Roble Norwood

Roble Norwood

Con posibilidades de diseño ampliadas con menos repeticiones de patrones y una paleta de colores sofisticada, COREtec Scratchless incluye ingeniería innovadora combinada con arte natural. COREtec Scratchless brinda protección de siguiente nivel contra mascotas, niños, tacones altos y la vida cotidiana, mientras que un avance en la tecnología central da como resultado un piso con núcleo mineral que es 100 por ciento impermeable, a prueba de niños y mascotas. Las imágenes de bajo brillo y el rendimiento mejorado contra rayones lo convierten en el piso COREtec de mayor rendimiento que ofrece una garantía de 15 años contra rayones.



9 mm x 7,6" x 47,64 - Capa de desgaste de 20 mil




Vinilo de lujo diseñado

Cobertura 15.08 /PIES CUADRADOS
Estilo de borde Bisel de acento
Finalizar Acrílico curado con UV
Método de instalación
Haga clic en Bloquear
Garantía Residencial de por vida - Comercial de 10 años
SKU VV674-07016

Accesorios a juego
Visualizador de habitaciones
Información de garantía
Instrucciones de instalación

Dimensions: 9mm x 7.6" x 47.64 - 20 mil Wear Layer
Construction: Mineral Core Plank - Attached Cork UnderlaymentDesign: Engineered Luxury Vinyl
Coverage: 15.08/SQ.FT
Edge Style: Accent Bevel
Finish: Scratchless
Install Method: Click Lock
Certification: Green Guard Gold
Warranty: Lifetime Residential - 20 Year Light Commercial - 30-year Scratch

Coordinating Trim and Accessories

These installation guidelines apply to COREtec Scratchless products only. All instructions and recommendations should be followed for a satisfactory installation.

  • Acclimation of material prior to installation is not required, however, the floor covering should be installed in a climate controlled environment with an ambient temperature range between 55° - 85°F (13°-29°C) or average temperature of 70°F (21.1°C).
  • For installations involving 3 season scenarios, meaning, the dwelling or installed space is without climate control for extended periods during certain seasons of the year, the post installation temperature range allowed is an ambient room temperature between -25°F and 155°F (31.6°- 68.3°C). This allowance is for floating floors only and does not apply to glue-down installations.
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for prolonged periods, doing so may result in discoloration. During peak sunlight hours, the useof the drapes or blinds is recommended. 
  • Regardless of new construction or remodeling projects, keep flooring stored in rooms that are not being worked in and onlyinstall product after all other trades have completed work that could damage the flooring.
  • To minimize shade variation, mix and install planks from several cartons.
  • Inspect all planks for damage before installing. If you have any concerns about the product fit or finish, call Shaw InformationServices at 1-800-441-7429. Claims will not be accepted for flooring that has been cut to size and/or installed.
  • Use cementitious patching and leveling compounds that meet or exceed maximum moisture level and pH requirements.  Use ofgypsum-based patching and/or leveling compounds which contain Portland or high alumina cement and meet or exceed thecompressive strength of 3,000 psi are acceptable.
  • Installation - Floating (installed on, above, or below grade).
  • Required perimeter expansion spacing for floating installation is as follows:     
    For areas less than 2500 sq ft., use 1/4" gap
    For areas larger than 2500 sq ft., use 1/2" gap.
  • Cut outside whenever possible to minimize airborne contaminants that may become embedded in the grain. 
  • When cutting inside, dust collection bags should be clean and in place. 
  • Always wear adequate eye protection and safety masks. 
  • Crumb rubber underlayments are not an acceptable option for use with resilient floor coverings due to performance issuesresulting from chemical incompatibilities.

Tools: Tape Measure, Utility Knife, Saw (masonary blades are recommended), Guillotine Cutter, Tapping Block or Rubber Mallet, PullBar, ." Spacers, T-Square, Safety Glasses, Broom or Vacuum and, if necessary, tools for subfloor repair.

All subfloors must be clean, flat, dry and structurally sound. The correct preparation of the subfloor is a major part of a successfulinstallation. Subfloor must be flat – 3/16" in 10' or 1/8" in 6'.

Do not install material over wood subfloors that lay directly on concrete or over dimensional lumber or plywood used over concrete.Refer to ASTM F1482 for panel underlayment recommendations.
1. Do not apply sheet plastic over wood subfloors.

2. Basements and crawl spaces must be dry. Use of a 6 mil black polyethylene is required to cover 100% of the crawl spaceearth. Crawl space clearance from ground to underside of joist is to be no less than 18” and perimeter vent spacing should beequal to 1.5% of the total square footage of the crawl space area to provide cross ventilation. Where necessary, localregulations prevail.

3. DO NOT install over sleeper construction subfloors or wood subfloors applied directly over concrete.

4. All other subfloors - Plywood, OSB, chipboard, wafer board, etc. must be structurally sound and must be installed following theirmanufacturer’s recommendations. Local building codes may only establish minimum requirements of the flooring system andmay not provide adequate rigidity and support for proper installation and performance. If needed add an additional layer of APArated underlayment, fasten and secure according to the underlayment manufacturer’s recommendations. 

5. COREtec Scratchless flooring is not recommended for direct glue down applications over fire-retardant treated plywood orpreservative treated plywood. An additional layer of APA rated 1/4" thick underlayment should be installed.


  • Floors shall be smooth, permanently dry, clean, and free all foreign material such as dust, wax, solvents, paint, grease, oils, andold adhesive residue. The surface must be hard and dense, and free from powder or flaking.
  • If the adhesive residue is asphalt.based (cut.back), or any other type of adhesive is present, it must be removed by industry accepted methods such as mechanical removal or wet scraping. 
  • If a chemical abatement has been performed, use Shaw Surface Prep EXT to remove any residual chemicals present.  OnceShaw Surface Prep EXT has been properly cleaned and removed, apply one coat of Shaw MRP for additional protection.
  • Adhesive removal through the use of  solvents or citrus adhesive removers is not recommended. Solvent residue left in or on the subfloor may affect the new adhesive and floor covering.   


These products may contain either asbestos fibers and/or crystalline silica. Avoid creating dust. Inhalation of such dust is a cancer and respiratory tract hazard. Smoking by individuals exposed to asbestos fibers greatly increases the risk of serious bodily harm. Unless positively certain that the product is a non.asbestos.containing material, you must presume it contains asbestos. Regulations may require that the material be tested to determine asbestos content and may govern the removal and disposal of material. See current edition of the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) publication Recommended Work Practices for Removal of Resilient Floor Coverings for detailed information and instructions on removing all resilient covering structures. For current information go to

  • Concrete slabs must be dry with no visible moisture.
  • Required Moisture Testing - maximum moisture level per ASTM 1869 CaCl is 8 lbs. and ASTM 2170 In-situ RelativeHumidity 90% per 1000 sq.ft. in 24 hours. If moisture test results exceed these limits we recommend use of a moistureremediation system.
  • Do not install over concrete with a history of high moisture or hydrostatic conditions. 
  • pH level of concrete should be between 7-10
  • The final responsibility for determining if the concrete is dry enough for installation of the flooring lies with the floor coveringinstaller.

Radiant Heat: Radiant-heated subfloor systems can be concrete, wood or a combination of both. The heating systems componentsmust have a minimum of 1/2" separation from the flooring product. The system must be on and operational for at least 2 weeks priorto installation to reduce residual moisture. Three days prior to installation lower the temperature to 65 degrees, after installationgradually increase the temperature in increments of 5° F to avoid overheating. Maximum operating temperature should never exceed85°F. Use of an in-floor temperature sensor is recommended to avoid overheating. Contact the manufacturer of your radiant heatingsystem for further recommendations.

  • Electric Radiant Floors: consist of electric cables (or) mats of electrically conductive materials mounted on the subfloor belowthe floor covering. Mesh systems are typically embedded in thin-set. When embedding the system components, usecementitious patching and leveling compounds that meet or exceed Shaw’s maximum moisture level and pH requirements. Use of gypsum-based patching and/or leveling compounds which contain Portland or high alumina cement and meet or exceedthe compressive strength of 3,000 psi are acceptable. 
  • Hydronic Radiant Floors: pump heated water from a boiler through tubing laid in a pattern under the flooring. Typically installedin channels under a wooden subfloor (or) imbedded in concrete slabs. Requires the installer follow a specific nailing pattern toavoid penetration of the heat system.


  • COREtec Scratchless flooring can be installed over most existing hard–surface floor coverings, provided that the existing floorsurface is clean, flat dry and structurally sound.
  • Existing sheet vinyl floors should not be heavily cushioned and not exceed more than one layer in thickness. Soft underlaymentand soft substrates will compromise the product's locking ability as well as diminish its indentation resistance.
  • Ceramic tile and terrazzo: All wax and sealers must be removed with an appropriate cleaner/stripper.
  • Ceramic tile andterrazzo should be abraded to allow for proper adhesion. Check for loose tiles by tapping and re-adhere. Fill grout lines with acementitious latex fortified leveling compound.Installation is NOT allowed over any type of carpet.
  • Do NOT install over wood floors adhered to concrete.


  • Must be stable, level, flat, free and clean of existing adhesives
  • 24" x 24" panels are recommended.
    Lippage (variation of height) between panels must not exceed 0.0295” (0.75 mm)
  • Gaps between panels must not exceed 0.039” (1mm)
  • There should be no deflection of the individual panels – Concave less than 0.0295” (0.75 mm) Flatness 1/8” in 10’
  • Stagger the flooring tiles/planks to overlap the access panels
  • Telegraphing of access panel seams may be visible and is not considered a product defect nor warranted by the flooring manufacturer. 
  • If needed overlay the panels with a 1⁄4” (6 mm) plywood and properly fasten to the access panels prior to the installation of the floorcovering. Prior to underlayment installation, repair any loose or unstable panels. Use the appropriate installation methods forthe product

Installation of 6 mil Poly Film Underlayment is recommended only for floating applications over concrete subfloors.  

For use only over concrete substrates  - seams MUST be taped.

  • Begin at the starting wall. Roll underlayment out parallel to the starting wall and allow the poly film to run 2 inches up the wall.
  • After the flooring has been installed trim back the poly film from the wall.
  • Roll the next course of poly film parallel to the first run and overalap a minimum of 4 inches.  Smooth out any wrinkles orcreases in the poly film. Use clear tape to tape the seams together when installed over concrete substrates.
  • Continue to install the flooring over top of the poly film taking care not to damage the poly film.

Note: Do not cover the entire area of the substrate to prevent damage or present a slip hazard. Roll the poly film out one row at atime.

Perimeter expansion space (1/4”), 6mm is required. Undercut all doorjambs. 

If cabinets are to be installed on top of the flooring (including islands), that area of material must be fully adhered to the subfloor(including an additional 2’ft beyond the cabinets and islands). Follow the adhesive manufacturer's application instructions. 

Note: This product may only be glued down underneath cabinets and at flush mount stairnosing. 

Tools: Tape Measure, Utility Knife, Saw (masonary blades are recommended), Guillotine style flooring cutter, Tapping Block or RubberMallet, Pull Bar, .” Spacers, T-Square, Safety Glasses, Broom or Vacuum and, if necessary, tools for subfloor repair.  


Step 1: Begin installation working from left to right. Insert spacers at ends and edges where planks meet wall to maintain ¼” expansion space

Step 2: Lock short end of plank by inserting tongue into groove at an angle and drop in place.Continue to end of first row.

Step 3: Use leftover plank from first row as starter for second row. Minimum 8” stagger between plank end joints.

Step 4: Lock long edge of plank by inserting tongue into groove at an angle and drop in place. Slide plank toward end of previously installed plank until the tongue just touches the groove.

Step 5: Use hammer and tapping block to engage plank and ensure tight fit.

Step 6: Attach a scrap piece to align planks and bridge gaps between planks.

Step 7: Tap end of planks with hammer and tapping block to engage ends

Step 8: Use hammer and pull bar to engage final piece, insert spacers and continue to next row.

Step 9:
Use hammer and pull bar to lock planks on final row.

Installation under door jambs: Step 1: Undercut door jamb to allow plank to slide freely. Use a tapping block to lock planks. Step 2: Use hammer and pull barto lock short end of plank.

Alternative Installation Technique

1. Gather your tools
2. Make sure your space is: clean, flat, dry and structurally sound.
3. Measure your space
4. Choose your starting wall
5. Place tongue side in the starting corner (work from left to right).
6. Use several spacers to maintain 1/4"expansion gap along the walls.
7. Lock the short ends together tocomplete your first row. Cut the planks asneeded to fit the space.
8. Start your second row. With a cut-off that is more than 8" long or startwith a new plank.
9. Connect the length side at a slight angle, engage the long side and rotate down.
10. Continue installing the row 
11. Repeat steps to finish the room
12. Enjoy your new floor!

 1. Before you start with the installation, it is important to determine the layout of the flooring. Proper planning and layout willprevent having narrow plank widths at wall junctures or very short length pieces at the end of rows.

2. Determine if the starter row will need to be cut. If the first row of planks does not need to be trimmed in width, it will benecessary to cut off the unsupported tongue so that a clean, solid edge shows towards the wall.

3. Installation of the product must start from the left side of the room, working to the right when working in front of the planks orfacing the starting wall.

4. Install the second plank in the row by angling the end tongue into the end groove of the first plank. Be careful not to bend thecorner of the plank. Maintain an expansion gap of approximately .’’ (6.35mm) from the wall. Start the second row by cutting aplank to the desired length. Keep in mind that the plank must not be shorter than 6" (15cm) to achieve the best appearance.

5. Install the first plank in the second row by inserting the long side tongue into the groove of the plank in the first row. This is bestdone with a low angle of the plank. Maintain pressure into the side seam as you rotate the plank to the subfloor. Install thesecond plank in the second row by inserting the short end tongue into the previously installed plank groove. Once the short endis engaged, the long side will need to be lifted slightly and worked into the locked position by push/pulling the long joint of theplanks together, then rotating towards the floor to fully seat. A tapping block may be used to ensure the joint is fully seated. 

6. Work across the length of the room installing planks along the wall in the first row and then aligning the planks in the second row. It is critical to keep these two rows straight and square, as they are the “foundation” for the rest of the installation. Check squareness and straightness often.

7. Cut the last plank in the first row and leave an expansion gap of around .’’ (6.35mm). The leftover of this plank may be used tostart the third row if it’s a minimum 8" (20.32 cm) long.

8. Continue installing planks and make sure to achieve a random appearance with end pieces of minimum 8" (20.32 cm). Checkthat all planks are fully engaged; if a slight gapping is found, the gap can be tapped together by using a tapping block and ascrap of flooring to cover the tapping block in order to avoid damages on the planks.

9. When fitting under door casings, etc., the flexibility of the locking system becomes evident. If necessary, a flat pull bar may beused to assist in locking the planks.

10. When fitting around obstacles or into irregular spaces, planks can be cut utilizing a jig saw or rotary cutting tool. It is oftenbeneficial to make a cardboard template of the area and transfer this pattern to the plank.


  • Protect all exposed edges of the flooring by installing wall molding and/or transition strips.
  • For wet areas such as bathrooms caulk the perimeter of the floor with a flexible silicone caulk.
    Protect the finished flooring from exposure to direct sunlight to reduce fading and thermal expansion.
  • Adhering tape to the surface of your resilient flooring could damage the surface. Do not use tape to secure floor protection directly to the floor during construction or renovation. Instead, adhere tape to thematerial used to protect the floor and secure it to the base molding along the wall.  A material such as ram board can also beused to protect your flooring.

For reference purposes only if printed or downloaded.

Revision: 05012023



Shaw Industries, Inc. (“the Company”) warrants its flooring products under this Limited Residential Warranty when used in the proper fit for use indoor residential applications. The warranty belongs to you, the original owner oduppied end-use purchaser, and begins when you purchase the resilient and extends for the limited warranty period stated on the product specification. The basis of any warranty related claim is the original “Company” invoice or authorized “Company” dealer. The flooring must be installed in accordance with the Company’s installation guidelines and specifications. The product must be maintained in accordance with the Company’s maintenance recommendations and such maintenance continues throughout the duration of the original installation. Damage resulting from a failure to follow installation and cleaning/maintenance guidelines will not be covered under this warranty. Installation guidelines, specifications, and product care recommendations can be obtained from your dealer.
For additional information, please see the bottom of this page.


Manufacturing Defects
The Company warrants that the flooring product will be free from manufacturing defects during the period of this warranty. Manufacturing defects include but are not limited to delamination, core voids, thickness variation, and dimensional stability defects. Dimensional stability related defects are defined as dimensional changes in the width and/or length of the product greater than the tolerances as defined in ASTM F2199. Dimensional variation is defined as thickness, length, width and squareness measurements that exceed ASTM tolerances.

The Company warrants the resilient floor product will not wear through to the pattern/decor layer under normal use during the period of this warranty. Normal use is defined as light to moderate foot traffic.

Waterproof Warranty
This warranty covers topical moisture as long as the water does not flow over the edge of the surface (edge of the room, cut boards, etc.). Shaw warrants that for the lifetime of stated warranty period from the date of original purchase, your Shaw product will not swell, cup or crack due to:

  • Normal cleaning practices (see care and maintenance document for additional information)
  • Moisture due to everyday household spills (see care and maintenance document for additional information)
  • Normal moisture levels from subfloor when exposed to such conditions (see installation instructions document for additional information)

While moisture will not affect the product’s integrity, it is possible that, when excessive moisture accumulates in buildings, subfloors, or on building materials, mold (and/or) mildew growth can occur - particularly if the moisture problem remains undiscovered or unaddressed. In addition, such excessive moisture levels can cause the ends and/or sides of the product to lift/flare due to the vapor pressure from underneath. Such damage from excessive moisture levels (as outlined in the installation instructions document) are not covered by this warranty. All sources of subfloor moisture should be remedied prior to installation.

Petproof Warranty
The Company warrants that your luxury vinyl floor will resist staining caused by pet (domestic cat or dog) stains, including urine, feces, and vomit. Stain resistance means the ability of your floor to resist (i.e., minimize or withstand) permanent stains for as long as you own your floor. Cleaning of the affected area should begin immediately upon discovery. The more time that elapses before removal, the more difficult a stain will be to remove.

The Limited Petproof Warranty DOES NOT COVER: Any urine, feces, or vomit stains other than pet.

Scratch Warranty
Our Scratch Technology will extend the life and beauty of the flooring surface by offering superior resistance to scratches that occur through normal, day-to-day residential use and cleaning. For the purpose of this warranty, a “scratch” is defined as “a permanent (not removable by cleaning) break or score in the flooring’s surface caused by a sharp or pointed object”. To be covered by this warranty, the scratch must be evident in size and visible from a standing position in normal lighting. This warranty is limited to the cost of replacing the damaged planks/tiles only - not the entire floor.

No flooring surface is “scratch-proof” - heavy and sharp objects can and will severely damage any floor if the right precautions aren’t taken. As such, this warranty does not cover: damage incurred due to abuse/negligence, abnormal environmental conditions or use contrary to care instructions.

Examples of damage not covered by this warranty would include damage from the following:

  • Gouging from sharp objects such as, but not limited to, knives or scissors
  • Broken caster wheels with sharp edges that result in gouging
  • Broken furniture, table or chair feet with sharp edges that result in gouging image Severe impact from heavy falling objects
  • Sharp debris tracked in on shoes from the outside, such as, but not limited to, rocks, that result in gouging
  • Shaw products are not warranted against squeaking, popping or crackling. Some squeaking, popping, or crackling is possible when installed using floated methods.

Below are recommended precautions that are commonly and effectively taken to greatly reduce the possibility of incurring scratches/gouges to flooring:

  • Always utilize protective coverings/pads on the feet of furniture, chairs and tables
  • Chairs/furniture with casters should be fitted with soft rubber wheels, an adequate protective mat or protective caster cups placed under the furniture
  • Walk off mats at every outside entrance should be utilized to limit the floors exposure to abrasive debris.

For jobsite and floor preparation conditions, see product specific installation guidelines. Any moisture related testing (i.e. relative humidity, pH, and calcium chloride) is the responsibility of the installer.

The following are not covered by this warranty:

Damage caused by any of the following: image Fire, burns

  • Flooding
  • Subfloor moisture emissions image Alkali emissions
  • Vacuum cleaner beater bar
  • Intentional or accidental abuse
  • Castor chairs/rolling loads – use chair pads under castor desk/rolling chairs image Moving heavy appliances
  • Cuts or gouges from sharp objects

Surface scratches unless covered by a scratch warranty

Residual indentations or gouges resulting from heavy static loads, heeled shoes, spiked shoes, metal cleats or skates. Use floor protectors under stationary furniture legs/feet to distribute weight loads

Changes in color or appearance resulting from, but not limited to, sunlight exposure or heat exposure

Changes in shade, texture, or gloss over time

Outdoor applications

Minor shading, color, or texture difference between the store samples or marketing photography and delivered product

Performance failures resulting from failure to follow the appropriate Shaw installation instructions

Damage resulting from failure to follow Shaw care and maintenance guidelines including, but not limited to, use of non-approved cleaning agents or abrasive scouring pads

Stains resulting from, but not limited to, spills, mold, chemically reactive materials, adhesives

Losses due to inconvenience, loss of time, incidental expenses, or consequential damages

This warranty excludes all casualty events normally covered by homeowners insurance including, but not limited to, damages caused by fire, flooding, or standing water from leaking plumbing, faucets, or household appliances.

Shaw products are not warranted against squeaking, popping or crackling. Some squeaking, popping, or crackling is possible when installed using floated methods.

You, the original purchaser, will contact your authorized Company Dealer and/or Sales Representative for warranty or claim service. Please provide a valid proof of purchase and a detailed description of the issue, along with photographs showing the concern. Samples should be submitted for testing when available.

Dealers/Shaw Sales Representatives will file a claim via and submit the information you provided. A Shaw claims representative will thoroughly evaluate your claim. Claims contact information: Shaw Industries Financial Services, PO Box 2128, Dalton, GA 30722 - 1-800-446-9332 option 2.

Replacement resilient will come from current running-line products comparable to the warranted product.

Within Two Years: Claims on defects of this product as covered by this warranty that are reported in writing within two year of purchase, Shaw will arrange a credit based on the original purchase of the product or replace the product. If professionally installed, reasonable labor costs are included.

After Year Two: Claims on defects of this product, as covered by this warranty, that are reported in writing after two years of purchase and within the specified warranty coverage term, Shaw will arrange a credit based on the original purchase of the product or replace the product. Labor costs are not included.

Should a defect covered under this warranty be found, the affected area will be repaired to conform to the warranty. If repair is not practical, the Company may, at its sole option, replace the affected resilient or refund the proportional purchase price for the affected area. The Company will pay the reasonable costs for freight and labor. Any additional costs incurred will be at the consumer’s expense.

NOTE: The warranty is not transferable. It extends only to the original owner occupied end-use purchaser. Shaw Industries Inc. does not grant to any person or entity the authority to create for it any obligation or liability in connection with this product. Shaw Industries Inc. shall not be liable to the consumer or any other person or entity for any incidental, special or consequential damages, arising out of breach of this limited warranty or any implied limited warranty (excluding merchantability).

All implied warranties, including an implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are hereby limited to the duration of this limited warranty. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or the limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to the purchaser. This warranty gives the purchaser specific legal rights, such rights may vary from State to State.



Mineral Core flooring is designed to stand up to the toughest household conditions. However, to keep it looking its best, follow these simple instructions for protection and care.

A Care Program Consists of Key Areas:
1. Post-Construction Maintenance
2. Preventative Maintenance
3. Routine Maintenance
4. Spot and Spill Removal.

For New Construction or Renovation: Construction dust and joint compound can be deposited on the flooring. If it is not completely removed and then wet mopped, it will create a haze on the surface of the flooring.


  • Dry mop floor using a microfiber mop pad or appropriate floor vacuum to remove dust particulate from the floor.
  • Spray neutral pH cleaner, such as Shaw TOTALCARE® Hard Surface Cleaner or equivalent neutral pH floor cleaner, onto the floor in manageable areas (spray mist will dry quickly). Use a microfiber wet mop pad to mop the floor with cleaner. If pad becomes dirty, be sure to replace the pad with a new microfiber wet mop pad. Mop floor in sections.
  • Always rinse the floor with water only by mopping with water to remove any remaining residue from the floor.

In the event where dry wall dust/construction dust is mopped with water only, a residue film will appear on the floor after drying. Use the process below to remove the film from the floor.


  1. Dry mop floor to remove any construction dust or exterior soil tracked onto the flooring. Use microfiber dry mop pad. If microfiber dry mop pad gets dirty, replace pad with a clean pad.
  2. Spray neutral pH cleaner, such as Shaw TOTALCARE® Hard Surface Cleaner or equivalent neutral pH floor cleaner onto the floor in manageable areas (spray mist will dry quickly). Clean floor in sections. For smooth surface, use a low rpm (175 rpm) buffer with a 3M red pad on flooring with neutral pH cleaner applied to the floor to remove the residue film. (Never Dry Buff). For embossed or textured flooring, use a cylindrical brush scrubber, such as the Clark MA10 12E Scrubber and a neutral pH floor cleaner applied to the floor to remove the residue film.
  3. Using a wet microfiber mop pad, rinse with water only to remove any remaining residue from the flooring. When wet mop pad becomes dirty, be sure to replace the pad with a new microfiber wet mop pad.
  4. Repeat steps #2 and #3, if necessary.
    When the mineral core flooring is cleaned properly, the floor will have the same visual as right out of the box!


  • Always protect floors when moving heavy objects to prevent permanent scratches and tears.
  • Adhering tape to the surface of your resilient flooring could damage the surface.
  • Do not use tape to secure floor protection directly to the floor during construction or renovation. Instead, adhere tape to the material used to protect the floor and secure it to the base molding along the wall. A material such as ram board can also be used to protect your flooring.
  • Use appropriate wide floor protectors under tables, chairs and any other heavy home furnishing, in addition to chair pads under caster chairs to avoid permanent damage.
  • Place chair pads underneath rolling chairs to prevent damage to the mineral core flooring.
  • Walk-off mats should be used at all entrances to absorb soil and moisture. If mats are placed directly on top of the floors, use mats without latex or rubber backings to avoid possible discoloration.
  • Avoid direct sunlight on mineral core flooring as it can cause fading and expansion of the planks. Use window protection
  • Surface temperature should not exceed 100F (38C) from sunlight, bed bug treatment, etc, and temperatures should not fall below 55F (13C).
  • Exposing mineral core products to temperatures outside the recommended range could cause expansion of flooring planks.
  • Products containing bleach are not recommended.
  • Walk-off mats should be used at all entrances to absorb soil and moisture. If mats are placed directly on top of the resilient floors, use mats without latex or rubber backings to avoid possible discoloration.


  • Use a damp cloth to blot up spills as soon as they happen. Never allow liquids to stand on your floor.
  • Use 70% isopropyl alcohol to clean tough spots such as oil, paint, markers, lipstick, ink, or tar. Let alcohol dwell for 1-2 minutes and then agitate with red scotchbrite pad. Wipe the area with a damp cloth to remove any remaining residue.
  • Regularly sweep, dust, or vacuum the floor with the hard floor attachment (not the beater bar) to prevent accumulation of dirt and grit that can scratch or dull the floor finish.
  • Periodically clean the floor with cleaning products made specifically for hard surface floor care (neutral pH floor cleaners) such as Shaw’s TOTALCARE® Hard Surface Cleaner.
  • Avoid using mop and shine products on your resilient flooring. Products containing bleach are not recommended.
  • Some disinfectants contain chemicals that can stain, discolor and cause general harm to your flooring product. Quaternary Ammonium Salts are among those that have been found to be harmful to your flooring when used over time. Take care to choose pH neutral products only.
  • Do not use steel wool, abrasive / oil soap cleaners, or strong ammoniated or chlorinated type cleaners.
  • Do not use any type of buffing or polishing machine.
  • For spots such as candle wax or chewing gum, use isopropyl alcohol 70% and let dwell for 1-2 minutes. Gently scrape with a plastic scraper, such as a credit card. Be careful not to scratch the flooring. Rinse with water using a damp cloth to remove residue.
  • A more frequent dust-mopping or vacuuming schedule may be required in very sandy areas such as a beach home. Steam mops are approved for use with your mineral core flooring.


  • Our flooring products are engineered to resist and minimize common staining.
  • Absorb wet spills as quickly as possible by blotting with paper or cloth towels. Rinse with water if necessary and blot dry.
  • Dried spots should be removed by gentle agitation and rinsed with water. Blot dry.
  • Use Shaw TOTALCARE® Hard Surface Cleaner cleaning products or products formulated for vinyl floor cleaning. Do not use detergents or abrasive cleaners since these products can leave a dull residue.
  • Use rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) with a clean white cloth for spots requiring a solvent type cleaner that water and cleaning agents cannot remove.

Please note that some stain conditions may become permanent.

Safety Caution: The surfaces of mineral core floors change during wet cleaning and finish applications. Use appropriate safety measures.


  • Entry mats will help collect the dirt, sand, grit, and other substances such as oil, asphalt, or driveway sealer that might otherwise be tracked onto your floor.
  • To prevent slippage of area rugs, use an approved vinyl rug underlayment.
  • Use floor protectors and wide, load-bearing leg bases / rollers to minimize the chance of indentations and scratches from heavy objects. As a rule, the heavier the object, the wider the floor protector.
  • Adhering tape to the surface of your resilient flooring could damage the surface.
  • Do not use tape to secure floor protection directly to the floor during construction or renovation. Instead, adhere tape to the material used to protect the floor and secure it to the base molding along the wall. A material such as ram board can also be used to protect your flooring.

About this Scratchless Vinyl Floor

COREtec Plus Scratchless

Roble Norwood, Offering homeowners a premium alternative to traditional LVT or laminate flooring, the innovative and patented core structure of COREtec luxury vinyl plank flooring sets it apart from other brands. The exclusive extra-thick core is crafted from a unique blend of  materials, delivering unmatched durability and performance. On its surface, the beautiful wood planks offer a maintenance-free wear layer, luxury embossing, and detailed beveling for a natural looking, real wood visual. 

Whether you're upgrading your home or renovating spaces, COREtec WPC flooring delivers a stylish, durable, and practical solution that outshines other flooring options. 

Learn more about COREtec Plus on


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