
Fleury Travertine Verona Tarkett ProGen Vinyl Tile

$131.18 $89.14 Carton  $3.18  Sq/Ft Sale

Introducing Fleury Travertine Verona Tarkett ProGen vinyl tile - the perfect flooring solution with its high definition stone design, waterproof rigid core construction, superior scratch and indent resistance, and fast locking click system for easy DIY installation. Enjoy long-lasting beauty and convenience with this top-of-the-line vinyl tile.

Dimensions: 5mm x 12" x 24" - 20 mil Wear Layer
Construction: Rigid Core - Attached Underlayment 
Design: Engineered Luxury Vinyl
Coverage: 28.03/SQ.FT
Edge Style: Micro Beveled Edges And Ends
Finish: Urethane
Install Method: Click Lock
Warranty: Lifetime - 15 Year Commercial
SKU: 207288000

Coordinating Trim and Accessories


These instructions are written as a guide to be used when installing Tarkett Flooring. These instructions, combined with our adhesives and flooring products, create a system. Utilizing this system will ease the installation process and provide the customer with a completed product that will perform to its intended purpose. Always visit www.tarketthome.com for the most current installation and maintenance instructions. Technical videos and tip sheets are also available. Contact Tarkett Technical Services at (800)-899-8916 with any questions.

Click here to watch instructional videos:
NuGen Luxury Vinyl Tile & Plank Installation Video

1. When ordering product for your installation, calculate the quantity needed for the square footage of the area of installation, then add an additional 510% for standard (straight) installations or 15% additional for diagonal installations to allow for cuts and to have extra material left over that can be used if a future repair is needed.
2. Tarkett floors are intended for indoor use only.
3. Cartons must be stored horizontally on a sturdy base at all times.
4. Protect carton corners from damage.
5. Carefully check flooring material for any defects. Contact your supplier immediately if any defect is found.
6. Room temperature shall be between 65ºF and 85ºF (18.3°C– 29.4°C) for 48 hours before and during installation. NuGen does not require acclimation to the jobsite conditions prior to installation. Refer to SPECIAL NOTES section below.
7. Exposure to direct sunlight can result in NuGen fading and creates excessive heat directly on the finished flooring and surrounding structure which may result in movement. During peak sunlight exposure, the use of drapes or other window treatments are recommended.
8. Remove all existing transitions, quarter round, baseboard molding, or cove base prior to beginning the installation.
9. Undercut doorway moldings to the thickness of the flooring. 10. Do not use foam padding under NuGen.

• When installing NuGen in Residential applications, transition moldings are not required at egress doorways or between rooms, regardless of overall size of the installation.
• When installing NuGen in Light Commercial applications, a transition molding must be placed at egress doorways and when installations span greater than 40’ in any direction.

Subfloor Construction Requirements
All Subfloors Permanently dry, clean, smooth, and structurally sound
Minimum substrate temperature must be 60˚F (15.6 ˚C). Substrate temperature should be a minimum of 5˚F (2.8˚C) higher than the ambient temperature and 10˚F (5.6˚C) higher than the dew point temperature.
NOTE: Dew point calculators are available online. If your substrate is not 10ºF (5.6ºC) above the dew point, contact Technical services at (800) 899-8916
Residual adhesives should be mechanically removed to trace amounts and encapsulated with an approved cementitious patching compound or encapsulation. Do not use chemical adhesive removers or solvents. Always follow Resilient Floor Covering Institute’s (RFCI’s) Recommended Work Practices for Removal of Resilient Floorcoverings.
Caution: Some resilient flooring and adhesives contain "asbestos fibers" and special handling of this material is required.

WARNING: Do not sand, dry sweep, dry scrape, drill, saw, bead blast or mechanically chip or pulverize existing resilient flooring, backing, lining felt or asphaltic “cutback” adhesive. These products may contain asbestos fibers or crystalline silica. Avoid creating dust. Inhalation of such dust is a cancer and respiratory tract hazard. Smoking by individuals exposed to asbestos fibers greatly increases the risk of serious bodily harm. Unless positively certain that the product is a non-asbestos containing material, you must presume it contains asbestos. Regulations may require that the material be tested to determine asbestos content.

Flat to within 1/8” in 8’ (3.1mm in 2.4m). Any unevenness (humps or dips) must be sanded down or filled with a cement-based patching compound.

Existing Flooring

Resilient Vinyl floors must be smooth, even, non-cushioned and well-bonded to the substrate.

Ceramic, Porcelain and Natural Stone tiles must be smooth, even and well-bonded with a grout line depth less than 1/16” (1.6mm). If grout joint depth exceeds the maximum allowable depth, fill with Portland based patching compound following manufacturer’s guidelines.

Strip Wood Hard Wood Floors must be smooth, even, with a maximum gap width between boards of 1/16”

Wood Subfloors
Crawl spaces: All suspended wood subfloors must have at least 18” of well-ventilated air space clearance above the ground. The ground under the crawl space shall be covered with 10 mil or thicker polyethylene sheeting to reduce moisture vapor transmission.
Wood joist or truss systems spacing must be a maximum of 16” on center. Wood or joist truss systems spacing of 16”-19.2 is acceptable for double wood layer construction
Subfloor panels must be
• dry, sturdy, smooth and dimensionally stable
• 3/4” minimum thickness blocked or tongue and groove plywood or oriented strand board (OSB). NOTE: NuGen may be installed over single wood construction in residential applications only
• good one side and have a fully sanded face with a solid core (no voids).
• exterior grade or classified as Exposure I.
• panel joints offset by at least 16” so that four corners do not meet
• securely fastened to the joists and free from spring or deflection (should not exceed 3/63” [1.1mm] per APA Product Standard 2-10 Performance Standard for Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels. If glue-nail procedures are required, use a solvent-free construction adhesive.
• Wood subfloors not meeting the above requirements must be underlayment grade plywood. Follow all APA and manufac underlayment grade plywood.
Tarkett recommended underlayments include:
• APA Underlayment Grade Plywood A-C, B-C, or C-C Plugged
SurePly covered with 1/4” minimum thickness
turer’s guidelines for installing
• C.S.A. (CanPly) and Proboard

Concrete Substrates

Approved for properly constructed and prepared on-grade, above-grade, and below-grade concrete.
Constructed as recommended by the American Concrete Institute’s ACI 302.2 Guide for Concrete Slabs that Receive Moisture-Sensitive Flooring Materials.

Prepared according to ASTM F710 Standard Practice for Preparation of Concrete Floors to Receive Resilient Flooring. The slab must be swept, damp mopped and/or vacuumed to remove any dust. Any surface materials present must be removed, such as loose paint, wax, grease, oil, adhesive residues, crayon, pen marking, etc. that may migrate to the surface of the flooring causing discoloration. Fill and level any cracks, construction joints, control joints, depressions, grooves, or other irregularities with a highquality, non-shrinking, latex-fortified, cementitious patching compound.
DO NOT install Tarkett flooring over expansion joints, or other moving joints in the substrate. These joints must be respected and should not be filled with products that are not intended for that purpose.
Contact an expansion joint cover manufacturer to meet specific flooring conditions.
Complete 3 moisture tests for up to 1,000 ft2 (add 1 additional test for every 1,000 after that) Test for moisture in accordance with:
ASTM F2170 Standard Test Method for Determining Relative Humidity in Concrete Floor Slabs Using in situ Probes:
• Must test to within 90% RH
ASTM F1869 Standard Test Method for Measuring Moisture Vapor Emission Rate of Concrete Subfloor Using Anhydrous Calcium Chloride.
• Must test to within 6 lbs / 1,000 ft2 / 24 hours
If the moisture test results exceed the limits above, the installation must not proceed until the problem has been corrected. Tarkett does not recommend or warrant any product or procedure for the remediation of high moisture in concrete substrates. There are several companies that manufacture products suitable for moisture remediation.
Tarkett recommends:
• Contact Moisture Remediation product manufacturer and supply testing results.
• Follow the remediation recommendation provided using products that meet ASTM F3010 Standard Practice for Two Component Resin Based Membrane-Forming Moisture Mitigation Systems for Use Under Resilient Flooring Systems.
• Cap the moisture remediation system with a cementitious-based product per the moisture remediation system manufacturer’s recommendations for primer, thickness, drying time, etc.
• Install Tarkett flooring over the cementitious-based capping product following our standard installation instructions.
Gypsum Refer to ASTM F2419 Standard Practice for Installation of Thick Poured Gypsum Concrete Underlayments and Preparation of the Surface to Receive Resilient Flooring for guidelines when pouring gypsum underlayments or preparing for use as an underlayment under Tarkett NuGen. Follow the gypsum underlayment manufacturer’s recommendations for proper application and preparation.
Radiant Heat Must be embedded in concrete a minimum of 2” below the surface of the subfloor
Check the manufacturer of the radiant heat system to ensure it is safe for use with resilient flooring
Concrete surface must never exceed 85ºF (29.4ºC)
24 hours prior to install, lower the thermostat to a minimum of 65ºF (18.3ºC). Maintain this temperature throughout installation and for 48 hours after completion
48 hours after installation, gradually increase the thermostat in increments of 5º every twenty-four hours, never exceeding 85ºF (29.4ºC)

1. All substrates must be dry, clean, structurally sound, smooth, and free from all existing adhesive residues.
2. The substrate must be flat within 1/8” in 8’ (3.17mm in 2.4m).
3. Fill and level concrete cracks, construction joints, control joints, depressions, grooves, and other irregularities. Use a latex fortified, cementitious patching compound. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation for preparing.
4. Sweep and vacuum or damp mop substrate to remove all dust and debris.

1. Inspect all planks for visible defects and damage before and during installation. During installation, inspect the groove area and remove any debris that may prevent proper assembly of planks. Do not install damaged planks. Tarkett will not accept responsibility for claims on flooring installed with obvious defects.
2. Room temperature shall be between 65º F and 85º F (18.3°C-29.4° C) for 48 hours before and during installation. NuGen does not require acclimation to the jobsite conditions prior to installation.
3. Remove quarter round, baseboard molding, or cove base.
4. Undercut doorway moldings to the thickness of the flooring.
5. Prepare your layout to determine direction and orientation of planks. No transitions are required when installing in Residential applications. NOTE: When installing NuGen in Light Commercial applications, a transition molding must be placed at egress doorways and when installations span greater than 40’ in any direction.
6. Cartons must be stored horizontally at all times.
7. Protect carton corners from damage.
8. NuGen floors are floating floors and should not be adhered or nailed to the substrate. The only exception is when installing on stairs.
9. Tarkett floors are intended for indoor use only.
10. Determine in which direction the planks will be installed. To make the room appear larger or if installing in very small rooms or hallways, it is preferable to lay the planks parallel to the longest room dimension.
11. Do not install permanent, fixed cabinets on planks.
12. Carefully measure the room to determine squareness and also to determine the width of the last row of planks. If the width of the last row of planks is less than 2” (50 mm), excluding the tongue, the width of first row of planks will have to be cut accordingly. If the length of any cut piece at the end of any row less than 8”, the first plank in the row will need to be cut accordingly.
13. A minimum 1/4” (6.3 mm) expansion space is required around all walls and vertical objects.
14. Although the use of a tapping block and hammer is not required it may help with assembly on the long joints of both plank and stone designs. Make sure that the chosen tapping block is suitable for vinyl and rigid core products. Be careful not to over-tap as this can cause damage to the locking mechanisms.


1. Begin laying planks from the left side of the starting wall and work to the right side. The tongue side of the plank shall face the starting wall. The Tongue portion is inserted into the Groove portion of the plank. NOTE: If you have had to adjust the width of your starting row to accommodate that the width of your ending row will be a minimum of 2”, you may not be starting with a full plank

2. Place 1/4” (6.3 mm) spacers between the short and long side of the planks
and the wall

3. The end joints of the planks in the first row are assembled by inserting the tongue side into the groove side of the previous plank at a natural angle. Gradually lower the plank down flat until the end joint closes, ensuring that the planks are perfectly aligned. Install remaining full planks in the first row.

4. The last plank in the first row will need to be cut. Measure the distance between the wall and the surface of the last full plank. Subtract 1/4” (6.3 mm) or 1/2” (12.7 mm) depending on the size of the spacer used, from this measurement to allow for the spacer. If this measurement is less than 8” (20.3 cm), the length of first plank in the row must be cut. This will allow for a longer plank at the end of the row. The first and last plank in each row must be at least 8” (20.3 cm) in length. Planks are cut using a sharp utility knife and straight edge/carpenter’s square. Score the surface of the plank with a utility knife, and then snap the plank at the score line.

5. The remaining piece cut from the last plank in the first row may serve as the first plank in the second row provided it is at least 8” (20.3 cm) long. Always stagger end joints from row to row a minimum of 8” (20.3 cm).

6. Install the long side of the first plank of the second row. Remember to place a 1/4” (6.3 mm) or 1/2'” (12.7 mm) spacer between the wall and the short side of the plank. Insert the tongue side into the groove side of the previous row at a natural angle and rotate downward until plank is flat with the substrate. You should only have to lift the plank high enough to get your fingers underneath to achieve this natural angle

7. To install the second plank in the second row, insert the tongue side end joint into the groove side end joint of the previous plank at a natural angle. Position the long side of the plank with the tongue side slightly overlapping the groove area of the planks in the previous row. Lift the plank upward and working from the left side of the plank to the right, gently push forward until the entire plank engages into the previous row. NOTE: Use caution when installing the long side of the planks. Do not push on the planks too hard as this may distort or deform the groove. See item 15 in Getting Started to refer to the use of a tapping block and hammer. Rotate plank downward until plank is flat with the substrate. Continue installing remaining planks in the row. It is important to make sure that the first two rows are straight and square as they can affect the entire installation.

8. Continue working from left to right maintaining the random appearance. Planks may be installed row by row or by working multiple rows using the stair step method. Be sure to maintain proper spacing at walls and vertical obstructions

9. In some cases, the flexibility of NuGen will allow for easy positioning of the planks under door moldings and casings. In the event this cannot be done, it is necessary to remove the lip on the groove edge of the planks you are fitting to using a sharp utility knife and straight edge. This will allow you to install the plank lying flat. After the lip has been trimmed off on the planks you are fitting to, lay the plank flat on the floor. Apply a thin bead of PVA glue on top of the tongue and push the plank into position. Immediately wipe off any excess glue with a damp cloth.
10. When installing in front of a tub/shower place Tarkett S 860 along the front of the tub/shower. A bead of flexible, mildew-resistant, 100% silicone caulk should be used to seal the top of the NuGen.

NOTE: This must be the only place where the NuGen is fixed to the subfloor with no expansion space.

1. After all planks have been installed, remove spacers from perimeter of room.
2. Install transition moldings. Do not fasten any moldings through the NuGen.
3. Pre-drill and install quarter round or baseboard molding. Molding must be sufficient size to cover the 1/4” (6.3 mm) or 1/2’ (12.7 mm) expansion space. Do not fasten moldings through the flooring. Fasten into the wall.
4. Use plywood to cover the top of the flooring when moving heavy furniture or appliances into position.
5. Use proper floor protectors under the legs of furniture.
6. Post installation temperature must be maintained between 55º F and 100º F (12° C and 38° C). Ideal ambient relative humidity is between 40% and 70%.

Refer to complete Rigid Core Plank Replacement instructions for further information.
1. Using a straight edge, clearly mark the damaged plank at the center approximately one inch from the edge of the adjoining planks.
2. Using a circular saw, use attic stock to set the blade to the thickness of the plank.
3. Carefully, cut the plank along the mark. Take care not to damage the adjacent plank. CAUTION: wear the appropriate eye protection, respiratory equipment and be certain that the safety guards are in place and operational
4. Carefully remove the center of the damaged plank.
5. Using a power drill with a 1/8” bit, drill from each corner back to the inside edge. Space the holes approximately 1/16”.
6. Using a sharp chisel or lino knife, cut through the drill holes.
7. Carefully remove the edges of the cut plank. Do not damage adjoining planks.
8. Prepare the replacement plank by removing the tongue and groove on each short side and by removing the groove on the long side.
9. Using Tarkett S 875 Floating Seam Tape, place a piece so it is centered under each adjoining plank.
10. Remove the release liner on the tape on all sides.
11. Place a bead of PVA adhesive (similar to Elmer’s Glue All) on the top of the tongue of the adjacent plank, long and short side. Wipe off the excess with a damp rag
12. Position the replacement plank by inserting the tongue of the long side into the groove of the adjoining plank.
13. Rotate the plank downward into position.
14. Roll seam edges with a hand roller to ensure proper contact with floating seam tape.
15. Wipe off excess PVA adhesive with a rag dampened with water.


Tarkett® Luxury Vinyl Plank & Tile Flooring Consumer Protection Plan

Consumer Warranties
Tarkett products are backed by a comprehensive consumer protection program. This warranty program is your assurance that the Tarkett floor you have selected will perform to your satisfaction. If you should have a valid warranty claim, Tarkett will provide you with new flooring of the same or similar quality free of charge and will pay a reasonable labor charge to install it (if original floor was
professionally installed), as specified in your warranty. We give you all of this protection so that you can buy your new Tarkett floor with peace of mind. Even Tarkett’s advanced generation of floors need regular care to look and perform their best. First, make sure your Tarkett floor is installed using only Tarkett approved adhesives and materials. Then, be sure to follow a program of regular care, using the maintenance instructions found at www.tarketthome.com. These sensible steps will assure you that your new floor will deliver outstanding performance and provide you years of beauty and lasting satisfaction. General warranty information, including definitions and exclusions can be found on the following pages.
All Tarkett Warranties
• Covers only material graded and sold as “regular” or “first quality”.
• Cover the flooring material from the date of original purchase for the time period specified.
Apply to the original purchaser so long as he/she occupies the residence or location where the flooring was installed (residential
Are limited to one (1) replacement floor except for wear and manufacturing defects. Original limited warranty for wear and manufacturing defects applies to all replacement floors.
Replacement labor costs, when covered by the warranty, will only be paid if professional installation was paid for when the original floor was installed.
Extreme Performance Residential Limited Warranty From the original date of purchase, according to the terms, these floors:
• Will not wear through.
• Will be free from manufacturing defects.
• Will not rip, tear, gouge or indent from normal household use when installed directly over wood or concrete.
Movement of large appliances requires special handling.
• Will not permanently stain from common household products.
• Will not permanently stain from traffic stains, including asphalt driveway sealers.
• Will not stain from moisture on concrete subfloors. See excessive moisture definition.
• Will not permanently scuff from shoe soles.
Light Commercial Wear and Manufacturing Defects Limited Warranty.
From the original date of purchase, according to the terms, these floors:
• Will not contain manufacturing defects.
• Will not wear through.
3-Seasons Room Wear and Manufacturing Defects Limited Warranty
The ProGen™ Collection flooring:
Will not warp and/or buckle under direct sunlight when installed according to all recommended guidelines and honoring required expansion gap.
Please refer to the definition of a 3-seasons room on page 4.


Aloft™ and InStudio™
25 Year Extreme Performance Residential Limited Warranty
• Years 1-2: Material and labor, if professionally installed.
• Years 3-5: Material only
• Years 6-10: 75% Material only
• Years 11-15: 50% Material only
• Years 16-20: 25% Material only
• Years 21-25: 10% Material only
7 Year Light Commercial Wear and Manufacturing Defects
Limited Warranty
• Year 1-2: Material and labor, if professionally installed.
• Years 3-5: Material only
• Years 6-7: 50% Material only

NuGen™ Click
Lifetime Extreme Performance Residential Limited Warranty
• Years 1-2: Material and labor, if professionally installed.
• Years 3-5: Material only
• Years 6-10: 75% Material only
• Years 11-15: 50% Material only
• Years 16-20: 25% Material only
• Years 21-Life of Floor: 10% Material only
10 Year Light Commercial Wear and Manufacturing Defects
Limited Warranty
• Year 1: Material and labor, if professionally installed.
• Year 2: Material and labor (50%), if professionally installed.
• Years 3-5: Material only
• Years 6-10: 50% Material only

Lifetime Extreme Performance Residential Limited Warranty
• Years 1-2: Material and labor, if professionally installed.
• Years 3-5: Material only
• Years 6-10: 75% Material only
• Years 11-15: 50% Material only
• Years 16-20: 25% Material only
• Years 21-Life of Floor: 10% Material only
15 Year Light Commercial Wear and Manufacturing Defects
Limited Warranty
• Year 1: Material and labor, if professionally installed.
• Year 2: Material and labor (50%), if professionally installed.
• Years 3-5: Material only
• Years 6-10: 50% Material only
• Years 11-15: 25% Material Only
10 Year - 3-Seasons Room Limited Warranty
• Years 1-2: Material and labor, if professionally installed.
• Years 3-5: Material only
• Years 6-10: 50% Material only

3-Seasons Room: is defined as a home addition that is enclosed with glass and protected from the elements. It may or may not feature floor-to-ceiling windows and door, and does not have insulation or continuous climate controls in place.
Excessive Moisture: is defined as relative internal humidity in concrete substrates exceeding 90% when tested according to ASTM F2170 or moisture vapor exceeding 6 lbs./1,000 sq. ft./24 hrs. when tested according to ASTM F1869. These tests are performed prior to the installation of flooring.
Light Commercial Use: is defined as commercial areas that experience foot-traffic only (no rolling loads). Manufacturing Defect: is defined as a visual or construction deficiency resulting from the manufacturing process. Moisture Staining: is defined as staining from mold, mildew, or alkali when installed over concrete only.
Normal Household Use: is defined as common daily activities in owner-occupied, residential installations.
Wear Through: is defined as total loss of pattern in a minimum of a 2 square inch area, subject to the exclusions listed below. Loss of gloss or texture is not considered wear through.

• Damage/stains due to:
— Improper use or conditions including without limitation plumbing/appliance leaks, storm or flood; smoke, fire, or other casualty
events; negligence, improper alterations of the original manufactured product.
— “Abuse” including any use of flooring that is unreasonable considering the normal and expected use of the flooring in a residential, light commercial or 3-seasons room environment.
— Stiletto or high heels shoes.
— Products other than common household products.
— Rubber backing or dyes used in floor mats, rugs, and carpets.
— Heat generation from refrigerators or heating units (including burns).
— Household accidents or abuse.
— Caster action or rolling loads in residential, light commercial, 3-seasons and commercial applications.
— Wheelchair traffic and turning.
— Cuts, gouges, scratches, punctures, tears, and indentations caused by loads exceeding the recommended static load limit.
— Improper installation and maintenance.
— Discoloration/staining due to moisture, mold, mildew, and alkaline substances when installed over substrates other than bare concrete.
• Hydrostatic pressure.
• Loss of gloss.
• Fading or damage resulting from direct and indirect exposure to sunlight, including 3-season rooms.
• Damage and discoloration caused by adhesives or floor care products not recommended or distributed by Tarkett.
Rip, tear and gouge: Damage caused by abuse i.e. boots and cleats or spikes, vacuum cleaner beater bar, dropping of heavy
or sharp objects, or moving appliances without protection.
Damage, scratching, dulling resulting from lack of or improper furniture rests and floor protectors, and movement of large appliances and furniture without proper protection.
• Bottom up staining from contaminants on the substrate.
Problems due to Excessive Moisture in concrete floors that exceed 90% internal relative humidity when tested according to
ASTM F2170 or 6lbs./ 1,000 sq. ft./24 hrs. when tested according to ASTM F1869 Calcium Chloride test.
• Non-compliance with Tarkett up-to-date Installation and Maintenance Instructions available at www.TarkettHome.com.
• Non-compliance with installation requirements restricted to residential, light commercial and 3-seasons room applications.
• Application in other than owner-occupied or tenant-occupied residences.
Color and design variation from samples and printed illustrations to the exact product installed. Variations in shade or color may
result when viewing in different light sources.
• Labor on merchandise installed with obvious visible defects.
• Flooring qualities that are other than “regular” or “first quality.”
Only one time repair or replacement is covered by the Limited Warranty in instances where recurrent rip, tear, gouge and indent,
moisture stain, and household / traffic stain situations indicating that Tarkett Luxury Vinyl flooring should not have been originally installed in this application.

When exposed to topical water, all Tarkett Home LVT products are waterproof and will not swell, buckle or lose structural integrity. In the case of an excessive spill, standing water, or flooding, these collections will not act as a waterproofing barrier for the subfloor and/or any surrounding structure.

• Damage to the subfloor and/ or surrounding structure that is caused by an excessive spill, standing water or flooding.
• Damage caused by fire and/or extinguishing means flooding, exposure to excessive spill, standing water or intentional abuse.
Damage caused by moisture to surrounding structure, walls, subfloor, fixtures, furniture, underlayment, moldings, trims, subfloor
heating elements, or anything that is not the structural integrity or dimensional stability of the floor plank or tile.
• Damage resulting from mold and mildew growth due to prolonged exposure to moisture.
• Damage resulting from liquid migrating under the flooring due to spills around room edges.
• Discoloration from moisture or underlayment panels.
Failure of the flooring to adhere to the subfloor due without limitation, to improper subfloor preparation, moisture, alkaline,
or hydrostatic pressure from the subfloor.
• Damage resulting from inappropriate end-user activities.
• Damage resulting from installation in unapproved locations.
• Product is warranted as a “system warranty.” The product must be installed in conjunction with the recommended Tarkett adhesive.
Tarkett® warrants its floor covering against adhesion failure when Tarkett adhesives and proper application/ notch-size trowels
are used to install Tarkett luxury plank or tile flooring in accordance with Tarkett’s recommended installation guidelines. With subsequent adhesion failure directly related to the performance of Tarkett adhesives, your floor will be replaced and/or repaired at Tarkett’s expense in accordance with Tarkett’s recommended repair and replacement guidelines. The warranty term is for the same period as the warranty term on the Tarkett luxury plank or tile flooring used in conjunction with these adhesives. The adhesives must be used within the shelf life listed on the adhesive container. In the event of a claim, a written notice must be submitted to the dealer from whom the adhesive was purchased or to Tarkett Claims Department with proof of date of purchase and the amount of adhesive purchased.

Defective material will be repaired or replaced with the same product, design and color, if available. If unavailable, Tarkett reserves the right to select and supply a similar Tarkett product. Tarkett reserves the right to have the floor repaired or replaced using Tarkett recommended techniques for that product.
No representative, employee or agent of Tarkett or any other person is authorized to assume for Tarkett any liability or responsibility with respect to Tarkett residential flooring or Tarkett adhesive, in addition to that described above. In no event shall Tarkett be liable for indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages of any kind, no matter what the cause. By this we mean that Tarkett will not pay for or cover any loss, expense, or damage other than to the flooring itself that may result from a defect in the flooring. Some examples are: removal and/or replacement of subfloors, trim mouldings, connecting/reconnecting appliances or fixtures, or moving furniture. Some states do not allow limitations or disclaimers as to implied warranties, so the above limitations or disclaimers
may not apply to you. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you. These limited warranties give you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights that vary
from state to state. In the event Tarkett disagrees with your claim, Tarkett reserves the right to submit the matter to arbitration by a qualified, impartial third party.

Contact your Tarkett dealer no later than 30 days after the discovery of the defect. Your dealer may arrange for proper inspection and coordinate resolution of your claim.
If a defect is verified, Tarkett - through its distributor - will arrange for repair or replacement with new material of the same color, design and grade, if available, according to the limited warranty of your Tarkett flooring. If unavailable or discontinued, Tarkett reserves the right to select and supply similar Tarkett material.

If you need to make a warranty claim, provide the retailer/contractor who sold you the flooring with written notice describing the problem along with a photo clearly showing the problem and proof of purchase. If you are unable to contact your retailer/contractor or are not satisfied with the response received, contact:
Tarkett Claims 30000 Aurora Road
Solon, OH 44139
Phone: 800.899.8916
Fax: 440.632.5643

Day-to-Day Care:
• Sweep or vacuum (without a beater bar) regularly to remove dirt and grit that may abrade or scratch the flooring.
• Wipe up spills promptly and thoroughly with a damp cloth or mop.
Wash the floor with Tarkett SureShine® Cleaner, or an eqivalent neutral cleaner. Do not saturate the floor. Use a damp mop
application with a microfiber-type mop head. Follow the instructions on the label for application procedure. DO NOT use dishwashing liquid, as this can leave a film build-up on the flooring.
Stain Removal:
The following procedures are recommendations. Topical staining resulting from household accidents or tracked substances is not covered by the Tarkett Limited Warranty. Please be advised that the use of stain removal chemicals and solvents over prolonged periods and without rinsing may damage the floor.
Scuff Marks – Use a white nylon pad dampened with Tarkett SureShine® Cleaner. For tough marks, apply a clean white cloth dampened with mineral spirits to stand for 10-15 seconds. Wash area with Tarkett SureShine® Cleaner, rinse with water, and allow to dry.
Food & Beverage, Lipstick, or Writing Ink – Wipe up excess with a damp cloth. Wash area with Tarkett SureShine® Cleaner, rinse with water, and allow to dry. Place a white cloth soaked with full strength liquid chlorine bleach on the area for up to 1 hour
maximum. Cover the area with plastic wrap and tape the edges to prevent evaporation. Remove cloth within 1 hour, rinse floor with clear water, and allow to dry. Surface may appear milky after application, this is a result of moisture blushing and will dissipate within 24 hours.
Wet Paint or Wood Stain (Oil Base), Hair Dye, Iodine, or Nail Polish – Wipe up excess immediately with a water dampened cloth. Dampen a clean white cloth with mineral spirits. Wash area with Tarkett SureShine® Cleaner, rinse with water, and allow to dry.

Adhesive, Candle Wax, Grease, Oil, or Loose Tar or Asphalt - Remove excess with a plastic spatula or other dull tool that will not scratch or cut the floor. Wipe remaining residue with a clean white cloth dampened with mineral spirits. Turn cloth frequently while wiping. Then wipe floor with a clean white cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol. Wash area with Tarkett SureShine® Cleaner, rinse with water, and allow to dry. Asphalt and tar stains tracked in from driveways or other sources cannot be removed. A non-staining mat or rug at any exterior entrances can help prevent this type of staining.

We recommend that the installation of new flooring material not be performed until all the other trades have completed their work. Proper precautions must be taken during and after the installation process to avoid damage to the newly installed flooring.
Immediately After Installation:
• Remove any scraps and waste from the installation to prevent scratching or damage to the flooring.
Flooring must be swept or vacuumed (without a beater bar) to remove loose dirt and grit prior to the application of proper floor
protection. (Do not trap dirt and grit under floor protection.) Lightly damp mop if necessary.
If further construction will be performed in the area where the new flooring has been installed, apply floor protection suitable for construction foot traffic such as: undyed, heavy Kraft paper, Ram Board, ⅛” Masonite panels, or similar product designed for resilient floor protection. NOTE: Do not use plastic or other non-porous materials to protect the newly installed flooring that could prevent the adhesive from drying properly.
• For Full Spread Permanent Bond (Wet Set) adhered installations:
— All traffic must be restricted for a minimum of 24 hours after installation.
— All heavy traffic, rolling loads, pallet jacks, and furniture or appliance placement must be restricted for a minimum of 72 hours after installation. When moving heavy furniture or appliances, always protect the floor with ¼” thick Masonite board or equivalent.
— Do not introduce liquids or cleaners to the flooring for a minimum of 48 hours after installation.
• For Full Spread Releasable (Dry Set) adhered and Floating Installations:
— Foot traffic and furniture or appliance placement may resume immediately after installation. When moving heavy furniture or
appliances, always protect the floor with ¼” thick Masonite board or equivalent.
For All Installations
For areas with permanent HVAC, maintain post-installation temperature at 55˚-100˚F (12.8˚-37.8˚C) and relative humidity between 40-70%. For areas without permanent HVAC where approved Tarkett flooring has been installed, ensure that floating installations have a ½” minimum expansion space around all fixed verticals and the perimeter.
Furniture Moving: When moving heavy furniture or appliances, do not slide directly over the floor. Use ¼” thick Masonite board or equivalent on the floor to move large furniture or appliances.
Floor Protectors: Make sure furniture and appliances are equipped with proper, non-staining glides or casters that have a minimum bearing surface in contact with the flooring of 1” square. DO NOT use Felt floor protectors as these will wear down over time and can trap grit that may scratch the floor. Smooth polished metal or flat, non-staining plastic are examples of acceptable floor protectors. Casters should have a single, wide wheel that does not have sharp edges. NOTE: All floor protectors should be inspected frequently, and if worn or damaged, should be replaced as needed.
• Rug Gripper Mats / Pads:
— Use natural, undyed rubber mats or pads underneath rugs. Check with the manufacturer to ensure that these products
are safe for use with the applicable flooring.
• Traffic:
— Avoid walking on Tarkett flooring in narrow, high-heeled shoes. Narrow-heeled shoes can cause permanent damage
to resilient flooring.
— Use non-staining, latex-backed mats at entryways to limit tracking debris onto the flooring as this type of grit can scratch floors.
CAUTION: Discoloration can occur from rubber backings and dyes used in floor mats and rugs. Always refer to the rug manufacturer to determine if it is safe for use with resilient flooring. Floor paints and driveway sealers can also permanently discolor the floor.
Sunlight Exposure: Repeated exposure to direct sunlight may cause fading, discoloration, peaking, gapping, or movement. The use of drapes or blinds during peak sunlight hours is recommended.
Heat Exposure: Keep refrigerator exhaust ducts and heating system air ducts free of dust build up to reduce heat accumulation in those areas that can discolor or damage flooring. Forced-air heating system dampers should be adjusted to control outlet temperature to a maximum of 100˚F (37.8˚C).


Tarkett Luxury Floors Care & Maintenance

Protect the investment you made by following these basic steps immediately after installing your Tarkett Luxury Flooring:

• When moving heavy furniture or appliances, do not slide directly over your floor. Place plywood or hardboard panels on floor when moving furniture or appliances.
• Do not wash floor for 48 hours after installation.
• Maintain post installation temperature between 55°F and 100°F. Maintain relative humidity between 40% and 70%.
Basic Floor Protection
• Moving furniture and appliances may cause scratches or indentations in your new floor. Make sure furniture and appliances are equipped with proper, non-staining rests, glides or casters.
• High heeled shoes can cause permanent damage to many types of flooring, including tile and plank.
• Repeated exposure to direct sunlight may cause fading or discoloration. Close drapes or blinds to block direct sunlight.
• The use of non-staining, latex-backed mats at entryways is helpful in removing grit that may abrade or scratch your floor. Caution: Discoloration can occur from rubber backings and dyes used in floor mats and rugs. Floor paints and driveway sealers can also permanently discolor your floor.
• Home appliances such as refrigerators and heating system air ducts emit a direct flow of heat that, if not controlled, can exceed 120°F. This condition may cause discoloration over time. Forced- air heating system dampers should be adjusted to control outlet temperature to a maximum 100°F. Cigarettes, matches and other hot objects dropped on the floor can also cause permanent damage.
Routine Maintenance
Tarkett Luxury Flooring is easy to clean and maintain. For day-to- day maintenance, the following are some simple steps that will help keep your new floor looking great:
• Sweep or vacuum* regularly to remove dirt and grit that may abrade or scratch your new floor.
• Wipe up spills promptly and thoroughly with a damp cloth or mop.
• After a period of time, it may be necessary to wash the floor with Tarkett SureShine® Floor Cleaner or equal neutral floor cleaner. Follow the detailed instructions in the CPP.
• Do not use dishwashing detergent. Any detergent film left on the floor can hold tracked-in dirt and leave the surface with a dull, cloudy appearance.
• In time, high traffic areas may begin to show a reduction in gloss. If this occurs, thoroughly clean and dry the floor and apply a light coat of Tarkett SureShine® Floor Polish. Pour the polish into a shallow pan. Using a clean, damp sponge mop, spread evenly in one direction to insure uniform application. Polish dries in 20-30 minutes. If more than one coat is desired, be sure to let each coat dry completely before applying another.
*Do not use beater bars on any vacuums to avoid damage

About this Vinyl Floor

Tarkett Vinyl

Fleury Travertine Verona Tarkett ProGen Vinyl Tile next-generation technology is designed to stand up to the demands of modern life — and whatever is thrown, dropped, spilled or scraped on it. Because Tarkett vinyl is durable, waterproof, dimensionally stable, and easy to install, it can be used in any room — including all-season rooms with extreme temperature changes and rooms that are most prone to moisture and spills, like kitchens and baths.

Learn more about Tarkett Flooring on TarkettHome.com
