spot has dried, blot it with a towel that has been damp- ened with plain water or a general-purpose spotter. This is a great first step to get as much of the contaminant out of the carpet as possible, and it can remove many com- mon water- borne spots. If a residue remains, a spot extrac- tor can be used at a more appropriate time and the spot will disappear with much less effort.
Another simple but effective option for spot cleaning is through the use of an absorbent compound. This method, often called dry extraction, uses an absorbent material that is applied to the affected area. The compound absorbs and dislodges the soil and is then easily vacuumed away. This cleaning method has the advantage of no drying time since little water is used.
We recommend you have a “spot kit” on hand to deal with your most common spots and spills. You will need the following list of materials: Absorbent towels
General purpose spotter or absorbent compound Bone spatula or soft bristle brush
Small extractor or vacuum
Water based stains such as catsup, fruit juice, etc.
STEP 1: Blot or extract to remove substance. Rinse thoroughly with clear water. Apply a mild carpet spotter cleaning solution sparingly and gently agitate the stained area. Blot or extract to remove substance. Rinse thoroughly with clear water to remove residue. Blot or extract to remove excess moisture.
STEP 2: Repeat if necessary.
Petroleum based stains such as grease, oil, shoe polish, etc.
STEP 1: Blot or extract to remove substance. Try implementing cleaning procedure for Category “A” stains using a mild carpet spotter.
STEP 2: Blot or extract to remove substance. Apply only enough cleaning fluid to dampen the stained area. Gently agitate. Blot or extract to remove substance. Rinse thoroughly with clear water. Repeat as long as the stain continues to transfer from the carpet to the towel. Rinse thoroughly with clear water. Blot or extract to remove remaining excess moisture.
STEP 3: Apply a specific POG (Paint, Oil and Grease) Dry Solvent Cleaner sparingly to a clean white towel or paper towel and apply to the stained area. Gently agitate. Blot or extract to remove substance. Rinse thoroughly with clear water. Blot or extract to remove excess moisture.
Coffee and tea based stains.
STEP 1: Blot or extract to remove substance. Rinse thoroughly with clear water. Apply coffee stain remover according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Rinse thoroughly with clear water to remove residue. Blot or extract to remove excess moisture.
Biological stains such as blood, urine, vomit, etc.
STEP 1: Blot or extract to remove substance. Rinse thoroughly with clear water. Apply an alkaline disinfectant type cleaner (below 10 pH) according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Rinse thoroughly with clear water to remove residue. Blot or extract to remove excess moisture.
Interim cleaning is a cost effective way to keep your carpet attractive and odor free between hot water/wet extractions. Mohawk recommends two different methods of interim cleaning. The absorbent compound cleaning method, and the low moisture encapsulation cleaning method. Both methods use various chemicals to dissolve and absorb wa- ter and oil based soils, holding them until they are removed by vacuuming (dry extraction).
This cleaning method uses an absorbent compound moist- ened with water and other cleaning agents. The compound absorbs the soil and spots as they are brushed into the carpet, and then removed by vacuuming.
1. Vacuum thoroughly to remove as much dry soil as possible. (Pile lifter will help remove embedded soil)
2. Apply the absorbent cleaning compound to the carpet. This may include the use of as pre-spray, depending on the type and severity of soiling.
3. Agitate with a counter-rotating brush machine, working the absorbent compound throughout the carpet to suspend and absorb the soil.
4. Vacuum thoroughly to remove the soil and dirty compound.
Low moisture encapsulation uses special chemistry for- mulated to encapsulate the soil and dry it into a crystalline form, which is then removed by vacuuming.
1. Vacuum thoroughly to remove as much dry soil as possible. (Pile lifter will help remove embedded soil)
2. Apply the encapsulation pre-spray to the carpet.
3. Agitate the area with a counter-rotating brush machine.
4. Vacuum thoroughly once the carpet is dry.
Operate equipment with slow, deliberate passes in length and width for maximum effectiveness.
Heavy traffic areas may require multiple passes back and forth to sufficiently extract embedded soil.
For interim cleaning the Mohawk recognizes that there are many absorbent compound and low moisture cleaning brands available in the marketplace. We suggest that you analyze several brands for effectiveness and cost,
to determine which best suits the needs of your facility.
Closely follow all the manufacturer’s user instructions for the cleaning method you choose. Any cleaning method improperly carried out can lead to poorly main- tained and damaged carpet.
The table below is provided as a general reference for how often different types of traffic areas should be Interim cleaned during normal situations.
Deep Cleaning is restoring the carpet’s appearance by extracting soil and substances that can damage your carpet. Mohawk recommends hot water extraction as the most effective method to give restorative deep cleaning results. Soil is abrasive and will cause premature wear of the fibers if it is not properly removed and hot water extraction is the only method that can remove the soil and residue from deep down in the fibers.
Hot Water extraction, performed with truck-mount, portable, or self-contained equipment, uses the high- pressure force of water injected into the carpet followed by powerful vacuum suction to remove suspended soil. The process happens almost instantaneously and does not allow cleaning agents to have adequate dwell time. Therefore, the only cleaning agent you should use in the machine’s tank is an acidic rinse agent to help return the pH to neutral, or a de-foamier to cut down on the accumulation of detergent foam in the machine. Instead, use your cleaning agent as a pre-spray, agitate, and then rinse with your extractor using plain water.
1. Vacuum thoroughly to remove as much dry soil as possible.
2. Pre-spray with cleaning agent
3. Agitate with a counter rotating brush or carpet rake to work the pre-spray throughout the carpet pile and suspend the soil
4. Rinse with plain water
NOTE: During extraction, it is essential to extract as much moisture as possible with dry passes (3 to 4 dry passes per each wet pass). Enhance the drying time by using air movers allowing three to four hours drying time after the last extraction before traffic is allowed on the carpet.
Test the cleaning agent to be sure it dries without stickiness or residue; otherwise it can cause rapid re-soiling.
Use only cleaning agents that have a pH factor below 10 and contain low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
When preformed properly, carpet should be dry within 4-6 hours. We recommend the use of portable or truck-mounted equipment or self-contained extractors. Extractors incorporating a brush
between the water jet and vacuum are recommended. Remove as much moisture as possible with dry passes.
Enhance drying time by using air movers and, if possible, do not permit traffic on the carpet until it is dry.
Presprays are a vital part of a good hot water extraction.
Dual cylinder brush scrubber is recommended to agitate and pile lift the yarn.
All equipment and chemicals must be CRI approved.
The table below is provided as a general reference for how often different types of traffic areas should be Deep cleaned during normal situations.
About Carpet Tiles
Mohawk Carpet Tiles
Intuition Mohawk Quiet Thoughts Carpet Tile. Mohawk Aladdin carpet tiles are high quality and easy to maintain. Included with select carpets are Mohawk Protection Plus Stain and Mohawk Protection Plus Soil resistance for easy care, plus a ColorStrand Fiber Warranty for a lasting, attractive appearance.
Mohawk commercial carpet offers various installation methods like quarter turn, monolithic, brick ashlar, vertical ashlar, and multi-directional to suit your unique needs. A happy workforce is essential for business success, so consider adding durable, long-lasting commercial carpet with style.
Learn more about Mohawk Carpet Tiles on AladdinCommercial.com
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