La construcción del núcleo LifeSeal elimina las bolsas de aire, lo que da como resultado una mayor dureza del producto y protección contra la humedad. LifeSeal es 100% resistente al agua, apto para niños, mascotas y luz solar.
5 mm x 5,9 x 48" - Capa de desgaste de 12 mil
Vinilo de lujo diseñado
Estilo de borde
Bordes y extremos micro biselados.
Método de instalación
Haga clic en Bloquear
35 años
Accesorios a juego
Visualizador de habitaciones
Información de garantía
Instrucciones deinstalación
Dimensions: 5mm x 5.9 x 48" - 12 mil Wear Layer Construction: Rigid Core Plank Design: Engineered Luxury Vinyl Coverage: 23.64/SQ.FT Edge Style: Micro Beveled Edges And Ends Finish:Urethane Install Method: Click Lock Warranty: 35 Years Residential
THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING AHF PRODUCTS FLOORING If properly installed and cared for your new flooring will be easy to maintain and and will look great for years to come. If you have questions or comments, please visit us at or 1 866-243-2726. These directions are based on industry standards and best practices. Failure to follow these installation instructions may result in damage to the flooring and void the floor’s warranty. • For complete warranty information call 1-866-243-2726 or go to • For technical or installation questions, or to request a Safety Data Sheet, please call 1-866-243-2726 or visit our technical website. • For general questions or comments, please visit us at or call 1-866-243-2726. WARNING: REGARDING EXISTING IN-PLACE RESILIENT FLOOR COVERING AND ASPHALTIC ADHESIVES. DO NOT SAND, DRY SWEEP, DRY SCRAPE, DRILL, SAW, BEADBLAST OR MECHANICALLY CHIP OR PULVERIZE EXISTING RESILIENT FLOORING, BACKING, LINING FELT, ASPHALTIC “CUTBACK” ADHESIVE OR OTHER ADHESIVE. These existing in-place products may contain asbestos fibers and/or crystalline silica. Avoid creating dust. Inhalation of such dust is a cancer and respiratory tract hazard. Smoking by individuals exposed to asbestos fibers greatly increases the risk of serious bodily harm. Unless positively certain that the existing in-place product is a non-asbestos-containing material, you must presume it contains asbestos. Regulations may require that the material be tested to determine asbestos content and may govern removal and disposal of material. Visit to see the current edition of the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) publication Recommended Work Practices for Removal of Resilient Floor Coverings for instructions on removing all resilient floor covering structures or contact your retailer. AHF floor coverings and adhesives do NOT contain asbestos.
Installation: Location: All grade levels Tools: Tapping block, pull bar, rubber mallet, utility knife, saw (optional), multi floor cutter, spacers, Bruce® TuffLink™ adhesive (optional), 6 mil poly film moisture barrier for concrete subfloors (floating installations only)
General Information: Owner/Installer Responsibility • The owner/installer has final inspection responsibility as to grade, manufacture and factory finish. Inspection of all flooring should be done prior to installation. The flooring should also be carefully examined for color, finish and quality before installing it. • The installer must use reasonable selectivity and not use or cut off pieces with deficiencies, whatever the cause. Should an individual piece be doubtful as to grade, manufacture or factory finish, the installer should not use that piece. If material is not acceptable, do not install it and contact the seller immediately. • Prior to installation of any flooring product, the owner/installer must determine that the job-site environment and the sub-surfaces involved meet or exceed all applicable standards. Recommendations of the construction and materials industries, as well as local codes, should be followed. These instructions recommend that the construction and subfloor be clean, dry, stiff, structurally sound and flat. The manufacturer declines any responsibility for job failure resulting from, or associated with, subfloor and substrates or job-site environmental deficiencies. • The locking installation system allows the planks to be installed without using adhesive. It is a floating floor installation. The planks should be installed 1/4˝ away from all vertical objects such as walls, cabinets, pipes, etc. Adhesives: If a full spread glue down installation is desired with the Rigid Core flooring, use Bruce® TuffLink adhesive with the recommended trowel found on the pail. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the adhesive application. When installed in bathrooms, the expansion gap should be filled and sealed with a good quality 100% silicone caulk. The gap can then be covered with molding or wall base. Base cabinets should not be installed on top of the planks. Keys to Successful Locking Installation: • Most installations will need approximately a 10% cutting allowance added to the square footage of the room. • Proper conditioning of the job site is necessary. Flooring planks should not be exposed to sudden changes in temperature. • Store, transport and handle the flooring planks in a manner to prevent any distortions. Distortions will not disappear over time. Store cartons flat, never on edge. Ensure that the flooring planks are lying flat during installation. • Installations of carpet, metal strips and other transition moldings should not pinch the flooring against the subfloor, and should allow for some slight movement wherever practical. • Protect the floor from heavy-rolling loads, other trades, and movement of appliances by using sheets of plywood or similar. Suitable Substrates All substrates listed below must be properly prepared and meet certain requirements. There may be other exceptions and special conditions (as noted below) for these substrates to be suitable for the locking installation system. SUITABLE SUBSTRATES INCLUDE: • Concrete – dry and smooth on all grade levels • A 6 mil poly film moisture barrier is must be used over concrete subfloors. Failure to use a moisture barrier could affect the integrity of the installation or your warranty. • Suspended wood subfloors with approved wood underlayments – must have minimum of 18˝ wellventilated crawl space underneath • Suspended hardwood flooring that is fully adhered, smooth and square edge without texture • Rigid Core flooring should be installed perpendicular to the direction of the existing wood floor • Single-layer, fully-adhered, existing resilient floors – must not be foam-backed or cushionbacked • Ceramic tile, Terrazzo, Marble • Polymeric Poured (seamless) Floors • OSB-3/4˝ • Particleboard 40lb. density or waferboard DO NOT INSTALL OVER: • Existing resilient tile floors that are below grade • Existing cushion-backed vinyl flooring • Carpet • Hardwood flooring installed directly over concrete • In rooms with sloping floors or floor drains • Existing floating floors Job Conditions/Preparations: • Resilient flooring should only be installed in temperature-controlled environments. It is necessary to maintain a constant temperature before, during and after the installation. Therefore, the permanent or temporary HVAC system must be in operation before the installation of resilient flooring. Portable heaters are not recommended as they may not heat the room and subfloor sufficiently. Kerosene heaters should never be used. • All substrates must be structurally sound, dry, clean, flat, and smooth with minimal deflection. Substrates must be free from excessive moisture or alkali. Remove dirt, paint, varnish, wax, oils, solvents and other foreign matter, and contaminates. • Subfloors must be flat within 3/16˝ in 10´ or 1/8˝ in 6´ • For concrete substrates moisture testing should be conducted and moisture vapor emissions should not exceed 5lbs. per 1,000 ft2 (calcium chloride) and/or relative humidity exceeding 95% (in-situ probe) • High spots on the substrate should be leveled and low areas filled with appropriate underlayments. • Do not use products containing petroleum, solvents or citrus oils to prepare substrates as they can cause staining and expansion of the new flooring. • For renovation or remodel work, remove any existing adhesive residue so that 100% of the overall area of the original substrate is exposed. • Ceramic tile floors, ceramic and marble grout joints, and irregularities in concrete should be filled and leveled using a cementitious patch to fill and smooth any embossing in the old floor. • The area to receive resilient flooring materials and adhesives should be maintained between 65°F (18°C) and 85°F (29°C) for 48 hours before installation, during installation, and 48 hours after completion. Maintain temperatures between 0°F (-18°C) and 200°F (93°C) thereafter. • Radiant heated substrates must not exceed a maximum surface temperature of 85°F (29°C). • The subfloor panels must have a smooth, sanded face and show no swelling of edges or surface due to exposure to weather conditions or construction traffic.“ • There are numerous products available for use as floor fills, patches, self-leveling underlayments, and trowelable underlayments. They include proprietary blends of compounds such as portland cement, calcium aluminates, and gypsum-based products. These are recommended by their manufacturers for smoothing rough or uneven subfloors, enhancing acoustical and fire characteristics of structures or as substrates to receive floor covering for otherwise unsuitable subfloor conditions. If the subfloor surface appears to be dusty then apply a primer to the surface.
Safety and Clean Up: Wet adhesive should be cleaned up immediately with soap and water on a clean cloth. Dried adhesive may require the use of a solvent-based adhesive cleaner.
Installation Preparation: Remove baseboard, quarter-round moldings, wall base, appliances and furniture from room. For best results, door trim should be under-cut to allow flooring to move freely without being pinched. After preparation work, sweep and vacuum the entire work area to remove all dust and debris. Whenever possible, plan the layout so that the joints in the planks do not fall on top of joints or seams in the existing substrate. The end joints of the planks should be staggered a minimum of 6˝ apart. Do not install over expansion joints. Avoid installing pieces shorter than 8˝ (20.32 cm). Determine which direction the plank will run. Find the center of each of the end walls (the walls perpendicular to the long dimension of the planks and place a pencil mark on the floor. Connect these points by striking a chalk line down the center of the room. Do a dry layout of planks from the center line to the wall running parallel to the long direction of the planks to determine the width of the last row of planks
Avoid having border pieces less than half the width of the planks. If you find the border planks will be less than 1/2 the width of the plank, the center starting line should be shifted a distance equal to 1/2 the plank width. This will “balance” the room and provide for a larger cut piece at the wall. Installation: NOTE: The subfloor must be thoroughly free from dust and debris. If the subfloor is dusty this may affect the product performance. NOTE: Stagger end joints by 6˝. Cut pieces at the ends of rows should be 8˝ long or longer. Position the first plank so that groove edge is facing you. Install the product from left to right in the room. See Figure 2 for position of initial plank in the room. Occasionally, it may be necessary to install backwards. This may be done by sliding the grooves under the tongues and working them right to left, but this is more difficult.
Install First Row 1. Inspect each piece prior to installation for damaged planks. 2. To minimize pattern repeats, always pull from at least 3 cartons while installing. 3. Lay first row of boards with tongue side facing the wall. 4. If the starting wall is crooked, trace the contour of the wall on the first row of planks and trim as needed. 5. Use spacers along all sides that butt up against walls to maintain 1/4˝ (6.35 mm) expansion zone. 6. Lay pieces from left to right. Lock the end joints by aligning the end tongue with the end groove of the previous board then tapping the joints together with a soft rubber mallet. 7. When measuring the last piece in the row, subtract 1/4˝ (6.35 mm) from the end of the board to maintain expansion zone. 8. Cut decorative side up if using a hand saw or decorative side down if using a power saw to minimize chipping. A utility knife may also be used. 9. If the cut-off piece from the first row is 8˝ (20.32 mm) or longer, use it to start the second row. If it is less than 8˝ (20.32 mm), cut a full board in half and use that.
Install Remaining Rows 1. Continue laying planks, one row at a time and staggering the end joints. 2. Install the long edge of the first board in the second row at an angle to the board in the first row. Press flat to subfloor to lock into place. A scrap piece of material can be used as a tapping block to ensure the long edge is properly engaged. 3. Angle the long edge of the next board in the second row to lock into the first row while positioning the short end of the board over the groove from the previous board. Lock and fold, then tap into place using a rubber mallet. (fig. 6). 4. Follow the order described above to continue laying the boards in the second and additional rows. 5. Use of a rubber mallet maybe necessary to tighten joints. Continue installing planks.Maintain a random appearance by offsetting the end joints by at least 6˝. Always be certain that the planks are fully engaged. If slight gapping is noticed, place a cut piece of flooring (bridge piece) in the side groove that spans the ends of two adjacent planks within a row. Then tap the side of the plank with a tapping block. When fitting in areas such as door casings it may be necessary to use a flat pull bar to engage the lock. Continue installing the remaining rows in similar fashion. For planks, maintain the 6˝ minimum staggered end joints between rows and maintain the 1/4˝ gap at perimeter and vertical objects. If planks need to be disengaged it is crucial to slide them apart in order to maintain the integrity of the lock. If this is not done properly the lock can break.
Optional - Glue Down Procedure:
If a full spread glue, down installation is desired, use Bruce® TuffLink™ adhesive. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for adhesive application.
Apply a sufficient amount of Bruce® TuffLink™ adhesive using the recommended trowel at the starting wall in an area that can be covered within the working time of the adhesive. Be sure not to spread adhesive too far ahead of your work area. Begin laying planks in the adhesive after the recommended open time of the adhesive and install row by row using the same locking installation described above including the cut pieces at the perimeter until half of the installation is complete. Stagger the end joints by at least 6˝ (15.2 cm).
Continue applying adhesive in the same fashion being careful not to spread too far beyond the working area. Allow the adhesive to dry-to-touch and complete the installation of planks in similar fashion. After the planks are installed, immediately roll the entire floor with a 100 lb. roller. Use a hand roller in confined areas where the large floor roller will not reach, such as under toe kicks. The planks may be walked on immediately; however, the floor should not be exposed to heavy rolling load traffic for 72 hours after the installation. Use pieces of hardboard or underlayment panels to protect the floor when moving heavy furniture and appliances back into the room.
Finishing the Job: Replace molding or wall base, allowing slight clearance between the molding and the planks. Nail the molding to the wall surface, not through the flooring. At doorways and at other areas where the flooring planks may meet other flooring surfaces, it is preferable to use a “T - molding , or similar, to cover the exposed edge but not pinch the planks. Leave a small gap between the planks and the adjoining surface.
Proactive Protection for Your Floor: • When moving appliances or heavy furniture it is always wise to lay a plywood panel, or similar, on your floor and “walk” the item across it. This protects your floor from scuffing, gouging and tears. • Use floor protectors under furniture to reduce indentation. As a general rule of thumb, the heavier the item, the wider the floor protector needed. • Place a walk-off mat at outside entrances to reduce the amount of dirt brought into your home. We strongly recommend mats without a latex or rubber backing since these backings can cause permanent discoloration.
Caring for Your Floor: • Sweep or vacuum regularly, to remove loose dirt which can scratch your floor. Note: We do not recommend vacuums that have a beater bar since it can visibly damage your flooring surface. Additionally, we do not recommend electric brooms with hard plastic bottoms with no padding as use may result in discoloration and deglossing. • Wipe up spills as soon as possible. Never use highly abrasive scrubbing tools on any resilient floor. • Wash your floor regularly with a vinyl floor cleaner such as Bruce Multi Surface Floor Cleaner. • Do NOT use detergents, abrasive cleaners, or “mop and shine” products. These products may leave a dull film on your floor. • Over time, if the shine on your floor begins to dull, apply a low gloss floor finish for resilient floors to restore the appearance of rigid core flooring. Do NOT use paste wax or solvent based polishes. • Vinyl flooring, like other types of smooth floors, can become slippery when wet. Allow time for floor to dry after washing. Immediately wipe up wet areas from spills, foreign substance, or wet feet.
Repair Procedure: For detailed repairs, please log on to AHF Products
AHF Products is a leader in the flooring industry with a family of strong brands serving the residential and commercial markets. With decades of experience in award-winning design, innovation, product development, manufacturing and service, we strive to improve the quality of people’s lives through great products and a deep commitment to outstanding customer service. Our mission is to create beauty that lasts for generations, and we want your flooring to be a part of that mission. Throughout this document, references to “we”, “us”, “our”, “AHF” or “AHF Products” mean AHF, LLC dba AHF Products. References to “you” or “your” mean the original retail purchaser/end user of the Rigid Core (SPC) or Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) flooring product. Your Rigid Core (SPC), LVT or VBT flooring product will be referenced as the “floor”, “flooring”, “product”, “products” or some combination thereof. This Warranty specifically excludes sheet flooring products. The term “Limited Warranty” is singular but encompasses any and all coverages provided for herein. AHF flooring can be and is used in residential and commercial settings. Within each section/paragraph of this Limited Warranty, it states whether the information in that section applies only to “Residential Installations,” only to “Commercial Installations” or to both “Residential & Commercial Installations”. WARRANTY OWNER RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INSTALLATIONS This Limited Warranty extends only to the original end-user. Our warranties are NOT TRANSFERABLE. WHAT IS COVERED BY THIS LIMITED WARRANTY? RESIDENTIAL INSTALLATIONS For residential installations, AHF warrants its regular (first quality) floor products, so long as the product is installed according to the installation instructions and the approved application listing, to be free from manufacturing defects as of the date of purchase and for the time period set forth below in the “Rigid Core/LVT & VBT Flooring Limited Warranty Periods” section of this document. Please see the “Rigid Core/LVT & VBT Flooring Limited Warranty Periods” section to review the Limited Warranty Period for your specific brand/product. The flooring product: • Will not contain manufacturing defects • Will not wear-through* • Will not stain from common household stains • Will not rip or tear from normal household use • Will not permanently indent from normal household use** • Will not bottom-up discolor from underlayment panels (including lauan), or from alkali, mold or mildew growth • The edges of the flooring will not curl or cup Multi-residential and/or apartment complex installations by builders, contractors, or anyone other than the consumer are specifically excluded from Residential Warranty coverage and are considered light commercial under the Commercial Warranty. * “Wear-through” is defined as wear and tear of the wear layer resulting in damage of the printed image due to normal household use. ** We recommend using floor protectors. As a general rule, the heavier the item, the wider the floor protectors should be. COMMERCIAL INSTALLATIONS For commercial installations, AHF Products warrants its regular (first quality) floor products, so long as the product is installed according to the installation instructions and the approved application listing, to be free from manufacturing defects as of the date of purchase and will not wear through the wear layer resulting in damage of the printed image for the time period set forth below in the “Rigid Core/LVT & VBT Flooring Limited Warranty Periods” section of this document. Please see the “Rigid Core/LVT & VBT Flooring Limited Warranty Periods” section to review the Limited Warranty Period for your specific brand/ product. What commercial applications are recommended for AHF products? Durability, ease of installation and care make many of our products great options for commercial applications. When choosing a floor, consider the space where it will be installed and select a wear layer and visual that will withstand to the expected level of foot traffic. Guidelines are included below. If you have questions about a specific application, please contact your AHF flooring representative prior to purchase or installation. Non-intended Applications • Anywhere commercial cleaning machines will be used. (Floating/Loose Lay applications) • Assisted-Living (Floating/Loose Lay applications). WHAT DOES 100% WATERPROOF MEAN? RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INSTALLATIONS When exposed to water, the flooring is waterproof and will not swell, buckle or lose integrity. If exposure to water occurs, the AHF Products is a leader in the flooring industry with a family of strong brands serving the residential and commercial markets. With decades of experience in award-winning design, innovation, product development, manufacturing and service, we strive to improve the quality of people’s lives through great products and a deep commitment to outstanding customer service. Our mission is to create beauty that lasts for generations, and we want your flooring to be a part of that mission. Throughout this document, references to “we”, “us”, “our”, “AHF” or “AHF Products” mean AHF, LLC dba AHF Products. References to “you” or “your” mean the original retail purchaser/end user of the Rigid Core (SPC) or Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) flooring product. Your Rigid Core (SPC), LVT or VBT flooring product will be referenced as the “floor”, “flooring”, “product”, “products” or some combination thereof. This Warranty specifically excludes sheet flooring products. The term “Limited Warranty” is singular but encompasses any and all coverages provided for herein. AHF flooring can be and is used in residential and commercial settings. Within each section/paragraph of this Limited Warranty, it states whether the information in that section applies only to “Residential Installations,” only to “Commercial Installations” or to both “Residential & Commercial Installations”. WARRANTY OWNER RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INSTALLATIONS This Limited Warranty extends only to the original end-user. Our warranties are NOT TRANSFERABLE. WHAT IS COVERED BY THIS LIMITED WARRANTY? RESIDENTIAL INSTALLATIONS For residential installations, AHF warrants its regular (first quality) floor products, so long as the product is installed according to the installation instructions and the approved application listing, to be free from manufacturing defects as of the date of purchase and for the time period set forth below in the “Rigid Core/LVT & VBT Flooring Limited Warranty Periods” section of this document. Please see the “Rigid Core/LVT & VBT Flooring Limited Warranty Periods” section to review the Limited Warranty Period for your specific brand/product. The flooring product: • Will not contain manufacturing defects • Will not wear-through* • Will not stain from common household stains • Will not rip or tear from normal household use • Will not permanently indent from normal household use** • Will not bottom-up discolor from underlayment panels (including lauan), or from alkali, mold or mildew growth • The edges of the flooring will not curl or cup Multi-residential and/or apartment complex installations by builders, contractors, or anyone other than the consumer are specifically excluded from Residential Warranty coverage and are considered light commercial under the Commercial Warranty. * “Wear-through” is defined as wear and tear of the wear layer resulting in damage of the printed image due to normal household use. ** We recommend using floor protectors. As a general rule, the heavier the item, the wider the floor protectors should be. COMMERCIAL INSTALLATIONS For commercial installations, AHF Products warrants its regular (first quality) floor products, so long as the product is installed according to the installation instructions and the approved application listing, to be free from manufacturing defects as of the date of purchase and will not wear through the wear layer resulting in damage of the printed image for the time period set forth below in the “Rigid Core/LVT & VBT Flooring Limited Warranty Periods” section of this document. Please see the “Rigid Core/LVT & VBT Flooring Limited Warranty Periods” section to review the Limited Warranty Period for your specific brand/ product. What commercial applications are recommended for AHF products? Durability, ease of installation and care make many of our products great options for commercial applications. When choosing a floor, consider the space where it will be installed and select a wear layer and visual that will withstand to the expected level of foot traffic. Guidelines are included below. If you have questions about a specific application, please contact your AHF flooring representative prior to purchase or installation. Non-intended Applications • Anywhere commercial cleaning machines will be used. (Floating/Loose Lay applications) • Assisted-Living (Floating/Loose Lay applications). WHAT DOES 100% WATERPROOF MEAN? RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INSTALLATIONS When exposed to water, the flooring is waterproof and will not swell, buckle or lose integrity. If exposure to water occurs, the quality, for either the repair of the defective area or the replacement of the floor, at AHF’s option. And, if your floor was professionally installed, AHF Products will also pay reasonable labor costs for the direct repairs or replacement. AHF will replace or repair a floor discolored from mold, mildew, or alkali one time. If the replacement or repair fails in the same manner a second time, AHF will determine the subfloor and/or environmental conditions – NOT the AHF flooring product – are causing the mold, mildew, or alkali; determine the area is not acceptable for the installation of vinyl tile or plank; and AHF will not repair or replace a second time. COMMERCIAL INSTALLATION Within One Year: If a defect covered by this Limited Warranty is reported to AHF in writing within one year of purchase, AHF will supply new material of the same or similar grade sufficient to repair or replace the defective material. AHF will also pay reasonable labor costs. Within Two Years: If a defect covered by this Limited Warranty is reported to AHF Products in writing after one year but within two years of purchase, AHF Products will supply new material of the same or similar grade sufficient to repair or replace the defective material. AHF Products will also pay fifty percent (50%) of the reasonable labor costs. After Two Years: If a defect covered by this Limited Warranty is reported to AHF in writing after two years but within the specified Limited Warranty Period for the applicable flooring product, AHF will supply new material of the same or similar grade sufficient to repair or replace the defective material. AHF Products will not pay labor costs. AHF Products will not pay labor costs to repair or replace material with defects that were apparent before or at the time of installation. AHF will replace or repair a floor discolored from mold, mildew, or alkali one time. If the replacement or repair fails in the same manner a second time, AHF will determine the subfloor and/or environmental conditions – NOT the AHF flooring product – are causing the mold, mildew, or alkali; determine the area is not acceptable for the installation of vinyl tile or plank; and AHF will not repair or replace a second time. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM? RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INSTALLATIONS We want you to be happy with your AHF floor. If you’re not, call your retail store. The retailer can answer your questions and, if necessary, start to process a claim. If you have further questions, please call us at 1-866-243-2726. CLAIMS PROCESS We work with distributors all over the country to make our products widely available. We sell our products to distributors and distributors sell our products to local retailers and contractors. Steps to Filing a Claim: 1. Return to your retailer with your original proof of purchase. a) If your floor was installed as part of a new home build, you may use your style selection sheet or your closing documents as your proof of purchase. If your retailer information is not included in these documents, contact your builder. b) If your retailer is out of business, please call 1-866-243-7276 so we may assist you in finding a new retailer. 2. The claim will be evaluated. a) Distribution Retailers: Your retailer will need to contact its distributor representative to get the claim filed. The retailer or distributor representative may inspect your flooring or request pictures or uninstalled samples showing the issue. b) Lowes, Home Depot, or Direct: Your retailer will need to call us directly to file the claim. At that time, your sales associate may request pictures or uninstalled samples. An inspection of the flooring in your home/facility may be required. 3. A claim determination is made. a) Distribution Retailers: We will send the evaluation of the claim to your retailer’s distributor, who will then share the results with your retailer. Your retailer should call you within 48 hours of receiving the determination to inform you of the decision. (i) If your claim is approved, please work with your retailer to order new material and schedule the reinstallation, if applicable. (ii) If your claim is not approved, you will receive a letter explaining why. You will also receive an inspection report if your home was inspected by a Technical Services Manager or a third-party inspector. b) Lowes, Home Depot, or Direct: The claim determination and any relevant inspection reports will be sent directly to your store. They should contact you within 48 hours to inform you of the decision. Appealing your Claim Determination: If you do not agree with your claim determination, please contact our Customer Advocates by calling 1-866-243-2726 and selecting the option for “Warranty”, or by emailing your concerns to We will go over any evaluation methods we have used in regards to your claim and determine if there is any additional evaluation needed. PLEASE KEEP YOUR RECEIPT OR OBTAIN IT FROM THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER. RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INSTALLATIONS AHF Products requires the receipt in order to verify date and proof of purchase to resolve any problems that may occur. CARE INSTRUCTIONS RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INSTALLATIONS To keep the lasting shine and fresh feel of your investment for as long as possible, we recommend that you: DO: • Wipe up spills as soon as possible. Never use highly abrasive scrubbing tools on any resilient floor. • Wash occasionally with a Resilient Floor Cleaner. For residential installations, we recommend Bruce® Multi-Surface cleaner. For commercial installations, use a commercial grade cleaner. DON’T: • Use detergents, abrasive cleaners or “mop and shine” products – they may leave a dull film on your floor. • Use paste wax or solvent-based polishes. • Use rolling casters as they can damage the floor. • Use a beater bar when vacuuming because it can visibly damage the floor surface. • Use highly abrasive scrubbing tools. PROACTIVE PROTECTION FOR YOUR FLOOR: • When moving appliances or heavy furniture, lay a plywood panel on your floor and “walk” the item across it; this will help protect your floor from scuffing and tears. • Use floor protectors on furniture to reduce indentation. As a general rule, the heavier the item, the wider the floor protector needed. • Place a walk-off mat at outside entrances to reduce the amount of dirt brought into your home. We do not recommend the use of rubber- or latex-backed mats (except where noted) because the chemical (antioxidant) they often contain can permanently stain your floor. We suggest an anti-staining vinyl-backed mat or a woven rug that is colorfast. IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALLATION: • When the installation is completed, please follow the installation instructions for maintaining temperatures thereafter. • Do not scrub or wash your floor for five (5) days.
FOR BEST RESULTS: • When moving appliances or heavy furniture, lay a plywood panel on your floor and “walk” the item across the panel. This process protects your floor from scuffing and tears. Never slide furniture or appliances directly over your floor. • Rolling casters may damage the floor. Therefore, we do not recommend them. If you choose to use rolling casters, the double wheel types are the best option. • Place a walk-off mat at outside entrances to reduce the amount of dirt brought into your home. We strongly recommend mats without a latex or rubber backing because these backings may cause permanent discoloration. • When using a vacuum cleaner, disengage the beater bar or use the “bare floor” setting to avoid damaging your floor. • Highly abrasive scrubbing tools should not be used as they can damage your floor. • Do not use detergents, abrasive cleaners or “mop and shine” products. These products may leave a dull film on your floor. • Paste wax or solvent-based polishes are not recommended. • Use floor protectors on furniture to reduce indentation. The heavier the item, the wider the floor protector needed. Immediately after installation • Maintain a minimum room temperature between 50°F (10°C) and 140°F (60°C) for 48 hours before, during and after installation is completed, then maintain temperatures between 50°F (10°C) and 140°F (60°C) thereafter. INITIAL FLOOR CARE: • Remove any dried adhesive residue with a clean white cloth dampened with low odor mineral spirits, carefully following warnings on container. (Glue down installation) • Sweep, dust mop or vacuum thoroughly to remove all loose dust, dirt, grit and debris. • Floors installed with adhesive should not be washed for the first five days after installation. Waiting to wash helps prevents excessive moisture from interfering with the adhesive bond and/or seam treatments. All other floors can be damp mopped immediately, using Resilient Floor Cleaner such as Bruce® MultiSurface Cleaner. DAILY FLOOR CARE: • Sweep, dust mop or vacuum thoroughly to remove all loose dust, dirt, grit and debris. Clean walk off mats frequently. • Wash your floor regularly with a Resilient Floor Cleaner concentrate or ready to use Resilient Floor Cleaner with trigger spray such as Bruce® Multi-Surface cleaner. • Vinyl flooring like other types of smooth floors may become slippery when wet. Allow time for the floor to dry after washing. • Immediately wipe up wet areas from spills, foreign substances, or wet feet. PERIODIC FLOOR CARE: • For heavy duty cleaning use a Deep Cleaning Floor Stripper as recommended on the bottle, to remove dirt and residues that may be ground into the floor. • If the shine on your floor begins to dull, use a Resilient Low Gloss Floor Finish for low gloss floors. And a Resilient High gloss Floor Finish for medium to high gloss floors. • Do not use Mop and shine products on your floor. A quality Acrylic polish will work best for your flooring.
About this SPC Vinyl Floor
Bruce LifeSeal
Culata Rigid Core flooring is becoming a favorite of homeowners. One of the chief benefits of rigid core vinyl plank flooring is that it has a completely waterproof core. So, unlike hardwood flooring, you can install it in areas prone to moisture like your laundry room. Rigid Core is also a great flooring option for bathrooms and kitchens. It’s available in a wide selection of colors with traditional hardwood, stone, or even distressed wood flooring looks.
Laura did a GREAT job helping with our order, color selection, costs, and ordering. Riverwoods delivered within 2 weeks of ordering (2700 ft) and the materials are better than expected. I saved thousands of dollars with price, free shipping, and tax and ended up with a better product! This is the second time ordering with Riverwoods. Thank you for the assistance.
Allen C.
Riverwoods Flooring was amazing to work with. They were courteous and informed when I called to order my Coretec Duxbury Oak vinyl plank flooring. It was delivered promptly and they had the best price on the internet. I would highly recommend.
Andrea M.
Amazing deal on the exact flooring we wanted, and delivered right to our door in a timely manner! Would recommend them to anyone considering new floors. Matter of fact, my BOL already placed an order for a new home he bought!